Are you a ketchup, mustard or tartar guy, user?

Are you a ketchup, mustard or tartar guy, user?

Attached: Homemade-Healthy-Ketchup.jpg (600x394, 23K)

Based bbq reporting

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What does BBQ sauce go well with?

Quinky sauce master race

Ketchup and mayo. Mustard is good with hotdogs.

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Home made or bought?

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mayo guy

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i mix bbq sauce (the real kind, not sweet and artificially smoky ketchup), ketchup, ground mustard seeds, honey, celery salt, and Worcester sauce together to make the god of sauces.

Im a mint jelly boy

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Mayo is the superior sauce

I've seen this before but like what the fuck would you even put mint jelly on? everything I can think of that you'd put jelly on would taste gross if it was minty.

I'm from idaho and there is no substitute to fry sauce


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Mayo, ketchup, thousand island, sauerkraut, ranch, cheese

Your taste is seriously skewed. You should visit a doctor. What the fuck

Putting jelly on meat? It must be a fucking american thing.

Exactly. How could that even taste good?
It's like the red pepper chocolate abominations.


Mustard is superior ofc.
is also breddy gud

chicken, beef, pork, fish sticks, and potato chips

ketchup or bbq sauce. I mix them both together sometimes.

If you use ketchup or enjoy it at all yours actually disgusting and should kill yourself

honey mustard supremacy

I just use heavy cream or butter with the potato chips that I bake in the owen.

>inb4 some faggot charges in with their iron chef opinions on how ketchup is for 5 year olds and acting like a hotdog is a 600$ cut of prime steak

Ketchup and BBQ Sauce
i use both

Mixing ketchup with mayo is far superior, you get a delicious pink like paste as a result.

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Ketchup is hands down the best sauce ever.

Ketchup is godly. But this is also acceptable

That's actually what they usually sell as "hamburger sauce".

I originally hate mayo.

It's called thousand islands sauce..

Roasted garlic aioli here.

Attached: garlic-aioli-600x314.jpg (600x314, 49K)

>Not fry sauce

You all have such shit taste. Fry sauce is the ultimate sauce on the planet. For those that are curious it's mayonnaise and ketchup mixed together, also looks like thousand island dressing.

Attached: Fry Sauce.jpg (630x458, 38K)

It's Fry Sauce, you hillbilly retards. It has a name. It's bottled and sold in stores. You can make it at home easily. Just mix ketchup with mayo, also mixing ranch and ketchup gets a similar result.