R9k will refute this

R9k will refute this

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It's true. Why doesn't the fat fedora has as much right to be in a public space as a cute girl?
Oh you're an unattractive man, so I guess you should just feel bad about even existing.

>girl walks away
>he goes home to the internet
>"Why doesn't the fat fedora has as much right to be in a public space as a cute girl? Oh you're an unattractive man, so I guess you should just feel bad about even existing."

and they didnt even get a legitimate post from the website, had to obviously make something up. Ultimate strawman at work here.

And even disregarding that, its as said. Why does the fmale have any more of a right to occupy public space than the fedora'd neckbeard brony strawman?

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The comic portrays the situation in an extremely biased way.
We are supposed to be disgusted at the fat fedora and feel sympathy for the cute girl, but what did the fat fedora really do? The girl made a point to humilate him in public because she felt he was creepy. That's just female hysteria. The guy wasn't a threat to anyone.

>the neckbeard is 300+ lbs and wearing an mlp shirt

yaaaaaaawwwwwwwnnnnnnnnnnn, god damn these comics are unoriginal

>taking offense to someone walking away
Imagine being this fragile


>i have to dress nice because of my job
>i am fit and healthy because of my hobbies
>i don't approach women because I am a coward

Joke's on you, this comic doesn't cover why I dislike women whatsoever :D

the girl literally just walked away
at what point did she humiliate the guy or infringe on his right to be in public? imagine being this fucking stupid.

It's a rejection. Imagine you go somewhere and people get up and leave with a disgusted look on their faces. Of course you'd take that personally.

No? The terribly drawn dude looks super fucking wide and his hands barely reach into his pockets. If he is jerkin' then his cartoon dick would have to be as long as his cartoon arm for it to reach.

Damn son, fedora and MLP shirt? Takes me back. When was this made, 2012?

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>if i make you uncomfortable, you have to stay in this public space because otherwise you're insulting me

holy shit, and you losers think tumblr is whiny?

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>if I samefag, maybe people won't notice.

>poor womyn being raped by this ugly predator's presence. How dare such a disguting creature ask to be treated with decency.

nice try bud
forget your shitty little strawman, if someone for any reason made you feel uncomfortable, do you not have the right to leave?

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I really like how the anti-feminist strawmen in all these types of pictures always look like the average male feminist

This. I don't even know why you all keep arguing about it.

>get up and walk away
>someone gets asshurt because you didn't "treat them with decency"

It's not about your legal rights. It's about this picture supporting the outlandish idea that men victimize women with their mere presence and that being fear of unattractive men is reasonable. It's nothing but female hysteria.

Read Frankenstein, brainlet.

the woman in the picture didn't portray the woman as a victim. It's nothing but male hysteria.

where did i say legal bro? forget your dumb little narrative, answer my question, does this person have the right to leave the park if she feels uncomfortable?

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>dark theme
Absolutely abhorrent taste.

She is portrayed as a victim. Like she is being forced to get up and leave.
What else is a right then? Do I think she was right in acting hysterical and causing hurt for the fat fedora? No, I don't.

I have read it. It's almost totally irrelevant and does not support your point.


you sure love using 1810 medical lingo

>complete strawman of le obese fedora pony man
No, the problem isn't the lady leaving, it's how the comic portrays the man as evil for existing. The woman has a right to leave- the man has a right to be there.

It is relevant. The fat fedora is getting the same treatment as frankenstein's monster.

no, a societal right, fuck what the law says she can leave because there's nothing to stop her from leaving. also
>acting """""""""hysterical"""""""""

>the comic portrays the man as evil for existing
it portrays him as a smelly harmless dumb guy who scratches his ass

>societal right
What is that even, you dumb brainlet.
Why did she leave? Did the man pose a threat to her?

No he isn't. You're seeing things that aren't there, such as the oppression of the male character in this comic.

It portrays him as an asshole who drives a woman off, unless you completely ignore what the point of the comic obviously is, like you are.

>portrays him as evil
define evil??? how does his he appear evil? he just seems oblivious

and yes he has a right to be there, that is not questioned
i don't know how else to explain a right outside of the law, i know that concept is tough for you lot to understand, but maybe consider that the term "right" is not solely based in law

she left because she felt like he was staring at her? people are paranoid/insecure about people looking at them, i don't understand how someone from Jow Forums could not get this notion

it portrays him as an asshole for writing an embittered essay on how women have wronged him.

She probably saw that he was gesticulating and possibly mentally challenged b/c mlp shirt and he probably needed a place to sit down but couldn't get the words out. She did the right thing so he could sit his fat ass on that unusually short park bench.

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Her getting up and leaving was totally unrelated to his presence then?
>but maybe consider that the term "right" is not solely based in law
Can you explain what this non-legal right is?

But both characters are fucking idiots desu
The fat fuck shouldn't even try to approach femoids knowing how ugly he is
The roastie should give the goddamn guy a chance and just say "hi" at least, it might motivate him to better himself

He's oppressed by her because she didn't want to sit near him?

There's no room for both of them.

Rephrase that, please.

hahahahahaha spbp fucking btfo

she got up an walked away, and this infringes on his right to be in public?

you're suggesting his "fee fees" are of more importance than the right for anybody to get off the park bench and walk away at any time, for any reason.

I'm saying he hasnt done anything that would warrant the reaction he got.
It's female hysteria. The idea that unattractive men are predatory.

>something to which one has a just claim: such as
a : the power or privilege to which one is justly entitled
>his right to decide
they gave you an example too, and look just used it as well, do you understand yet?

He was standing there like a creep saying nothing except "Uuuuuuuh" and scratching his ass. Pretty sure you would get up and leave too if someone pulled that on you.

it doesn't matter if he did anything. if the roles were reversed and he was a robot on a bench who didn't like roasties and he got up and walked away when he saw her approach it's the exact same scenario.
it doesn't matter if it hurts someone's feelings. for any reason you can get up and leave. if the other person chooses to interpret it as a slight against them, that's their problem.

That might feed into the roasties delusions of power. That ugly men leave because they are intimidated by her.

The comic is drawn from her perspective. She irrationally assumed he was there to prey on her, because she holds the belief that unattractive men are creeps.
You can also insult people and act maliciously in many ways, without it being illegal.

What is he doing in the second panel? If he's jerking off she should report him for sexual harassment.

>tfw this comic shits all over OP's comic despite being made a decade earlier
>tfw we can't make shit like that anymore
>tfw all our social tech is broken and we're retards wandering around in the remains of a lost civilization

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>The comic is drawn from her perspective. She irrationally assumed he was there to prey on her, because she holds the belief that unattractive men are creeps.
Nice assumptions. Can you back up any of that?

the fuck?

it doesn't matter if his feelings were hurt because her right to simply 'get up and go' trumps that.

Try reading the comic, dumbass.
>ugh, this ugly fat man came to disturb me, I better get up and leave

I mean the thing that pisses me off ablut this is that it's implying that if you properly get some words out like "How are you doing?" or "I think you're cute, do you want to get coffee?" and wear non-MLP clothes women won't still do this. Roasties do not tolerate losers like us no matter what kind of effort we put in.

Incels are fucking retarded, and you don't need a comic to understand why.

No matter what they say, what they actually want is to force people to love them.
That's why they're becoming shooters, because they have this mentality of "Validate my fragile ego, or I'll murder you"
Its like if tumblr became super edgy.

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Protip: He also has every right to write about feeling offended on the internet.
None of these people broke the law.

>He also has every right to write about feeling offended on the internet.
yes, and? i believe the debate was whether the girl on the bench wronged the man by leaving.

Does anyone have the berserk version of that?

She did. Just like Chad and his friends wrong an ugly fat girl by making pig noises at her and laughing.

>walking away is comparable in any way to actively being cruel

sounds like someone was never bullied but believes they were.

>"she just walked away he's so fragile that he got offended and went to write it up online"
>not realizing walking away in the first place was the fragile move
Like everything in feminism, this is projection.

All she did was to walk away, what's wrong with that?

Ok, I guess I'll have to go through your points individually.
>The comic is drawn from her perspective
Who says it's a real event? Maybe she's just mocking people that have no social skill yet complain that people are uncomfortable around them.
>She irrationally assumed he was there to prey on her
She left because he was being creepy and a sperg. If he just said something like "Hi, what are you reading there?" she couldn't have left without being rude and an actual conversation could have happened.
>because she holds the belief that unattractive men are creeps
The guy is obviously a strawman but that doesn't mean she believes that he is a sperg BECAUSE he's ugly.

pure individualism >>>>>>>> mgtow > MRA > normies > incel

outward gratification is just a hugbox and doesn't develop character nor does it make your ideas any better

Hypocrites that you are, you would act no different if it was an ugly women. And by ugly i mean horrendous not your normie "wahh wah im so ugly dont look at me le 5000upboats".
Heck youre not even the 350lbs mlp fedora shirt guy and youre still taking offense to this? Furthermore youre playing the victim role, as if being 350lbs and disgusting is unchangable. Stop being so fucking gay and leftist . This world isnt fair. Your value is determined by genetics and your own ability.

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how is going home from the park a fragile move

There's a difference from being offended because someone walked away from you and wanting to avoid someone.

It's passive aggressive way to tell the guy she is disgusted by his presence.

>Who says it's a real event?
It's not a real event you fucking idiot. It portrays a scenario and a trend which is very real and very common though.
>he was being creepy and a sperg.
He was just being unattractive. Not his fault.
>that he is a sperg BECAUSE he's ugly.
That is the only reason she believes he is a sperg. If he was attractive she would have reacted differently.

Fuck normalfags and their games

Shut the fuck up you dumb idiot. Literally nothing you said applies to anyone.

What exactly do you want? Do you want people to be forced to stare and put on fake smiles like they're not absolutely repulsed at the sight of you?
Is that you want? For reality to become that episode of Twilight Zone where you can just erase people for even slightly insulting you?

he scratched his asshole in public in front of people. he was drenched in sweat in dirty, ill-fitting clothes.

Yeah, and? It's up to the guy's interpretation why she walked away.

I think people should try to be kind and compassionate. This comic is a way of reinforcing the idea that ugly men are predators, so I object to it.

Are you so socially oblivious you see nothing wrong with the way the guy acted in the comic and assume the girl left because he was ugly? Even if you looked like Chad, coming to girl and standing there saying "Uuuuuh" and scratching your ass is going to make the girl uncomfortable and most likely leave.

Doesn't leave much room for interpretation when it's a recuring situation in your life.

>*walks away*

le unorignal reply

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Then maybe there's something wrong with you if it 's a recuring situation?

It's an exaggeration employed to win sympathy for the woman.

I don't think being unattractive justifies cruel treatment. I don't appreciate this kind of self-rightous normalfaggotry.

>he was being creepy and a sperg.
He was just being unattractive. Not his fault.
lmao this is bait

If the guy was Chad he could go up and grab women's behinds and they'll just giggle when they turn around and see him.

>Its cruel to not leave a word and just walk away. Geez you mustve been sissyhandled pretty well for the last years. Maybe you should get to know cruel treatment for real in the upcoming incel concentration camps.

Look at the second panel.
It's not that he was just unattractive.

learn to read nigger and stop replying to bait.

>it's not cruel if it's passive aggressive. women can't be cruel, only Chad bullies and creepy incels can be cruel

Exactly; anyone who believes different is fucking dreaming. Bundy was so successful getting female victims because he was handsome, and he was a literal serial killer trying to tempt them to go to isolated areas with a stranger.

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nah mate im having fun.

>doesnt say a word and stares
>is confused and walks away because she doesnt want to deal with this shit

>this is what Jow Forums actually believes
Why don't you go to the gym, become a Chad and try that? No matter how good you look, if you act like a fucking sperg, you'll get no girls, or only shit ones.

>this is the bait that normies fall for
If he were chad he could take her right on the park bench for everyone to see

>Guy trying to catch his breath.
>woman makes a point of getting up and leaving.
It's a passive-aggressive insult.


Do you need me to post the video? I'll post the video.

The ugliness still plays a huge factor, the first thing people notice on someone is how they look. If you saw a handsome guy blurring out an "uhhh" and scratching himself, they might think its odd but a cute quirk, and when he's done he's appealing again. If an ugly guy does that, it magnifies his unappealingness.

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Do you want anything done against this? Do you want to fight the reality of things, just because some girls that look better than you give you the cold sholder?

It is cruel. Do you think differently or do you just think he should be more stoic about it?