Hey user, wanna see whos stronger? Why dont you take off your shirt and wrestle me? Dont worry...

>Hey user, wanna see whos stronger? Why dont you take off your shirt and wrestle me? Dont worry, I'll go easy on you teehee.
What do?

Attached: content%3A%2F%2Fmedia%2Fexternal%2Fimages%2Fmedia%2F14944.jpg (1080x1349, 216K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>the chance of getting injured is higher than the chance of remaining unharmed, either way i would best you, I refuse to be injured for a petty game.

How the fuck could you get injured in a wrestling match? It's not a fist fight or anything like that.

Noone posting in my big strong mommy fetish thread :(

>takes off and wrestle her.

Attached: 35148EA500000578-3633264-image-a-3_1465487925866.jpg (562x281, 59K)

overexpansion, dislocation, cuts from nails, cauliflower ears.

None of that will happen to you if you can really overpower her

>draws katana

Rko that ho

How did this spic get a cold steel ti-lite? Those things are expensive as fuck wtf

>160 USD on knife center for the most expensive one

is this an original wheyfu thread?

Attached: 1526245576398.png (1080x1258, 1.81M)

Bodyfat too low, this makes her look masculine sadly

This. Wheyfus have to be THICC

Attached: 1483813704497.jpg (1080x1229, 132K)

post moar wheyfus robots

Attached: 1520625375599.webm (780x590, 1.56M)

Wheyfus should compare their strenght with eachother as often as possible. Armwrestling or something like that.

>uses the cock choke hold maneuver
Heh, nothing personnel, thot.

>this gon be easy
>gets overpowered
>taps out
>you lost user you know what that means
>gets raped

>pushes you to the ground
>squeezes your head between her thighs
>"now, say mommy"

Attached: 512246663.jpg (494x800, 111K)

>pull down my shorts and start furiously jerking off
>lick her snatch with my tongue in the meantime
>cum and use semen as lube to slip out of her hold while she's distracted
Hmpf, you call that a challenge?

wheyfu vs dyel is best

Attached: 950069949.jpg (1080x931, 159K)

>tfw no wheyfu to pin you down and rape you

Attached: 1521206653425.png (513x1094, 553K)


I want to cum on her bicep.

Attached: 1499631598502.webm (610x438, 461K)

you fool, you just made her even hornier

Attached: 696858111.jpg (540x540, 66K)

Vegan gains is a nigger.

either post their big clits or don't bother with the thread

>tfw no Shannon gf

Attached: 1512862449785.jpg (969x869, 282K)

>tfw ywn bite that meaty clit

Attached: 535130493.jpg (1152x2048, 409K)

You're probably stronger physically, but being male gives me an edge if we were to have a physical confrontation.

Attached: 1517946552203.jpg (599x600, 44K)

>You will never live in a society full of strong, predatory tall women
>ywn be catcalled on the street and hit on in bars by horny amazons
>ywn be the target of longing stares, dumb pickup lines and sexual innuendos
>ywn have drinks bought for you, get picked up, and brought back to one's home
>ywn be playfully carried and thrown into bed, and have your clothes ripped off
>ywn get mounted and have the cum wrung from your balls mercilessly
>ywn fall asleep with her holding you possessively, utterly exhausted

Attached: Andrea Rosu.png (632x949, 898K)

>ywn fall asleep with her holding you possessively, utterly exhausted

this is what got me hard

Attached: 1520206340368.png (1184x690, 815K)

>tfw no one's invented a drug that can make girls grow bigger and stronger than men without losing their femininity

Attached: 3uqJDkl.jpg (891x1060, 97K)

anavar bro

Attached: 1524871208857.png (1440x1440, 1.81M)

>170 cm
>80 kg
How is it even possible to handle such a woman

Attached: content%3A%2F%2Fmedia%2Fexternal%2Fimages%2Fmedia%2F14947.jpg (800x1200, 188K)

>tfw ywn suck that meaty girlcock


pic related is 5'10 190lbs

Attached: 420696862.jpg (1080x1080, 116K)

Wrestle her to the ground and give her the penis.

Attached: 1520213532529.gif (297x202, 1.21M)

I can barely lift 5kg, who do you think is stronger
t. skinny manlet

Attached: 1512677867158.gif (500x730, 447K)

Post your ceps

Wow, always thought of her as a womanlet weighing 150 at most.

Pic's 6'1 and about 200 pounds.

Attached: Maria Wattel.jpg (1080x1080, 99K)

how big are your biceps?

Attached: 1474145088149.jpg (955x694, 223K)

does anyone have the first image from this gif, or recognize the character/artist?

Ive done BJJ and judo for years, so I would most likely win desu.

Slightly bigger than 10 inches, 26cm

I fucking recognized it instantly. I'm obsessed.
Tifa from this guy

Attached: tifa_by_elee0228-dbvfus6.jpg (1024x1331, 319K)

thanks, reminds me i was planning to look up the artist who made this

Attached: elee0228-miku.jpg (752x1063, 316K)

on further inspection it looks like these were commissioned by the same person, not created by him

still though

>Yo, let's armwrestle, white boy

Attached: content%3A%2F%2Fmedia%2Fexternal%2Fimages%2Fmedia%2F14938.jpg (1472x828, 113K)

yeah, but he always puts the sources on the images
and sometimes the artists don't put this stuff on their own gallery for whatever reason

Attached: 56721792_p0.jpg (2044x3000, 599K)

I like muscle girls but that chiseled manly jawline killed my erection.

I already got humiliated by a hispanic girl in armwrestling once so no thanks

Attached: meiko.gif (500x281, 1.94M)

Greentext it pls

She and I have the same size biceps, haha.

I am a skeleton so she would win with no problems