May 16, 2018

>May 16, 2018

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Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck I really need to go take care of my lawn. I got a notice about it a week ago and have until Friday.

Im so behind everyone else. Wasted all this time when they were making their ways forward. now i must eat their dust fukk

>my life been on pause since 2012

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Mine has been on pause since 2007.

you too huh? I've seen way too many people who feel like they are stuck like us since 2012.

>when you realize the Mayans were depicting the end of "your" world in 2012

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2019 is right around the corner. I can't fucking wait.

>Early 2000s are now a distant bygone era
>Even the 2010s are almost gone and stuff from 2010 already feels dated
>Less than 2 years until the 2020s

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I think 2012 was the year when what little dust remained of the early 2000s were swept away...

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it means you were unable to grow up mentally and stayed a mental toddler in denial instead of sucking up your responsibilities like an adult would

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not him but i think youre right but i dont think i can reverse this

>tomorrow is my 20th birthday
>tfw starting to cross the border between adolescence and adulthood

apu is time and the anime girl is me

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>tfw time as we perceive it is linear and only goes forward

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>tfw you will always be a 3rd dimensional timelet

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I've had so much change in my life for the better honestly feels so good.

Went from having 9 friends neet to being a club promoter with 6k Instagram followers and a gf.

>9 friends

I meant no friends and this all happened in a year

>instagram followers mean anything

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good job becoming a club promoter and getting a gf, though
what changes did you make to your life for this to happen

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Have you been living under a rock? you can make a literal living off ig followers

how so


This was after about a 3 year journey of making myself more attractive. I was already tall but I went through jaw surgery, gym, accutane, and Lazer for acne scars before I had the confidence to go out to a club. The first time I went to a club I was approached by several girls, made out with girls (multiple) for the first time in my life and ended up going home and losing my virginity that same night. I was 23 then. It was a surreal experience.

After that I went out whenever I could which was a few times a week and eventually I was approached by another club promoter to work under him, he was a literal Jew Chad, and in typical Jewish fashion he gave me a bad deal. But he helped me get my foot in the door and now I'm working alongside him and not under him. He helped me grow my Instagram and I lucked out by dating a girl that was into photography so we went out and took a lot of nice pictures to post on my growing insta. After a few months I had a pretty good following.

You can ask me about any part of this I'd be happy to chat.

I'm the club promoter, having a large following translates directly in the money I make. I advertise myself as a promoter on Instagram and people contact me to get on my guestlist for a club I'm promoting, which in turn makes me money.

>less than 2 years until 2020
i can't live in a world like this

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it means at least a few thousand people cared enough about you to want to keep up with your posts, so it does mean something.
Also you can make money of instagram through ads, the more followers you have, the more you can reasonably charge for each ad.

Meant to reply to you

Originally of course

Hm this is actually really uplifting. Most of the time it's just people giving up and being miserable but you actually decided to do something about it, and you got results. Good shit user but why are you still here?

I was on Reddit (I know) and a thread from Jow Forumsshort popped up with a bunch of girls hating on short dudes. After browsing that I decided to check what you guys were up, ran into this thread and here I am.

Life appears short because you waste it on....

-Pursuing inconsequential goals like leveling up in a video game
-Worrying about that thing you did last week and other stuff that will be forgotten in a month
-Arguing about sex and race and gender issues
-Talking about Trump, elections, politics etc. to death
-Working hard and saving up for when you're old, completely neglecting your best years
-Complaining about Chad, Stacey, Norman, and the "injustices" of life
-Debates about films, music, "x vs y" and other absolute trivia
-Reminiscing about the past, instead of living in the present
-Wishing and lusting and envying, instead of obtaining
-Trying to win over specific people i.e. living your life for others
-Worrying about how your biceps aren't in proportion and other shit nobody cares about
-Drinking, masturbating and other vices

Years fly by because this crap is forgotten and barely counts as living. There are so many hours in a day and the majority of it is completely wasted.

Please tell me, what have you done recently that you think was actually worth the time and you don't regret doing?

Not only are most of the people on here deranged, it's like an addiction.

This is your life on Jow Forums:

Because of all the stimuli it ruins all other forms of entertainment. You can't read books, practice an instrument, program, write a novel or anything else because it doesn't have the same stimuli. And another problem is all the fucked up shit that comes with that stimuli. You may think you're immune because it hasn't changed you yet, but it changes you gradually without you realizing it.

For example there's all the trap and sissy shit, everyone invalidates each other and puts eachother down or they outright attack your self esteem. In threads like this everyone talks about how much of a failure they are, and overtime you'll start to apply that shit to your life, accept and stop putting up any resistance.

All the time you spend on here is time you could have put into programming, making music, reading, writing, studying Chess or whatever else you idealize. You could become an expert in any of those things and you would be proud of yourself for getting so good. You wouldn't feel like a failure, but if all you've done is endless browsing threads instead then you would have absolutely nothing to show for it.

If you have hobbies you can also make friends or find a gf through finding other people who do the same. This site is bad for you.

Normie here. Let me tell you how it looks from our POV.

> Had new housemate move in ~3 years ago
> First 2 years he was an utter NEET
> Lived on benefits
> Spent all day everyday watching anime and trash tv game shows
> His sleep cycle was fucked
> I'd get home from a club at 4am, I'd meet him in the kitchen because he just got back from a Mcdonalds run for his 'Lunch'
> I finally pestered him enough to get a job
> He got one
> Goes to work, comes home, watches anime, repeats
> Hes never had a friend, let alone a girl over
> I can't even talk to him because he has no plans or interest in the future.

Sure he is not hurting anyone and he always pays rent on time. But what I don't get is why he is wasting his life. In the past 3 years I have made friends, had lovers, advanced my career whereas in 20 years he will look back on this time in this house and have achieved nothing.

Sure life is scary, for normies as well. We have fears, hopes and dreams, but at least we are experiencing the full breadth of what life has to offer. You guys are so scared of failing you shut yourselves away from the world. Mistakes are something that is ingrained into life, we all make mistakes and fail, but we keep going despite our defeats.

That's what pisses normies off, that you cunts don't even try at life.

In other words GET OFF 4 CHAN

>havent been to school or work since 2008
>ALL time spent between bed, fridge, toilet and pc
>obviously khv
>cant remember when was the last time i had fun
how much longer must i suffer lads?

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If it pisses you off then maybe you should ignore it

Were things better 10 years ago or is it just nostalgia

>Almost 13 months since getting fired from shit retail job
>Almost a year since getting hired by a better retail job

good post user i'll be hanging around here to read more from you

>Remembering stuff with friends at a party
>Realize almost all of it is at least from 5 years ago
>Didn't do much since
>25 years old and already feel old

>Halo 3 came out 11 years ago
>Can remember the fucking day I bought the 360 and the game

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This thread is giving me major anxiety.

>been on pause
oh no user, it's been on play the whole time

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