7 years of Jow Forums has turned my sexuality upside down and now i want to be fucked from behind by a cute twink...

7 years of Jow Forums has turned my sexuality upside down and now i want to be fucked from behind by a cute twink. I wanna suck his cock and see him quiver and shake when he cums. I'm also attracted to women, no doubt about that, but i have never had any success with them. So it doesn't really matter.

Attached: robot bait 5.jpg (620x827, 56K)

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It isn't the websites fault

you're bi
just accept it, stop blaming Jow Forums for your feelings

>this website made me gay

You were born a faggot user, who cares

ban Jow Forums

This picture reminds me when I was 14. I literally had that body (even the slight gyno) but I let myself go and became a NEET shut-in. I could have been a cute girl (male) and maybe even have a bf/husband nowadays but it's too late for my 29 year old self.

Attached: 1521779308150.jpg (966x1024, 88K)

do you really want imageboard black markets and imageboard mafia
how dumb are you

Get real dude, Jow Forums makes people gay, this has been know for some time. Look at the language, newfag, namefag, OP is a fag etc. Line trap, bridget and general anime obsession, it's pretty obvious whats going on.

>i-it was my own choice!
t. Faggot who is in denial about being turned into a faggot

It's interesting though because back in the day being an actual faggot was looked down on here almost universally save for a small group. Somewhere along the line the userbase turned gay and it spread like a virus. I wonder why

/y/ was one of the first boards
you're being a revisionist

That doesn't disprove what i said though. If you look at the userbase as a whole the percentage of actual fags was rather small and they were looked down on by the rest. Especially after Jow Forums grew from just an anime board to what made it what it is (oldfag era, after the originalfag era) the overwhelming majority of users were outright hostile to homosexuality. Even during the obscurity/originalfag era where homosexuality wasn't as hated as later on it still was confined to a small group.

"what made it what it was" was not leejunaire's disease, as you appear to be implying

Psyops originally.

>more gays that ever before
>more reddit users than ever before
>more phoneposters than ever before

2007 was the final wave of cancer. This time 4chin dies for real.

you don't know what cancer is

>i want to be fucked from behind by a cute twink
imagining having gay sex =/= actually doing it
go actually fuck a man you might realize you did a terrible mistake

I'm looking at it right now.

Leejun came way later on my dude, it happened during the end of the oldfag era (chanology happened in 2008, 2009 is generally accepted to be around the time "old Jow Forums" died and the newfag influx started).

Whats this one?

A girl (male) in Guilty Gear games.

You saw it, yet you chose to post it.
There is no meaningful different between ED fags and Chanology fags.

goddamn it

You do know that anonymous as a "movement"/meme started in 2004 right? That's one year into the creation of Jow Forums. 2004-2007 is generally accepted to be the best years of Jow Forums and what made it what is. If you're denouncing that era yet embracing the post cancer redditard newfag era, what does that make you?

I jerked off 3 times in the past 2hrs and am drinking vodka while on diazepam but that pic is just fucking hot af.
Fuck women I want that boypussi.

2006 was when the rot set in and raids were always cancer

>raids were cancer
>but redditards talking about eating eachothers assholes and sucking unwashed dicks is amazing
Without even getting into an argument about that, you're still denouncing 2004, 2005 and 2006 laddie, which were also well into the anonymous era. Might as well go ahead and say you hated Jow Forums until the gay newfag cancer took over.

We had full-blown scat threads with women writing "/b/" in shit on themselves. We had guro and loli boards. You're trying to paint "degeneracy" as something alien to the site. It's not.

Hey kike, we are going to kill you all for what you have done and try to do.

stop having schizophrenia

Classic shill move. The genocide breathing down your neck is so close you can smell the breath. A part of you knows you deserve every inch of steel, every foot of rope, every nail on every cross that are to be your retribution. You'll never admit it consciously but a part of you knows your evils.

hey user
I too am bicurious
i wanna fuck a twink
i have a skinny build so i guess i count as a twink

if this werent an anonymous taiwanese internet board id say we should hook up, only condition is that i get to suck you off

What point are you exactly trying to refute here? I never said anything regarding any of those subjects, nor did i say that "degeneracy is alien to this site". You're just strawmanning at this point.

lol you sure about that homo?

Kike, your crimes are so severe that blanket genocide is a mercy. By the rules of your god an eye for an eye would not be satisfied by commiting you each to the lengthiest most paiful torture possible, but we are just going to kill you all to the last woman, sterilize your children, and then sell them into slavery to niggers because it's poetic. Again a part of you knows you deserve it all and more. You're welcome.

Please stop drinking white on those meds. Everything is going to be OK.

I agree though, I really, really want some boi pucci.

Are you capable of truly comprehending the depths of the evil you are attempting to subversively spread?

If youre attracted to the pic that you posted than you're not attracted to men, thats a trans woman lol. Normal men and twinks don't look like that

Fucking traps and T girls should be mandatory for all men.

To think otherwise is evil.

Good point.

Though some traps do have really feminine builds, they are normally bang on 18 though.

Kike truly attempt to understand what it is you are doing.

Kill yourselves you mutant faggots

Yeah that goes away with age unless they get on T blockers or have klinefelters or something sadly

I am aggressive, paranoid, ocd, etc.
You got any other idea besides bottoming for me?

>7 years of Jow Forums has turned my sexuality upside down
makes two of us.. I want a trap gf (bf) and I'm cis myself
>do traps even like females (female)

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Absolutely despicably repugnantly evil.

There's no point clinging to the past. The question of whether the future will be better or worse is moot; regardless, it's coming. This is progress, social change is inevitable. Things are only going to continue in this direction. There's nothing you or anyone else can ultimately do about it. Being upset and acting like an asshole isn't going to help anything. You and I are tiny little helpless individuals awash in the now stormy seas of human society. Kick your feet and keep your head above water as long as you can.

I and hundreds of millions of good men are actively preparing to end this stream of kike filth and nothing can stop us. We will purge the evil that is jews and then teach the lost to find the light or force them to follow the dark they have misguidedly chosen to the grave. We are the silent majority becoming the armed masses becoming the army of all that is decent.

Like 90% of trans women are transbian so yes

This isn't Jow Forums. You're wasting your time trying to spread conservative morality.

Here... Here's a pic of a ts Miran.


Attached: miran1.jpg (960x1280, 182K)

Not drinking.

CBD oil, and therapy?

prison gay bois should jump in here

c-can trannies join?

Attached: cleanyourselfupanon.png (660x721, 81K)

cute tits
cute hips

Kike your end is coming and you know you deserve it all and then some. Despicable