Seriously, should this 'parenting' style be illegal?
Seriously, should this 'parenting' style be illegal?
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Heavenly quads of 7 dictate that yes, it should be illegal.
Lucky quads confirm. Parents like this should be taken out back and fed to hungry mexicans
Probably another roastie single mom who'll raise another school shooter. These people belong in jail for child abuse.
Checked matey, poo kiddo
People who do this to their kids should be publicly executed
How the fuck would this bitch even know her son is transgender so young? I wouldn't be surprised if younger parents these days projected their trendy beliefs onto young impressionable children.
It should be illegal to give the child any kind of hormone blockers or female hormones.
If the little fag wanna roleplay as a woman, let him. You can't make it illegal for bad parents to be a bad influence.
Damn checked son.
As for the kid I think its ironic. I mean, I hope it is
It's just virtue signalling for trend points
No this is good because the sooner they transition the less likely they will look like Bruce Jenner
>Are you a boy or a girl?
originalldo petticoat
>I wouldn't be surprised if younger parents these days projected their trendy beliefs onto young impressionable children.
That's pretty much exactly what it is. It's always the women too, because they have to virtue signal and keep up with trends. They're basically using their kids for social brownie points. Fucking cunts.
>It should be illegal to give the child any kind of hormone blockers or female hormones.
Nope, we have to let Tumblr roasties with obvious Munchausen's Syndrome by Proxy destroy the lives of their children so that delusional adult faggots can feel better about themselves and feel like we believe their psychotic delusions, too.
Reminds me of this one girl I knew from High School. She's still married to her kid's father, but she only posts two different types of pictures of the kid: him looking super depressed dressed in designer toddler clothes and posing outside in nature, or him looking super depressed and surrounded by like doll houses and pretend kitchens.
I have never seen a picture of the kid smiling, but every picture has a caption like "Look at him! He loves this shit!"
Just so you guys know, it is now doctor-approved for 'transgender' 10-year-olds to be 'treated' with puberty blockers.
Also pic related's website is still up and is business rather than her being arrested for being a sicko.
don't front like your church wasn't making castrati back in the day
Another cock gobbler will be made.
Why haven't we rounded these people up and executed them in the streets like the filthy Godless heathens they are.
i notice you did an end-run around the castrati comment
The world is going FUCKING mad.
In all actuality... how sad do you think these peoples pathetic lives must be on a day to day basis? they can't possibly be fulfilled with their entire lives centering on their arbitrary identity
He's going to become a statistic...
niggers tongue my anal glands
OP is a joke but you spergs cannot recognise that. Sad!
Not a joke 1/2
Not a joke 2/2
Shit is literally becoming common thanks to transtrender millennial
and this 3/2
I don't think its even physically possible for him to even grasp the concept of gender yet.
>shit on sub-alpha men for most of history to the point they try to save themselves and their children from that fate
>come up with a meme term for it
He's a literal baby, this is a joke, goddamn.
Watch all these parents faces when the kid turns 13 and decide he is nothing at all and kills himself or decide to read a book or two and understand he is hetrosexual like everyone else.
b-but we "talked" once when you were 2, r-remember?
Christ almighty.
probably a radical feminist lesbian reverting the kids gender as symbolic revenge on masculinity if i were to guess
the massive drag eyes always look fucking retarded
Don't you have to be legally eighteen to seek these procedures?
What did you just say to me, punk?
kid shares a name with a pedophile
So does everyone in this thread.
>Penn 10 what we consider gender fluid in that he often identifies as female he is happy and well adjusted but would be well Jewed in a class room with a teacher who is understanding and/or accepting of this. He still currently uses the pronoun "He" in reference to hinself.
>he is happy and well adjusted but would be well Jewed in a class room with a teacher who is understanding and/or accepting of this.
What did her subconscious mean by this?
Weird, there exists no pedophile that I share a name with.
*whips out hatefacts* you think you can roll me like some drifter, hoss?
What's your name, big dick mystic?
Anonymous, my bureau-bro.
Oh~ just fuck me dry!
Some people have stupid fucking names, user, I have a dude in one of my classes named Zoilo.
That means he is the pedophile.
>" I wouldn't be surprised if younger parents these days projected their trendy beliefs onto young impressionable children."
This scares me
This is genuinely unsettling. I had hormonal problems that naturally caused delayed puberty, the result is that I have a borderline micropenis. It's terrible and I wouldn't wish it on anybody.
>would be well jewed in a classroom with a teacher who is understanding
So projecting beliefs is okay as long as they're old beliefs huh?
Fuck your sky daddy, men are evil and you're better off being female.
t. robot male that, as all robots would have been, better off if someoen forcefully transitioned to female
If I didn't hate kids so much I'd say this was almost kind of cute. Judy a qt.
Only men can commit sex crimes shitlord.
fuck off, kike; you'd save money if you turned off your device right now.
It's only a five volt android user powered by solar power panels. I'd turn it off to make the device last longer, but androids are prone to planned obsolence so there's no point.
All your medical decisions up until the time you are a legal adult are entirely in your parents' hands. ENTIRELY. 100%. Unless someone else from your family complains to the actual police or Child Protective service that you're being abused and a judge rules in the claiment's favor, you're pretty much 100% under their control no matter how bat shit crazy they are.
planned obsolescence*
Wish the device would have underlined that in red.
No joke, if someone from my family did this to their kid, I would take my gun and shoot them.
I would tell the judge, that I'm proud that I saved the child from this fate.
see And back to pol, we are not soyy like you that are trying like redditt's the red pill to become men, we wish we were female.
If you do not wish you were female you are NOT a robot.
Oh yeah? Well, I'd shoot the kid too. One less degenerate in the world. It's better that way.
Check out this limpdick faggot. I'd shoot the parents, shoot the kid, then sneak a gun into court and shoot the judge and then myself. Try me, motherfucker.
> its ok i always wanted a girl anyway
Yes, but good luck enforcing it.
I'm not a neo-nazi or even a far-right person or anything like that, but shit like this just makes me wonder, "how would the world be if the axis powers had won?"
'sky daddy'
he didn't even bring up religion how fucking euphoric are you right now
Just a fellow reminder to ya, friend.
We would have other problems but I think it would have been better, at least for white and Japanese people.
>it's OK to mentally scare children into thinking they are something they are not
>it's not OK to fuck PTP in Murrica tho because muh kids don't understand pee pee hoes in vagoo
Can we all agree the US needs to just die forever? I can assure you the world would be better off with out these morons.
being male feels pretty dogshit though
Its 'served' you illiterate fucks.
>I habeeb men have value
Blatantly religious you faggot.
It's not ironically not ironc.
What the fuck are you talking about. Did you reply to the wrong person? All the guy said was it's not surprising parents are pushing trendy beliefs on their kids, zero comment on parents pushing old beliefs on them.
Your fedora is about to achieve critical mass. You know the christfags all left a long time ago right?
Just heard about this place recently, eh?
This just looks like an innocent halloween costume desu
Not really. Hitler would have let in muslims just the same.
Does no one else notice that this kid's name is Ian Watkins
haha, yikes
holy shit the society we live in FUCKING ACCEPTS THIS like wtf
To be honest, boys these days would be better off as girls.
You get beat up a bunch, don't you
Yeah, a lot of parents are transing their gnc kids just to get attention and progressive points. Really scary, considering that a lot of little kids who want to be the other gender end up becoming nondysphoric gay adults.
There's a special place in Hell for heathens such as these.
Call me queer, but as a kid I did some pretty gay stuff, and so did my brothers. I remember playing tag with just butt slaps, and playing a game that involved humping my best friends face. I am not gay, but if I had been raised by one of these parents I would have been told I was for nearly a decade leading up to puberty.
My brother once broke into my moms beauty cabinet. He came out with a powdered face and smeared lipstick. This mom would have had him on HRT within the week.
What about parents who didn't force their feminine sons to become girls for their own good?
hehehehehe burning with u m i rite
The PURGE is soon my Christian friend. Soon. The day of Reckoning is upon us.
Source on painting, reverse image search yields nothing
If a kid this young can give consent to change genders I should be able to fuck it
it was confirmed to be satire
Please, please, PLEASE tell me this is fake or some sort of counter meme.
You know how 10 year olds "decide" that they're some sort of flavor of the month special snowflake and undergo HRT because their psycho moms put them on it? If minors are not allowed to make "decisions on their own" and "can't consent" to things like sex, then why the FUCK is this allowed?
HRT and such things should only be allowed to adults over the age of 25 or at least 21, and only approved after extensive psychiatric therapy and counseling. If they still think they're a "woman" after all that, then by all means buy all that shit. It should also be taxed to hell and back, and not covered by any insurance.
Degeneracy like this would die within a decade or two when these psychos won't be able to afford all this, and we'll go back to the good old times of Straight and Gay/Lesbian, which is perfectly fine.
Used to be crazy moms dressing their boys like girls were frowned upon. Now they're celebrated.
>HRT and such things should only be allowed to adults over the age of 25 or at least 21
you think you're gonna scare them with the prospect of being hons but what you'll actually be doing is turbocharging plastic surgery innovation, which will result in even more trannies than if you'd done nothing
please try to consider the effects your incentives will actually have
>If minors are not allowed to make "decisions on their own" and "can't consent" to things like sex, then why the FUCK is this allowed?
They argue that puberty blockers can be quit without much repercussions. Thing is we don't have enough research data for that so these kids are essentially walking guinea pigs. I will feel sorry for the kids when this is going to backfire but I will laugh at their parents and all the woke people supporting this stupid shit.
If my parents was be find my real gender in childhood, I would not be tranny robot without friends and job. In op pic exactly very early, but I think that need find gender in kids from 10 age.
Seriously the funniest thing I've seen in a while. I would love to have been a fly on the wall during their "long talk".
>t. shill
you have a whole board dedicated to this bullshit go there and do not comeback
>Treat boy like a girl
>Other kids treat him like a boy
>Leads to him getting confused and eventually fucked in the head thanks to constant bullying/being told he's something he's not since he was a baby
>Corrugates the inside of his skull with a shotgun at age 12
The worst part is that the parents are probably so dense that they won't realise the part they played in murdering their own child. Instead they'll blame society and straightness, the eternal scapegoat.
These kids should be taken away from their parents
women should be deleted