Why does every guy here want dominant gf, men are the ones supposed to be dominant

why does every guy here want dominant gf, men are the ones supposed to be dominant
is there someone here who still likes submissive girls?

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Like 99% of the male population, larper.

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>men are the ones supposed to be dominant
more like 30-40% of men are subs

be my gf and i will relentlessly bully you

I want to be taken care of, just like roasties want to be babysitted by men

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How submissive are you.

I would beat you savagely at least twice a week.

You are not representative of the male population, faggot in denial. Go prep your sister's bull and dont forget your estrogen patches.

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I was thinking about asking my girlfriend to choke me while she rides me.

I just prefer being dominated by a guy than vice versa.

I never said that I was sub, I just said that like a third of men are (and they are).
Cucking isn't femdom btw.

A dominant woman means that the man won't be the one who gets rejected or has to put effort in for intimacy. It might sound like people who are into that are lazy but they're actually depressed and lonely and don't see any other way to find someone who will love them so they make up these fantasies of a woman who will take them by force and give them that feeling of being desired that they've lived most or all of their life without.

Fucking neck yourself you verminous cunt

exterminate your existence

this is a safe space for genetically inferior beta males and other weak males.

there's millions of chads who will rape and choke you like in your "50 rapes of grey" feminist bible

>wah i have it so hard as a girl because i actively seek out a site full of weak men and am repulsed by the knowledge that they arent going to choke me while i call them daddy
god i hope this thread is fucking bait

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I want a submissive girl but i'm an ugly guy so my opinion doesn't matter.

stfu you greasy piece of filth

I just sorta like the relationship parts with having a mommy gf
If you want me to abusive you sexually I'm up for that

Why are you getting angry?

the real patrician choice is wanting a switch girl

why can't a guy get a relationship without retarded power dynamics?

I want a girl who can be both

Come here
I'll forcefully fuck you

because equality in a relationship is the true myth.

not looking for equality, just equillibrium

i'm not a super pushy guy but i'm also not a doormat. Why can't I express preferences and have a girl who does the same and do our best to please each other in good faith without the stupid role play shit?

fuck your stupid semantics, you knew what I meant you fucking beta.

Because a girlfriend is not just your friend. In a healthy and happy relationship men are always dominant while women are submissive

but that's wrong. Relationships where the man is shorter are actually the happiest and last the longest.

Being shorter has little to do with being dominant. In fact I noticed that most lanklets here are submissive. There's "tfw I'm 6'x and I want taller dom gf" everyday

Being raised by a single mother does that to you.

Shorter men are more dominant. Maybe that's why. Submissive men are mainly meek lanklets.

I prefer not dominant nor submissive girls, my type is a what GTA Online female character: something between them.

cope more dwarf

Who is coping here? You are, lanklet submissive virgin.

I like submissive girls but I am a dyke, so

Hi...how dyke are ya?

>men are the ones supposed to be dominant
Why did you buy into the retarded Jew propaganda? We're supposed to be partners, you dumb cunt.

Austria-chan is a submissive dyke. Try hooking up with her.

submissive girls are fine but they really are a diamond dozen. they are also kind of pathetic.

a dominant gf is a rare gem, a valuable girl who should be cherished and worshipped.

Or you know you could actually date a normal human being.

Even the guys who are into the whole BDSM bullshit say that submissive women are trash without a personality or will to do anything by themselves because it seeps into all other aspects of life, so what the fuck would a normal guy do with someone like that?

Unless you're a literal creep who should be locked up for public safety of course.

Okay. But how much? What are your fetishes/limits/ etc

It's appalling how rare this sort of thinking is on Jow Forums, you'd think most of the people here would be over shit like ">tfw no submissive gf" or ">tfw no mommy gf" as in the posts that you see all the time. It's such a one-dimensional thing to build one's identity and then a relationship around, and it doesn't seem very stable or likely to last.