>Hey user, wanna see whos stronger? Why dont you take off your shirt and wrestle me? Dont worry, I'll go easy on you teehee.
What do?
Hey user, wanna see whos stronger? Why dont you take off your shirt and wrestle me? Dont worry...
Other urls found in this thread:
>the chance of getting injured is higher than the chance of remaining unharmed, either way i would best you, I refuse to be injured for a petty game.
How the fuck could you get injured in a wrestling match? It's not a fist fight or anything like that.
Noone posting in my big strong mommy fetish thread :(
>takes off and wrestle her.
overexpansion, dislocation, cuts from nails, cauliflower ears.
None of that will happen to you if you can really overpower her
>draws katana
Rko that ho
How did this spic get a cold steel ti-lite? Those things are expensive as fuck wtf
>160 USD on knife center for the most expensive one
is this an original wheyfu thread?
Bodyfat too low, this makes her look masculine sadly
This. Wheyfus have to be THICC
post moar wheyfus robots
Wheyfus should compare their strenght with eachother as often as possible. Armwrestling or something like that.
>uses the cock choke hold maneuver
Heh, nothing personnel, thot.
>this gon be easy
>gets overpowered
>taps out
>you lost user you know what that means
>gets raped
>pushes you to the ground
>squeezes your head between her thighs
>"now, say mommy"
>pull down my shorts and start furiously jerking off
>lick her snatch with my tongue in the meantime
>cum and use semen as lube to slip out of her hold while she's distracted
Hmpf, you call that a challenge?
wheyfu vs dyel is best
>tfw no wheyfu to pin you down and rape you
I want to cum on her bicep.
you fool, you just made her even hornier
Vegan gains is a nigger.
either post their big clits or don't bother with the thread
>tfw no Shannon gf
>tfw ywn bite that meaty clit
You're probably stronger physically, but being male gives me an edge if we were to have a physical confrontation.
>You will never live in a society full of strong, predatory tall women
>ywn be catcalled on the street and hit on in bars by horny amazons
>ywn be the target of longing stares, dumb pickup lines and sexual innuendos
>ywn have drinks bought for you, get picked up, and brought back to one's home
>ywn be playfully carried and thrown into bed, and have your clothes ripped off
>ywn get mounted and have the cum wrung from your balls mercilessly
>ywn fall asleep with her holding you possessively, utterly exhausted
>ywn fall asleep with her holding you possessively, utterly exhausted
this is what got me hard
>tfw no one's invented a drug that can make girls grow bigger and stronger than men without losing their femininity
anavar bro
>170 cm
>80 kg
How is it even possible to handle such a woman
>tfw ywn suck that meaty girlcock
pic related is 5'10 190lbs
Wrestle her to the ground and give her the penis.
I can barely lift 5kg, who do you think is stronger
t. skinny manlet
Post your ceps
Wow, always thought of her as a womanlet weighing 150 at most.
Pic's 6'1 and about 200 pounds.
how big are your biceps?
does anyone have the first image from this gif, or recognize the character/artist?
Ive done BJJ and judo for years, so I would most likely win desu.
Slightly bigger than 10 inches, 26cm
I fucking recognized it instantly. I'm obsessed.
Tifa from this guy
thanks, reminds me i was planning to look up the artist who made this
on further inspection it looks like these were commissioned by the same person, not created by him
still though
>Yo, let's armwrestle, white boy
yeah, but he always puts the sources on the images
and sometimes the artists don't put this stuff on their own gallery for whatever reason
I like muscle girls but that chiseled manly jawline killed my erection.
I already got humiliated by a hispanic girl in armwrestling once so no thanks
Greentext it pls
She and I have the same size biceps, haha.
I am a skeleton so she would win with no problems