Started buying heavy amounts of alcohol on weekdays now

>started buying heavy amounts of alcohol on weekdays now

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does it make you happy?

yes, but before i start drinking i feel like such a degenerate

>feels good for an hour
>spend the rest of the day still consumed by anxiety and regret

be really really careful man. the alcoholic lifestyle fucking sucks. I did more damage to my life being a drunk than any other addiction I've had.

>tfw been having weird attacks lately
>tfw running through the house in the middle of one just to yell out the front window that you need alcohol because your mom was just getting in the car to go shopping

>his mom doest just restock the beer when theres non left
r u being a good boy?

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So what is it you want?

not that user but my mom usually obliges when i text her to get some ramen and alcohol for my anime binges

yeah i'm 15 years into that habit

bad path user
trust me

Stop drinking retard.

>tfw mom carries you to the store to buy liquor
deep down i wonder if she stopped complaining because she knows that without ways to deal id probably off myself

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Been drinking every single night for the past couple months. It just became a habit to have some (lots of) wine before bedtime. I should probably stop this.

No she just doesn't buy it without me asking because I pay for it

you have a job or neetbux?

More of gibs than neetbux

>tfw realising I can drink on an evening and still get through the next day at work

Oh no

I feel the same as in being an alcohol yet being able to be productive

Yeah I've been drinking a lot recently, every night. Still in that honeymoon phase where it's a lot of fun and as long as I don't go overboard and drink lots of water and eat food before bed it's not so bad. I know it's a bad path to go down but give me some help anons, give me some horror stories, I'm not quite ready to resign my existence to that of an alcoholic

This is how I got here , at first it was a beer a night, now it's a six pack or the same amount of alcohol in liquor

Regularly check the alcoholics general on /ck/, don't believe you wont end up like them because you almost definitely will and the only reason you wont is because you died first.