Unpopular opinion:

Sam Hyde is not funny and overrated
edgy boys like him because it's ironically funny

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there should be a general comedy board so people stop posting him here,
he really has nothing to do with Jow Forums other than being on the fringe.

I unironically think Tim and Eric is funnier than most MDE skits.

Generally true for anyone who only found out about him after 2015.

More like popular opinion considering how leftists love femdom, cuckolding, trannies and all the other wonderful things this board fantasizes about.

how to make it as an artist was fucking gold and you're a faggot if you don't agree

they don't like him because he's funny but because he has the right attitude you autistic fuck

The worst part is that his absurdist, post-irony humor act is construed as some work of art by his fans. It's literally the same shit as Eric Andre or Tim and Eric, but for some reason when Sam does it, it's art.
I don't even mind his stuff that much, some of it is good, but Jesus yes he's overrated and his fans suck his cock like no tomorrow. It says something about him too when his best stuff was with Nick and Charls.

He was really funny a few years ago because he was ahead of his time. Now his type of humor is ubiquitous and people are moving on, so it's cool to hate him. Then, eventually, enough time will pass that mde will become nostalgic and people will think he's cool again. It's a cycle as old as time.

He's a low inhib alpha who the high inhib losers who watch him can project themeselves onto, they probably look like this

Attached: sam hyde fan.jpg (240x240, 12K)

>people are moving on, so it's cool to hate him.
this. people who say they don't like him are probably just trying to be contrarian, he's an objectively hilarious person, whether you're laughing at him or with him

>he's not funny
That's just a fact, not an unpopular opinion.

your right he is not funny because doing ironically stupid humor is still doing stupid humor

He's not that funny, but he was ahead of his time with his social commentary.

I think less of people if they smoke weed

Same goes for most drugs

>leftists love trannies
I guess they have something in common with Sam, then

Sam is kinda like Alex Jones, if you take in the koolaid you will feel bretty isolated from the world, and... NOT THAT WE AREN'T ALREADY AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

It really was.


my mom is cool
my mom's so cool
my mom is cool, and my mom will treat you right

*ba nuh nuh nuh*

sam hyde stops being funny when you start giving a shit about his personal life

I don't think he's that funny on his own, but his actual skits are fucking hilarious, also its really gay that hes pretty much gotten banned on everything and got MDE killed off yt and Adult swim

He was occasionally funny but then he made himself a meme and he stopped having to actually be funny because people now find the concept of him funny. Also a lot of his stuff like World Peace suffers from him wanting to impress people with shitty dark tone shit instead of focusing on being funny. And of course he's a crybaby edgelord too but he was always that deep down.

Everyone who looks like this should be genocided. They are human scum.

I really couldn't give a fuck about any of his content besides his powsi video
nothing else stands up to that besides maybe the ted talk. but that was too cringy for me to enjoy, even if it was on purpose.

Bioshock 2 is better than Bioshock 1.
Deal with it.

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