Come enforce your thoughts, in the A r c h i v e ---
{ /EJdYdY9 }

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bad server lol xddddddddd

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T. 6133
Fuck off roastie

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6133 should get brutally murdered

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There are some roasties but the shitposting is all right. Comfy

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t. 6133, literal roastie

sounds like your discord has a drama problem, seems like a good way to make sure nobody joins

6133 is a cute girl that is friends with everyone join this server OwO

Nice cope

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i dont understand the hate against 6133 :(

i want to be her friend!

Im not in your discord, but this thread alone is proof that its full of cancer

OP is dusty, 17 y/o underageb&

>3 people circle jerking drama
Sorry your standards so high faggot

Admin is like 22 but sure kek


>*says literally anything*
what exactly is he coping about faggot? if anything you're the one coping with the fact that your server is full of drama and cancer by responding to him in the first place and blaming his argument on irrelevant "LE S O Y"

Sounds like you're getting a bit heated my man, do you need some time to cope? :)

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i'm coping with the fact that you're underaged and retarded and can't even produce a coherent defense for yourself. seek ropes.

Who hurt you, my friend?

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i'm just calling you out on your bullshit. you shouldn't even be on this website youngun

T. 16 year old with coping anger issues
Ok bud ;)

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Exactly this. This whole thread just proves how immature and shitty this server is.

6133 if youre here lets be friends :)

>tsuki ripoff
piss off