/suicide general/

Talk about any suicide plans/stories/etc

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I want you to plan my last 3 days and a finale.. also I want it recorded live for you bots to enjoy until next meme comes along

Shooting myself in the head.
Almost certainly sometime in 2019. I don't plan on living in 2020.

>tfw reading about suicide and grim stuff used to make me feel something

I still don't understand why so many robots want the whole live suicide thing. It really makes me think they are not different from all the cruel people they complain about, the people that have made our lives so miserable in the first place

I'm still trying to get the energy to kill myself, I just feel so tired all the time I can't even focus on doing it at all. I wish I had a gun or something that took little to no effort, everyday is a struggle to get out of bed. The struggle's even harder because I constantly have to put on the act that I'm doing okay.

How do you guys gather the motivation to kill yourself? I'm considering suicide, but I'm still to much of a pussy to actually go through with it.

I'd like to get a shotgun and blow my brains out overlooking the LA skyline. I have a lot to do before that though.

I think it has to do with fear of being forgotten, I have 0 friends or people that would show up to funeral, family hates me for a long time, being a meme on this board is pretty much all that's left as a legacy to pass on. Sometimes I should just go on a hike far from public routes and swallow a bullet at the edge of a cliff so body will never be found and just become one of those "vanished" people.

lads when do you think is a good age to decide it's not gonna get better from here?

i feel too young but god do i want the sweet embrace of death.

When I tried killing myself it was just something spontaneous, like a last burst of bravery before the end. Then I failed so I just gave up on it too

if shit is not together by 30 that means you're treading in shit-waters, most places now age discriminate and won't hire anyone over 36

Sorry you feel so neglected and alone, and maybe I'm just being an asshole for saying this, but killing yourself live on the board would only give you 15 minutes of fame, and people here like to bash on broken souls. Maybe you could try to do something artistic, a small video, drawing or picture and upload it before you go, that would last a long time.

>Tfw have compulsive thoughts about suicide.
>Tfw your instincts are telling you to kys.

My plan of suicide is setting myself on fire and burning away everything except my skeleton.
It's not gonna happen for a while, but it's the only way I deemed acceptable.

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Why do you think that's the only acceptable way?, not asking in an agressive way, just curious

>in car with friends today
>topic of suiced comes up
>"don't you guys ever think about just killing yourself, like man I don't want to write this ten page paper it would be so much easier if I were dead"
>everyone agrees
>I stay silent
>"user what about you do you ever think of suicide"
>tell them I think about it everyday
I guess I shouldn't really expect them to understand, but I wish I could meet someone who was going through the same shit as me. I go in and out of existential crisis every other week, and my head is filled with thoughts of ending it on a daily basis. I just feel like no one around me will ever understand me.


dont do it blah blah blah, but if you do can you please make memes come from it?

Norman detected.
When you are sad enough sucides an option, yeah they hurt family but they hurt so much it dont matter.

Talk fren?

Im mad depressed as well, im trying give life one last shot before ending it all.

im 24, and I know it cant get much better from here...
but like 30 is when I feel your just fucked,I plan to an hero at 30 anyway

It's hard to find someone like you, because most people hide that side of themselves, but the devil is in the details. Try to pay attention to the people around you, maybe you could find someone who will understand.
If nothing else, you can vent here, I'm going through the same, and it feels like the world is lonelier everyday

wintergreen oil + anti emetics
rate my plan

I wasn't saying suicide is not an option, my point was that wanting to watch other people killing themselves live is just plain shitty. Those killing themselves are fellow robots, and it seems some on this board just want to mock them

Too bad you got depression fren, it really sucks. Though I guess it's good you're giving life a chance, just make sure you're not setting yourself up for failure
As for me,I already tried giving life another shot, but I just can't avoid thinking that it's all for nothing, I can't feel happy no matter what I do. At this point I'm not even trying to live anymore, I'm a failure at everything I do, and I haven't had a dream or goal in a long time

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I guess I can try and consider waiting until i'm close to 30 considering i'm only 22, but god does it feel pointless.

Because dead humans look very ugly when dead, incredibly so.
So, I'd rather be a pretty skeleton than an emotionless husk of a human body.

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20's were the best years of my life, I had so much pussy, tons of drugs and party pretty much every night, getting jobs was easy and no one expected anything from you, once you hit 30 is suddenly everyone wants you to grow up and be an oldfag

Makes sense, you get to avoid a bunch of death's cons with that method. It won't even matter if your bowels release after death

I was going to buy some fentanyl or an analogue and snort it all at once but now I don't have the capability

Guess I could try a charcoal grill in a tent for carbon monoxide but I think you end up with brain damage if you screw that up, worse than I already have

I'm not really suicidal since I got off the antidepressants but it's hard when I'm not a handsome boy. I'm quickly becoming a fat old degenerate that should die for the betterment of humanity, good thing I'll never reproduce and fuck up the gene pool even further

One time I took 50mg Klonopin and they had to give me adrenaline at the hospital, a different time I broke a lamp over my head and slashed my arm with one of the fragments. Both were on antidepressants, they make me think about suicide in a non-stop loop.

I used to always talk about 25 being the point to which I just offed myself if I couldn't find someone to love me.

Now that I'm 24, I'm actually really disappointed that I lived a loveless life filled with self-loathing. It's the shittiest feeling and I can't wait until it stops.

Last time I tried I climbed the fence at a high speed rail line. Climbing down the embankment a train went past and the driver spotted me blasted his horn, fuck you driver. Next train comes along in the distance so I jump up onto track, turn my back to the train and wait to flash out of existence. Nothing happens. Turn around and the train is stopped fifty yards away and driver is out of the cab and running at me so I run away like a little bitch. No an hero today.