Other urls found in this thread:
Stop. The board will be shut down
No way it'll happen, every fucking day now someone makes a thread like this and nothing happens.
Post some evidence then
A pepe in a mask.
>the part of you that wants to believe bothers to post in this thread
Make sure to announce the Incel Rebellion on social media right before your show.
Bears are some pretty good animals
Goats too
neither of them quite as gud as birbs
Give us some evidence. If you're really planning on doing something, give a name or something.
Lizards master race
Spiders you say?
have lizards ever saved you from unwanted pregnancy? no? well I'm sure condoms have
pic related. That's a point for birbs
Pls don't.
I don't want the site to be shut down for 24 hrs again like with that Van guy.
big if true u gay if not lel
Kek, your so dumb can I poop in your butt?
>implying anyone here has ever had a need for condoms
Seconding for this spiders are awesome
Had like 100 babyspiders at one point
now they live around the house as my personal bug-killers
I will admit that some species of condor are obsolete but still pretty gud animal
FBI in 30 minutes
sounds cool but aren't you afraid of them biting you at some point ?i know it most likely wont be lethal/dangerous but surely it wont be nicest thing to experience
Be sure to take a few condors so you dont get aids in prison
Don't do it, but if you insist make sure to shout Allahu Akbar
What's your favourite spider user? mine's pic related.
I'm the lizard guy but personally I like wolf spiders and orb weavers. Giant fishing spiders are also cool.
Agreed. They're all great. No bad spiders.
some of you guys are okay
if you include me in the screencap that is.
also, fuck you OP, don't make them take away our guns, don't make the gun statistics even wrose.
Got some of these in my backyard. they look cool.
Finally it started. I'm going to have a good watch.
Thanks everybody for tuning in.
Forever yours, OP.
the universe is watching you boy, it judges you
That is a cute little fella. We need more spider posters.
Where...? We want info
Hi CNN! I just wanted to say that I really like the noodles in the pic. Really nice instant noodles
today OP was a faggot as usual
please be real please be realplease be realplease be realplease be realplease be realplease be realplease be realplease be realplease be realplease be realplease be realplease be realplease be realplease be realplease be realplease be realplease be realplease be realplease be realplease be realplease be realplease be realplease be realplease be realplease be realplease be realplease be realplease be realplease be realplease be realplease be realplease be realplease be realplease be realplease be realplease be realplease be realplease be realplease be realplease be realplease be realplease be realplease be realplease be realplease be realplease be realplease be realplease be realplease be realplease be realplease be realplease be realplease be realplease be realplease be realplease be realplease be realplease be realplease be realplease be realplease be realplease be realplease be real
it wasn't real, sorry bud
you'll get the next one
Hey CNN, remember that DOTA 2 > League of Legends.
This is the official stance of all incels around the world.
>my one day off and Jow Forums is going to shut down
No, you're wrong. League of Legends is, has been, and will always be better than Dota 2. This can be proven scientifically.
Fake and gay faggot you wont do it
They're both shit. Trust me.
It's been established that op is a cock consuming counterfeit already.
you both have shit taste in games, MOBA's are cancer
I never said I liked League of Legends, I just said it was better than Dota 2, you autists.
There's a shooting in Denver right now... OP?
Fake and gay faggot op wont do it
I don't think it's related. This guy's just watching a movie.
Inb4 reddit fags asking to be put in the thumbnail
anime poster why do you hate us niggas?
Sheep skin aside, latex comes from plants.
Godspeed space cowboy robot!
you never seen a condor boy? you put them on your dick to have safe sex
Already happened?
Don't click it's a virus. Trust me.
This thread was made 20 minutes after that article.
let the world hear your reee user
thirty minutes has passed if OP isnt bullshitting its going down as we speak