So I was working on a project today with a girl from my class on a group research paper that we have to write about Asian history. I'm working with this cute girl who I am friends with on facebook, and we actually get along pretty well. but, I forgot I had it opened and when we opened my computer to show her some of the stuff I've written there were a few images I made of her as a giantess. And I know she saw it cause she said "what the fuck" and I quickly closed my laptop, sat there for about 20 seconds without saying anything, and I just collected my shit and said "I have to go" and fled the scene.
I don't know what to do. Should I withdraw from the class? I don't know how I can go back and I think I should drop out of school entirely now. I know she's telling all the other peope in our friend group, it's over for me. FUCK WHAT THE FUCK WHY DID I FORGET TO CLOSE THE IMAGES FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK
pls let it be real
Something similar happened to me once. I was working on a project with two girls and one of them saved an image on my laptop, and when she did she saw my creepshots folder. She very quickly clicked on the desktop button and saved it there, but from the look on her face and her silence I could tell she knew full well what she'd seen. I stupidly didn't just drop the class and leave the school entirely because I thought maybe she would just keep it to herself, and she wound up going to the administration and they launched a full investigation into me. I wound up getting kicked out when they found that I had been taking pics of girls on campus. The school newspaper even printed a fucking article with my face and full name about it. My advice: drop out now and start fresh somewhere else. If you have been editing images of her there is no doubt she's freaked out and will probably go to the authorities. But if you leave now maybe you can head off any investigation, like when people resign to avoid being fired.
fake and gay
show images
post pictures for proof
Kill yourself immediately.
Post the giantess version of her and blur the picture or this is both fake and gay.
There is no hope for you. Why are you even alive?
This x 1000
If Of delivers, I'll tell him how to unfuck the situation.
if you deliver pics we'll help
dude r u a fucking psychopath wtf I wonder if u have pics of my mother or something bc you r a fucking pervert
What the fuck, I posted the stupid image and you faggots didn't give me any advice
Honestly, if you had kept it open you probably could have played it off as a joke.
Shit like, "hey lmao check out this picture", and play it off as some retarded meme.
Now, you might be fucked though, if she asks something just make it into a meme.
You sound like a faggot or a teenager
Drop out, move to another city where nobody knows you and legally change your name.
She was probably horrified by the terrible photoshop job. You need to put more effort into your personalized porn.
You are one wierd fucking weirdo and I have no sympathy for you
HAHAH. Ah man you're fucked
Fuck you guys you lied to me I'm deleting it
Holy shit you fucked up good OP. Hope she saw nothing
Not so fast senpai
sorry OP but you're fucked now your first mistake was having this image open on your computer
your second mistake was trusting people on the internet
now your life is over
Go fuck yourself you stupid piece of shit, why are you doing this shit to me for no reason? You lied to get the image and now you're harassing me.
Fucking lmao
OP got owned
>here's only one
if you're into giantess shit you deserve everything bad that happens as a result
Is there anyone here autistic enough to find this girls identity via the tattoo?
Props to op for delivering even if he pulled it. She's looks like your average roastie, not really cute material.
You better post the other 4 or we'll track her down and tell her you want to rape her.
OP here. I made this shit up idk who the guy is pretending to be me with that image but this thread is golden lmao
sorry OP, we're in charge now, we make the demands
Leave your school now OP
The picture she was shopped in is 25th Street in Ogden, Utah. He may have pulled it randomly from the net though and may not actually be from Utah.
I know your feel, i also use photoshop and give girls key necklace to fullfill my cuck fantasy
you are fucked desu, consider sucide or moving to other city
You done did it now OP, noone can save you now, my sides jesus christ
There is a Weber State University in Ogden.
OP you're a fucking asshole for making us giantess guys look like weirdos. Fuck you you deserve all the shit
there's no coming back now for OP
he's done, FINISHED
OP give us a update pls i need to talk
Congrats OP, you're "that guy". Leave the class, and hope you never see her again. Maybe skip next semester. Leave your school or move away if you have to. You are fucked, I don't know if there's any way you can get unfucked here. Just hope and pray she doesn't tell everyone.
>why are you doing this shit to me for no reason?
From an outside perspective, this is really funny, which is likely why.
I didn't even do anything wrong so idk why the fuck you're reposting my private shit. Thanks for the only legit advice though.
Also the background on that picture is random you fucking faggots.
>I-It was a random picture!!! I do not live there!!! Honest!!!
Make it stop my sides
>goes on the internet
>expects not to get fucked with
>I didn't even do anything wrong so idk why the fuck you're reposting my private shit
You posted your private shit on Internet, what in the fucking fuck did you expect?
>I didn't even do anything wrong
do you really think being a creep and photoshopping some girl onto images for you to get off is nothing wrong
I wasn't the user who reposted it. But you're welcome. Don't post any of the other 4 images in that set.
Is your friend a chatty type of person? Or is she more shy. I'm going to assume she's extroverted and confident relatively, given the personality you'd have to have to post beach photos of yourself on facebook. Do you think she will tell everyone?
You should prepare for the worst.
Man fuck off you're on Jow Forums too, who are you faggots to judge me.
It is random you dumbass, why would I photoshop it onto where I live?
I'm not posting any more photos obviously.
Fuck you all.
> i didnt do anything wrong
My mans, its not about the fact that you Made that shit, its how about how RETARDED you are by not closing that shit off
fuck now im invested in this thread
It's literally not where I live you faggot, go ahead and waste your time. It's the very first result when you look up small city on Google Images.
Shit happens, I feel bad for you.
Perhaps reading image related will help you get over it.
>why would I photoshop it onto where I live?
because its your fetish lmao, why would you choose some random ass town in utah? You're more likely to choose some place you've been, or some place you live than to choose a town at random.
you've fetishised this girl and now you must pay for your crimes
Can the user who saved the original file look at the meta data to see where the ip that made it was in? I'm not Jow Forums so this might just be retarded
well at least you made me laugh. Honestly tho dude this is pretty much worst case scenario
Was that pic you posted the one she saw?
At least you had the balls to post it. So you're cooler than like 95% of us here.
4 chan strips all that
Protip: stop being a degenerate and you'll stop having problems like this.
It's Jow Forums though what do you expect
user, its not that bad, just tell you did this as a joke or something. Ignore those other faggots in this thread.
I'm just gonna reverse search this real quick. Hey it might work you never know
Her identity could probably be found through this.
Put me in the screencap
Not an original comment
holy fuck that is amazing
But still not as bad as OP's situation, because giantess fetish is a lot worse than an orderly approach to dating (and some casual racism)
Find out what kind of car she drives and where she parks at the college/university.
Rent an oversized truck with a fucking grill guard on it (see pic related).
Wait in the parking lot in your truck by her car.
When you see her. Vroom fucking vroom.
stream the whole thing and blame /lit/
Fuck all of you shitting on giantess fetishes it's the best just because OP is a sperg doesnt mean shit. Shut the fuck up
What's wrong with being into giantessess? It's super hot. There are lots of fetishes out there that are way more degenerate.
>tfw no giantess gf
why Iive?
kek finally a worthwhile thread on r9k
godspeed you op
How can this picture be seen as creepy or downright dangerous behaviour by her?
You get along well before this event. All you had to do is tell her:
Oh yea that picture. I like you, you know? And I thought it was cool to make you into like a giant on a city building, I dunno. Was just messing around in photoshop one day.
Im sorry if this is werid.
Then she maybe and hopefully say: aww... ye no its kinda weird but now I know that and ye something, something about the picture.
Im fucking 27 neet khhv lvl and i wouldnt have fucked up so hard in the moment like you did.
But I also cant see what is so wrong about the picture and you having it on your computer.
You two were friends on facebook and talking to each other.
I dunno, i guess im autistic.
She's a big girl for you, OP.
lol get fucked you freak
If we meme it maybe someone will recognize her
Alright I am a loser so I will help you , If she still wants to talk to you explain why you made what you made, why you made what you made doesnt matter ,come up with an excuse , invent a scenario in where the end result explains reality.No do not stop going to school under any circumstances , you will look more guilty , in moments like these you need some balls of steel , also a good story , repeat it and never change it until people believe you.
Now your mistake was that you left when she found out about the pictures , you fucked up big time with that and if you cant make an excuse you can use some of the truth , as in it was quite embarrassing , the best lie is sometimes the truth.
Alright sorry for double posting , not sorry , share some of the pictures of her as giantess , blur face if needed , but we need to know how fucked are you
She looks like a standard thot. It would be near-impossible to differentiate her from others.
nah OP could play this off as just having a crush on the girl and people might let it go
what that poster did was worse because he was racist and misogynist, his reputation would never recover
Play it off like a joke or say you did it out of boredom. If she asks about you running off say you panicked because she looked really worried about it might have thought it was weird.
>I fucked up What do I do
Kek. Nothing. You're overreacting for no reason. The fact that she said what the fuck shows that she finds it weird and probably will crack up a few jokes with her friends for a few weeks. Don't listen to these paranoid anxiety feeding autists . I have done much worse things back in high school and would just laugh about it. Chad wouldn't really care would he.
How is photoshopping someone's bikini pictures something that people will laugh about you fucking autists?
holy mother of kek OP this thread made my day
You did this to yourself, faggot
You've got shit taste OP
You all are massive fags.
We're all incredibly fucked up people who have stupid fetishes and could have made a mistake just as bad as OP.
OP was just looking for help and all you do is attempt to identify him and ridule him? Pathetic, you could have been part of something better by offering legitement help.
not OP but this is a different sort of situation desu. you took photos of girls without their consent. OP edited existing photos that were already published online
well samefag,heres where you SHOULDNT ask
1-Jow Forums
3- anywhere in Jow Forums,dont
Put me in the screencap
Fucking kek thanks OP you've made my day
Stop asking to be in the screencap you plebbitors
This 2bh famm
It's fucking over OP. Find a way to autistically apoligize and prove your harmless. Delete the pictures now. Tell her you had a crush and didn't know how to show it, and promise you'll never talk to her again.
The longer you wait the more damage it's doing. You're in damage control mode now OP. If you don't want to drop out do this ASAP. Do this in person and then never so much as look at her afterwards.
>talking to her ever again, even just to apologize
shit advice senpai
Skip town op. Better yet kys, ur a waste of oxygen.
>skip town
what does this mean
he's going to ask his giant waifu to destroy it
just own it and say you like giant girls. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain user. also 2 away!!!
Underage or Reddit. Leave now
>>skip town
>what does this mean
it means you get the heck outta dodge