Seriously, should this 'parenting' style be illegal?

Seriously, should this 'parenting' style be illegal?

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Heavenly quads of 7 dictate that yes, it should be illegal.

Lucky quads confirm. Parents like this should be taken out back and fed to hungry mexicans

Probably another roastie single mom who'll raise another school shooter. These people belong in jail for child abuse.

Checked matey, poo kiddo

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People who do this to their kids should be publicly executed

How the fuck would this bitch even know her son is transgender so young? I wouldn't be surprised if younger parents these days projected their trendy beliefs onto young impressionable children.

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It should be illegal to give the child any kind of hormone blockers or female hormones.
If the little fag wanna roleplay as a woman, let him. You can't make it illegal for bad parents to be a bad influence.

Damn checked son.
As for the kid I think its ironic. I mean, I hope it is


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