Just told a roastie whore the wrong formula on a math test on purpose

Just told a roastie whore the wrong formula on a math test on purpose.

How are you doing?

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Pretty good, ive been living a nearly homeless life just to piss off the normans I work with who are all in debt. Had bread and drippings and porridge for the past 4 days. Might get some Jam, maybe steal some berries.

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What exactly do you mean by nearly homeless?

>walking down the street
>car stops next to me
>window rolls down
>roastie asks me for directions
>tell her the opposite way

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Aside from mortgage and internet, ive been pretty much living on like $20 a week. Bike everywhere and cook everything on the hearth

Good job, user. You're fighting the good fight.

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Well shit. At least you've got shitposting. Are you on a PC or on phone?

PC, my phone is a flippy.

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My plan is to live in a tent for a year or so and walk everywhere. I'll have showers occasionally at the local pool.

Cheapster user here, that actually sounds terrible. Be sure to be next to one of those firewood bbq's or try and find/build one. Campfires can be fun, but youll get sick after a few too many burned meals.

Specs on the PC?

Lol, I actually have a rx480, PC was pre "poorfag"

Oshit, I'm pretty sure that's better tham mine. Where the hell do you live anyways?

Kiwiland, but low income part with tons of Victorian shit still around. Not like im poorfag myself, actually saving around 460 a week living like this. Gonna give it maybe another month and see if I still like it. Might stop power and internet after that and just use the library. We'll see

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>Not leveraging a whore
Nice job virgin

>Wanting some roastie whore
No thanks. She can just go and die.

How would you shitpost then, user?

at the library I guess, not too sure if its blocked. Also might get asked to leave if the librarian see's a weener. Or I could ask around for an old touchscreen, and just chill in the city centre.

I liked you but then you said you live in a country that doesn't exist. disappointing

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He didn't say he lives in Kosovo tho?

kosovo is the only country on the planet