Why are houses too expensive when they're cheaper to make now?

the median price of a house in america is $213,146 according to zillow. in 1940, the median value was just $2,938. Adjusting for inflation that's still under $40,000 which is really close to the average 1-year salary.

Why would this make any sense? I can't imagine materials or tools being more expensive, technology only gets better. It's rising faster than inflation, wage growth, or anything else. There are empty houses all over the place but the average homebuyer's age is over 20 years higher than it was even in the 80s.

Who do we blame for this serious problem? Boomers? The jews?

Attached: 1qNte.jpg (1920x1080, 384K)

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Its not really the actual house you're paying for, its the actual property and space.

why is a square of grass so much more expensive today than in 1940?

because real estate jews

Supply and demand, dumbass.

All those filthy Asians coming over and buying all the good land and taking our jobs

Aren't there like 3d printed and fully modable capsule homes and tiny houses now? Not to mention trailer parks and RVs still exist.

go tell that to the chinese fucks buying houses and flipping them without ever stepping a foot in them. it's all a game

the supply of land has decreased, perhaps
but we can build vertically much more effectively today than in 1940. so what's the issue here?

not really, mexican immigration is a much bigger issue i think. they're far more numerous and they also take the easier jobs.

with their median IQ in the 90s they take the low-level jobs which don't create themselves like the higher paying jobs. this is especially bad for african americans and young men who are just entering the workforce.

besides the east coast, there are very few asians in america

a.) Everyone wants to live where everyone else lives.
b.) Once they have a house, people vote for zoning restrictions to try and prevent people from building more stuff near them - because if people built enough housing to meet demand, house prices would go down.

Read that last part again. Everyone who owns a house wants its value to go up, and in a lot of cases they'll be in serious financial jeopardy if its value goes down. Everyone who owns a house wants housing to be more expensive than it already is.

number of people increases over time
amount of available land doesnt increase, ever

too many people competing for limited amounts of land. add mass immigration to the mix and you get a terrible market with insane prices.

But aren't there already enough empty houses for everybody who doesn't own a home?

Mexicans own this land racist, go back to where you come from muhammad

No. Unless you're willing to live in a place where there aren't any jobs to be had, there's plenty of houses there.

>mexicans own this land
If you told a guy from where i live (not burgerstan) that a nigger from africa owns his land, he'd burst laughing and tell you to fuckoff to the closest asylum.

It's the same as the gf epidemic, some guys get multiple houses while we get none

No one cares about his European opinion though so him and you can fuck right off and prep your wife's bulls

Brought and paid off my house when it was $280k. It is worth $900k now.

Still no gf tho

good on you lad
women just try to divorce you and take all ur shit
just fuck hookers and teenagers from the internet

I'll trade you one of my gfs for a house, slightly used, blonde and 5'3 with brown hair

Then none should care about mexishits and there shouldn't be armies of literal retards angry about throwing out illegal immigrants and reinforcing border security.
The madness your shithole creates later infests my country, so fuck you.

how did you make so much money? what's the age range here and where do you live?

It keeps the niggers away.

ya basically blame boomers. environmental regulations and zoning shit are written to inflate prices of housing for boomers and banks. you cheer for it because you think you're making some indian happy. indians just pretend everything is sacred land to extort a share of profits from developers.
teacher's unions and everyone connected to them want high housing prices because that means more property taxes coming in to fund schools and pay teachers.
bank sit on houses to keep available stock limited, again to keep prices high.
a perfect storm makes it so that it is in these group's interests to keep housing prices high.
until workers and "foreign investors" can't buy anymore and bubble pops and economy collapse again.

People like to blame the jews, which as always play a role in this. But they are not the only perpetrators. Actually, not even the worst for once.
It's the Chinese. They buy houses and apartments en masse as an "investment" and leave them empty for years, only to re-sell them, or let their children live in them when they eventually study abroad.

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I literally said this here
And some eurocuck thought it was the fault of Mexicans

>It's the Chinese
if it's foreigners that's an entirely different issue. the fact that chinese people can buy up american homes is a result of the jewification of our society. would americans have allowed that to happen before the 1960s?

there are actually quite a number of empty houses held by foreigners that they dont rent and just have as security assets/to get their money out of their country
I think they started coming down on it in Toronto because their market is insanely crunched.

inflation and low interest rates

>slightly used, blonde and 5'3 with brown hair

Blonde or brown hair, which is it?

Can I bid too?

half n half. like an anime but 100% real

Here's the real answer OP. House are still handmade, most everything else you use is made in a factory. by the Chinese or Robots. The relative value of the house is much higher because of the production costs.
This is why trailers or RVs are 4-5 figures, and homes are 6 figures.

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thought people might like this article on the subject of foreign buyers.

local governments and certain home owners stop new development with regulations and laws

ask the property taxers