Normies won't buy used cars, clothes, phones ect, but they see no problem in dating or even marrying women that have had sexual partners before them. What did they mean by this?
Normies won't buy used cars, clothes, phones ect...
indoctrination, they also think roasties look beautiful
there are a limited amount of sexually eligible partners
Are you insane? Normies buy used shit all the time.
Theres literally no choice for them. They need sex and women make the rules.
>here wear my used underwear, don't worry I washed it real good!
Is somehow 'more' gross than fucking some used whore or kissing her disgusting fuck face
Fucking cuck logic man. N principles, no dignity, that's modern society
I have seen normalfags buy used cars.
>tfw you only like used clothes and cars
>want a pure qt gf
Will such an existence ever happen?
Are you dense? Normalfags buy used anything nowadays. Plenty of normalfags go thrifting. Plenty of them buy used cars. Plenty of them buy used phones. Horrible analogy my guy.
>robots don't want to conform to society
>get mad when society doesn't like them
What did they mean by this?
I'm not bothered by the physical part of used goods. The psychological part though. Enough bad decisions and you can see it in her face, hear it in her voice. She's gone.
Literally nothing wrong with buying used cars
I know, but I know many normies that never buy used cars becuase they think they're "less reliable" they just lease a new car every year or 2. Or take out loans for new expensive cars.
Leasing is smarter than buying used.
This. Basic supply v demand. You can go to a car dealership and get a new car any time you want. You can go to the phone store and get a new phone and time you want.
Most guys, unless they're Chad, have limited numbers of romantic options.
the only things normies won't buy used are clothes and phones
>leasing is smarter than buying used.
Normies actually believe this. Do you think renting is cheaper than buying a house too?
Those same normies have had sexual partners before too. How is this a one way street unless you're a fucking incel?
the fact that you place a human being into the same pool as "clothing, phones, etc" is proof of how mentally unwell you are.
>women are equal to men
>le incels
Nice feminist rhetoric, cuck. But there are master keys and shitty locks
>Normies won't buy used clothes
What are vintage sales?
Maybe just hipster normies, what I've seen most normies don't buy used clothing. Just used jewelry, pocketbooks ect.
Were you locked in your house since birth? The second hand market is thriving.
This board is getting more delusional by the minute, probably better off kill yourselves.
They're mucosal membranes arising from the same embroynic origin you uneducated armchair philosophizing fuckwit
>looks up science terms
>use them in a 4tan post
looks like i won that arguement
Wait does that make usedfags based?
Some actually do.
Sounds like rules women made up.
They get "used" sexual partners because they are "used" themselves, if humans even functioned that, you crippling band of autists
I'm in mint condition.
It can be, depending on circumstance. Some places don't have a land tax but they charge the shit out of you whenever you buy/sell property, so if your job requires you to move you're better off just renting.
Patrician choice mate
If you have studied the depreciation rates, you should NEVER buy a car less than 3 years old.
Just poor money management.
Having sex doesn't "use up" a human being. That's the difference. You can't measure a girl's mileage.
>buy new car and struggle with weekly payments to pay off such vehicle, including matinence costs
>buy used upfront that's cheap but 3+ year old and only deal with minor matinence costs
Seems that third world fags wouldn't understand the concept of leases.
>doesn't use up a human being
Ever had sex with a virgin? They're usually awkward, don't know what they want or like, and can be self-conscious about what they do or like. Using a car doesn't increase the car's experience, using a phone makes it slower and older. Girls pick up skills and confidence, which makes a better experience for all parties, unless of course you're insecure and get off the whole inexperienced girl who thinks you're the best man ever
> This image
I am an oldfag with a nice gf I have since 10 years. If she breaks up, I won't go for another woman and die single. A pussy is just not worth it.
But loaded hipster party girl's and alt chads shop at good will buying used clothes all the time. Being thrifty and repurposing old shit has been trendy for awhile now and it's not just clothes either. Reclaimed and restored wood for furniture and fixtures instead of buying new, old cafe racers and "retro" cars, and even fixing up a run down house is something lots of normies are doing.
Ever been in bed with a slut?
I have for one weekend. 6 times sex, two bj. It was not so good, no emotional bound, I was just "another guy".
Based. What cartoon?
>he still believes in incel meme graphs
>incel meme graphs
How could someone take a picture like that? She's just wearing what's comfortable!
She probably didn't like you emotionally, maybe you weren't her type, maybe she was in it for the physical act, but you are making it about her being with multiple people.
because women aren't objects maybe?
I'm also a virgin, and I think it would be better to deal with awkwardness if it's both parties experiencing it, rather than just me
Purely fantasy/hypothetical though, I'm way too old to have sex with anyone anyway
Gramps, they do have viagra these days. Even at 70 you can still have sex.
what do you mean? most people here drive used cars
Understandable, my point was more on the lines that there is a difference between a car and a woman (leaving the objectification aside) and that a woman's sexual value can increase with experience.
>women aren't objects
good joke
Personally, I think that the "I'd only ever date a kissless virgin even though she's already 25" camp is just as retarded as the "wtf, who cares if she has slept with whole football team? It's current year!" one.
Not everyone lives in the ghetto user.
I have seen normalfags complain about the used cars that their parents bought them
>Normies won't buy used cars
This is absolutely untrue.