>Duuy we don't control the banking system goy
Duuy we don't control the banking system goy
They outright admit their prescense by now
It's a smokescreen. The Media is owned by a few select Jewish families. By saying it's "the Jews" they get to hide behind millions of people.
>banking system
>multisyllabic grugposting
This is a group effort, and jews are still jews
They are the ones pointing the finger at "the jews".
Good luck holding "the jews" responsible. I bet you'll be able to sue "the jews". Maybe you know where "the jews" live.
Ever heard, No Good Jew? Well that is your answer. Getting people to realise is the first step. The second, perhaps, final solution is to kill as many/all (((people))) of jewish decent as possible and make sure the memory of that lives on. It must take place on an international scale
There are no "good people". You are weak and have weak emasculated thoughts.
I understand that all people are shit, but there are some who I personally want to see killed, for no reason other than I want to. Rationality is an exploitable tool and has been exploited by Jews. Am I going to convince everyone of this? No. Can I convince some? Yes. The ones who know shit is fucked and want a realistic answer. That answer is the Jewish menace
As I said, it's just a smokescreen. These select jewish oligarch families don't live in bunkers guarded by military. They live out there among normal people. The walk the street like normal people. How would they be safe if they couldn't conceal their identity and shift the blame to cartoon villians like "George Soros" and entire populations like "the jews".
Once again, kill all, as in, every single jew, anything that looks jewish, anything that acts jewish. The saddest part is my dad married a jew and now has three jewish children. I would feel bad for a second killing my (((siblings))) but there is a price to pay for peace on earth
>the entertainment industry has lots of jews working
>holy shit user you are truly dropping some truth bombs here.
Yeah it is actually common knowledge.
Do you understand the purpose of a smokescreen? You're not going to kill several million people.
Just because you read on pol that all Jews are bad on pol doesn't mean that's the case in reality.
I'm not saying it wasn't common knowledge
It doesnt have to be the case. The only reason I need is that I want to. Do I expect to? No. I know realistically they will continue to be money grubbing whores who no one cares about and simply let them keep ruining their countries. Oh well. You can defend them all you want, but several million people is not a lot on a global scale
I am not defending anyone. I am saying that you're aren't a threat to anyone, because you aren't focused. You are a good goy like Hamas and Hezbollah.
Do you think i am dumb enough to simply shoot up a synagogue and expect results? It is obvious you start at the top, Soros being a big target, and work your way down. You are saying to stop at the top, effectively defending the lower tier jews whereas I say get rid of em all
Soros is not a real person. It's a character played by an actor. You don't understand how they operate.
Once again, I dont care. Blacks, spics, and jews all should go. I know they feel the same about me so its mutual. I dont mind Arabs entirely. They just need some guidance
Maybe you should study the principles of power and strategy.
The select Jewish families are simply the most powerful of them. Take them out and the power vacuum would attract the lesser Jews to take up the mantle.
Make no mistake that the families act in favor of the whole race. They never work as isolated cells.
The families or simply put the family, are the remains of the European royal families who have intermarried with Jews for generations. They only work for their own benefit, not for the benefit of the useful idiots that make up the whole "jewish people".
Of course they treat their best goys(the common jews) the best.