how much do i have to lift to forget seeing my oneitis's porn vid?
How much do i have to lift to forget seeing my oneitis's porn vid?
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I don't know, post the video and we'll know for sure
Wow, lad. I feel truly sorry for you. I can’t inagine what that feels like.
Porn vids? Degeneracy. Where did she post it? What's the link? I'll make sure I never go there just in case.
Tell me her IG so I know which profile to avoid.
Post it. Just be glad you found now. Imagine if you had gotten together and fallen in love and this came out.
it's a blue board but it's been spammed across Jow Forums and there are probably still active threads. I'm doing sets of 8 pull ups until failure.
So how about you tell us what to fucking type so we can find it.
If serious, how did you find out about it, OP? And how bad is it? Is it closer to "Vanilla sex and BJ with her bf" or is it more like "Gangbanged by the local sports team"?
jesus fuck m8. just go ballistic in the gym
hol up where did you get that gappy with the killing intent in his eyes? I thought there was a hiatus this month for JJL
tell her about it and tell her you can do better, flex a cep, go for drinks, pump and dump
lift heavier objects until the pain goes away
happened upon it browsing for fap material. it's vanilla and actually kinda boring.
I'm fucking punching the walls between sets mate
Realize all bitches are hoes, disregard bitches, and disconnect your feelings from the actions of people who don't love you.
post the webm or fuck off with your attention whoring thread
you will never forget
lifting will make it hurt less though
I saved that image almost 3+ years ago
Give us some sauce you fucking faggot. Let this be a lesson to you. People are shit. Men are trash. Women are garbage. Love is what you make of it. She was just some girl you were fawning over you fucking loser only betas have oneitises. You need to divide the world of women into 2 camps. Women you're fucking and women you aren't. If she's in camp 2 why the fuck are you wasting time. Did you meet her on tinder? If you did mcfucking kill yourself.
Ah, well it could be worse then. Still sucks but it's not like she's your ex that you're still in love with. Sucks but believe me, she's likely not that great.
Post the fucking link OP. At least give us a hint. Goddamn
I'm not trying to attention whore, i get that it comes out that way starting a thread with a baity title but honestly just seeing it sidelined me, I have no idea who she is, she was just something in my head I idealized. I feel like the vid is being spammed out of spite or something and I don't want to add to that kind of negativity. sorry boys but if you browse the bigger boards you've probably seen it. that's the only thing close to a hint i'd give. I jst feel bad all around about this.
Stop caring about some girl that you probably didn't even talk to. Most of girls are shit and you are going to realize that sooner or later. The more you talk to girls the more you will see it, and hopefully you will learn how to recognize those few girls that are actually worth your attention.
This must be like a living nightmare.
whatever cuck
>no idea who she is
At least answer this. Is it an amateur video or actual porn video? B/G?
I meant seeing this just shattered everything about her that I thought I've come to know. But I realized I just bridged gaps with my own ideals. She's just a girl in the end I guess.
I thought a crush is a onetits.
Is there a word that says "im a fucking failure" more than this?
Who the fuck fawns over just one woman? Are your prospects THAT shit?
Enough to stop being a pussy because her being a oneitis implies you aren't even at the point of being in a relationship with her and are basing it off some idealised version of her you created in your mind like a sperg
Animefags were right when they went 2D.
FUARK. Gimme a hint OP. I need to see this. I'm already getting that heartbreaking feeling knowing that you've seen it. I need to see so I have some fuel for my workout.
Op is a literal faggot for not posting the fucking link
I hope you suffer like hell from this. Only pain will cause you to grow. Hopefully you will stop having stupid oneitis-es now and realise how naive you were. And I hope every time you want to fap from now on, you will think of this girl. So you will stop your habit of masturbation. Good luck. Hope you live in hell for a while.
worse is that I've been curving women left and right because I've been clinging on to that last thread of hope. I've got almost 1k tinder matches, and I never meet up with them. IRL girls initiate with me, female friends have tried to lock me down but I always make up an excuse. Choosing to fail is worse than being a fucking failure and that's where I am right now.
it was spammed on 4 of the biggest boards here, you've probably already seen it.
>oneitis is a pornstar
Top kek
>getting this mad that Rihanna had a tape get leaked
Jesus Christ, OP, you pathetic cunt.
I could tell you something 10000x worse right away, but ill spare your fragility.
Do tell.
Just as she abandoned her morals, you must now abandon her. Your only hope is to throw her to the wolves and rejoice with your brothers. You could just get all angry and sad and punch some walls and do some extra reps. But wouldn't it be better to share the link with all of us and so we can all delight in the bullet you dodged.
Discard her and let all see how unworthy she is of your admiration.
incel cope thread
>Discard her and let all see how unworthy she is of your admiration.
Not OP but you should know that it’s not that easy but obviously the only right thing to do.
How is being a single mother?
Jesus, you fucking incel. Are you really this asshurt about some internet random slut? This is actually worse than weebs and their waifus, how did it end up this bad? Have you never met a girl in real life
I do know her IRL you nonce, I'm pathetic but not so pathetic I'd this wrecked over someone I never met.
>meet a girl you like
>find her porn online
Is there a worse feeling?
can you show me?
Interracial porn of her online? In a threesome?
What? Dude this is obviously incel cope, if you werent incel you would have been the man in the video. Also better to be single mom than incel
I reported this thread. Kys for not giving us at least a link all teaser no pleaser basedboi
Accept what occurred and work on moving past this. It may feel like your world is shattered rn, but in the grand scheme of things it will be a pebble on the road. You'll be alright.
Imagine being so enslaved by porn that you attack any user that dares to withhold it from you. The absolute state of Jow Forums
Living is pain. Embrace it.
You said "I have no idea who she is"? How well do you know her exactly
Post a link to the post on another board you glorious winged faggot.
Aggressive Fapper
>Be emotionally wrecked incel
>Notice cute girl in class/social circle
>Fall in love instantly due to depravation of opposite sex interaction
>Stalk her on social media
>Build fantasy around her as a substitute for actually talking to her
>Turns out she has had sex with another guy
>Punch walls and ree on Jow Forums
>Act as if this is an actual case of justified emotional distress and not a self-inflicted delusion
>Still pretend that this incel monstrosity of a fantasy is real to fill the lack of female interaction in your life
How did I do
White knight beta faggot
10/10 handled like a real alpha
>recognize those few girls that are actually worth your attention
tips on how to do this?
>liking whores
your taste is trash and she is fucking garbage
if you couldnt tell she was a whore just by looking then you are a retard
>by looking
Based basement dwelling dude.
I've seen porn vids of two girls I went to high school with. Thankfully I had crushes on neither.
>le ebin basement dweller insult XD
everyone who isnt a sub 80IQ mongoloid can tell if a chick is a whore or not by looking you absolute dumbfuck
which one nigger damn
No, you can’t.
yes you can you actual autist
You guys must have real shit taste in women.
It's true actually
So many faggots like OP calls a girl they have barely met "Oneitis" to the point where it really does mean a crush. The spergs basically picks a girl they dont even know and fantasize about her until it's an abomination of a waifu delusion, thinking she's "the one".
based Jow Forums mod moved this trash thread
mods want op to post links