I poopied my pants i ned wipies

i poopied my pants i ned wipies

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i takeed my pant of but i still ned wipies. momy not hreere i ned wipies some1 help

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shut up you dumb autistic retard

You shut up you damn nerd. fuck off my board.

Fuck you, you dumb pants shitting neet. Don't tell me to shut up when you can't even control your pants you dumb retard.

Shut up you stupid normo go ruin some other board already faggot. Sick of your kind here. I'm not even op but you need to get out.

You shut you stupid pile of human garbage. This board should be deleted. You and your kind aren't welcome here.

Why do you even come here to begin with? And why should this board be deleted? This is the one outlet we have where we can understand each other and share our problems without being ridiculed by people like you.

Because you don't deserve the escape. This is our board, the chad board. And I don't like your kind on it.

Fuck off norman you're the kind not welcome here you stupid degenerate.
Too bad you're no chad just a wannabee you pathetic faggot.

And you're even less than me, a pathetic faggot. That is truly pathetic if you ask me.

Why are you still here you fucking normagroid? Fuck off already pest. shoo shoo leave op to his poopoopeepee posting

No. So long as this thread lives, I'll be here mocking you retards.

Ill wipe for you.

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God you are pathetic. Spending your free time in a board you hate. How sad.

And yet I'm still better than you

>wah my safe space is being invaded

Kill yourself cuck

I won't. Because I have a girlfriend. And a well paying job. Unlike some people

Damn Jow Forums really went to shit,time to move to 2x4 cya

If you're so much better then leave you stupid faggot how hard is that to comprehend? go away nigger.

and yet you spend your time going back and forth with anons on a Mongolian basket weaving forum. Nice life you have there

I'll stop when you guys do.

We're not the ones claiming superiority you subhuman. Be the better man :^)


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I don't think I will. This is just too damn fun

Some ancient troglodyte was huffing and puffing, yelling about not bieng able to find "the wet ones, the sanitary wipes" at the grocery store yesterday. Played some serious alpha game rit there. Brought a twinkle to my eye as I pondered what my future self shall become.

Go away you pest. Go look at some other freak show already sick of your shit today.

>I dnt thnk I wil tis to muc fun

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I'm not going to. I'm going to sit here and watch you retards keep taking the bait.

That implies there's anything else for us to do. Jokes on you, you think too highly of us. I'll post frens too.

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Poison dart freg Apu can never have frens

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great video
thx op I cum on cat, he hiss at penis

God I'm literally telling you how to get me to stop and you're just ignoring me. Literally all you have to do is stop replying to me and you're stubbornly stomping your feet and saying no. The fuck is wrong with you people? I'm honestly starting to feel bad at this point. It's like picking on retards.

All he has to do is change his diet though. They're poisonous because of what they eat silly.
Shut the fuck up faggot you just want attention.

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>im nt gun 2 im gun 2 sly hwrw n watch you rwtad twje thw bqut

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Your comment proves you are new here.

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Well you know how to get me to stop. Just stop replying and I'll shut up. That's literally all you have to do.

>OP makes thread about pant shitting
>local spergs shit their pants in rage about the pant shitting

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He can't change his diet fren, he is a different species.

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Here's your (you) attention whore, fuck off.

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This is an Apu thread, we are not gonna let bad new frens ruin it for us

I'm not going too. You can't make me

>wel yu knw ho 2 gwt mq 2 sop jus sop rewplrn n il shuy up

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Why don't you use normal people words, retard?

>angry about the pant shitting

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>im nt gon 2 yo cwnr mwkq me

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God you people are so retarded.

>y dnt yo usw nrmal ppwl wrds rqtawd

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I think it's retarded some faggot is making someone for an Apu meme.

Oh. that's unfortunate fren maybe he can get a bubble that people who are really sick use.
Don't reply to me or my fren ever again you raging homosexual melanin enriched monkey man.

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Made at someone I mean, it's stupid

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He can't, he's literally too autistic to comprehend basic languages so he came up with his own degenerate alphabet which is basically sperging out random garbage

durr durr yes we get it you want your handler.

>gd yo ppl sq rtawded

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Post Apus, and annoy these bad frens

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He can fly! He can fly!

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I'm a girl you faggot.

Controlling from the remote

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Where is the tard wrangler when you need him?

Autism socks, with a tuxedo

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Are you the one trying to pick a fight over a meme?

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Prehistoric fren

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Is it Hal O Wing yet?

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Hal O Wing is a fun Holidai

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No, I buttted in in mid conversation. Leave our poopypeepy fren alone and go back to r*ddit

I didn't read the conversation, all I know is a new fren picked a fight over a silly Apu meme.

my buthol stil poopy frens, i strained frum macaroni eats. ned frens 2 give me wipies

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i mak poopoo peepee in my pants

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How old are you. And are you by white any chance?

Come user, I'll show you where mommy is.

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my mom says i turn 19 next weak but no frens cuming 2 my partt e

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Why are you like this? Are you larping or shitposting?

>Being this new
You don't understand the Apu meme I see