Any fellow psychopaths in here?

People FORBIDDEN to reply

>90% of replies: People complaining about edgy teens who think they are psychopaths

>9% of replies: Edgy teens who think they are psychopaths

People ALLOWED to reply:

>1% of replies: Actual Psychopaths

>5.0/5.0 Primary and Secondary psychopathy psychopath reporting in.

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>implying you aren't the edgy retard we all despise
real psychopaths don't know or certainly don't care that they are

lol look at this edgy kid thinking he's a psychopath.


A psychopathic person is basically a highly functioning autist. If you're on this website seeking attention for things you perceive to be wrong with your mind I doubt you are highly functioning.

Je ne suis pas sociopathe. Mais, je suis egoiste, donc je poste ici.

Qu'est-ce que vous allez faire, putain?

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Sociopaths are the retarded version of a psychopath, but they are welcome too.

Je suis un baguette et un a butthole stinky french weiner oh to eh elle e ont smoka da cigarette oh ho ho ho (the french way not the santa way)

this. the fact that posted about it in the first place should be a testament to how fucking retarded he is.

nah, brainlets I posted it so normies would't bother polluting the thread, but as it turns out you are too retarded to be explained something even at kindergarden level.

So all in all I wish your mother's get cancer and die painfully.

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I wouldn't say I'm a psycpath but consistently score high low in empathy and high in narcissism on online meme tests.
Tbh I think standards for empathy are too high, as I'd definitely die for my loved ones.

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That would be "hon hon hon" then if it were to be French

>The fucked up grammar in your last sentence
It sounds like you're saying what what you are
Qu'allez-vous faire putain? Is how you do it faggot

see y'all non-functioning sociopaths later

Nigga now you be talking Spanish?

You are normal, but you don't talk shit about psychopaths and you don't try to act like an edgelord. I respect people like you.

work recently hired a couple of roasties
they gossip and act like schoolage cunts
words gotten back to me that im apparently a sexual predator / probable rapist
literally not said a word to them outside of whats been needed for our jobs or offering / accepting coffee
why are they like this
i dont want to gossip and fuck around
i am here to work
might acid them lads

No the n is silent you see, so it makes an "awgn" sound


Thinking im a sociopath and consistently score very high on those online meme tests shits. But I really don't wanna get checked out officially since that will be a stain I can never remove and I have to get accepted into police academy since thats the most fun job I can think of. What are my options?

>No the n is silent you see, so it makes an "awgn" sound
White noise?

are sociopaths allowed ITT
Well im posting in it now regardless

>Hurr durr ladys ""unjustly"" think I'm weird
>lets acid them
you're reaching new levels

Sorry I'm not good at phonetics

DO NOT GO to a psychiatrist. Normies are fearful of psychopaths and sociopaths and will hurt you to protect themselves. You will be in recrods and fucked up. Don't show yourself unless it is your family or somebody like you.
Psychiatrists are obliged to share threads be it self harm or harm of others.

But if you are worried about what you are you can't possibly be a psychopath. You are at most a sociopath

Ignore the 9%

Only real psychopath i have ever talked to

I have ASPD. Am I allowed

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It was a joke about information theory.

>"It's not poe-tay-toe!!!"
>"It's poe-tah-toe!!!"
Sell me on the difference.

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cvnka is not a psychopath. Too emotional and excited. I have talked

add me if you want to talk
Dead children are funny#9387

Do I look like google to you le anime reaction man

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>Faggot doesn't even know of any difference between sociopath and psychopath
There is none, is there? You just want to be so smart huh?
Here's a Haruhi for your troubles.

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how do you know if someones emotions are genuine or fake

Nah. There's some overlap and autists can bare similarities displaying what at times seem like psychopathic traits due to a diminished capacity for empathy but not all autists are unempetetic. Even those autists who appear to be lacking in empathy may just have difficulty expressing and understanding it due to difficulties recognizing their own emotions while others who do have deficits with cognitive empathy still posess high levels of primitive empathy which is a bit different from some of the defining traits of psychopathy which include a narcissistic lack of any and all guilt, remorse, or empathy. not all autists are unempetetic. When present the narcissism of autists stems from a limited theory of mind and not grasping the wants and desires of others rather than a callous and willfull disregard. Also autists are generally socially inept while another of the characteristics of psychopaths is that thay are incredibly charming and charismatic.

That's essentially the clincial term for psychopathy and sociopaths

You mean in person or what? Add me on discord if you want to ask stuff from a genuine psychopath

Dead children are funny#9387

lol who
This. In short: Autists don't know when somebody is hurt and psychopaths know, but don't have an emotional response. But autism and psychopathy is related.

I seriously wonder if I'm a psychopath.
>don't talk to people
>find most people annoying as fuck, loathe them
>if someone is talking about something serious I pretend to give a fuck but couldn't care less, I think people realize it
>hope humanity goes extinct
>once sniffed my boss's wife's sweaty panties and whenever that cunt annoys me i think to myself "fuck you whore, i know what your pussy smells like"
Am I fucked up? I think the shit is funny desu.

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>tfw mentally fucked up to the point that I cannot healthily maintain a friend or relationship for long until they notice I'm kind of a piece of shit and cut me out of their life

Unlikely. Just a funny retard.
if you want """friends""" so much learn to fake it then

there are 2 types of empathy
emotional empathy: feeling what the other person feels (most normies are capable of this)
autists are capable if they know what the other person is feeling but usually dont know.
ASPD people dont feel this

and cognative empathy: The ability to know what somebody else feels (knowledge doesnt mean you care, just that you know)
ASPD people have this
Autists have trouble with this

Oh. I have a bit of trouble understanding when people say they "feel" different. What are you feeling? Because I feel the same, really. Nothing has changed. Unless maybe I was misdiagnosed, I'd ask my therapist but I gave up on going because I don't feel like I have ASPD.

Absolutely. You like typing alot ?

I think the guy who first described asbergers and for which it was named innitally called it autistic psychopathy. A key difference is a more complete theory of mind can be developed over time with conscious effort. Problems understanding body language and signals will always be an obstacle but that's why the same people often have an underdeveloped sense of primitive empathy to compensate, learning to understand others through the lens of the self and extrapolating from past experiance rather than directly.

You aren't shit. I have always known it since a kid. Killing creatures and torturing the other kids for fun. I acnowlege I am different, but never thought I had a le "DISORDER" like the normies like to call it.

Because guess fucking what. If you were stuck in the metro door, who do you think would run up and pull you out that shit?
The emotional butterflies too scared to move or the fearless guy observing and moving without second guessing?

This actually happened to me a few years back and I pulled some dumb kid off the metro door while it was moving.

While the emotional butterflie normies, who love to pretend they are supperior to me because of their feeelies.

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i used to think i was a psychopath because of my lack of empathy, extroversion and whatever all the meme traits are, and then just realized im just a misanthrope

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No. I'm aware of my behavior and I'm not saying it's wrong. But, I have heard other supposed "Psychopaths/Sociopaths" claim that they feel different to other people. Like it's a symptom? I read it all the time in threads like these and I'm wondering what this "feeling" is.

Acknowledging your behavior and not being ashamed of it is different from asking what this supposed "muh psychopath feeling" is.

What does it mean if you have trouble with both like Elliot Rodger?

There is no such thing as feeling different as a psychopath.
You either know you are one, or in some cases, if the IQ is too low, you don't.

If somebody tells you they "feel" different, they are either trolling, or more likely just an edgy normie thinking they are special, as always.

The 9%

I meant an overdevoloped sense of primitive empathy. It's also why lower functioning autists sometimes have trouble differentiating what they feel from what others feel or even in extreme cases how people they are close to are actually distinct individuals seperate from one another since they largley build their understanding through projecting.

my best friend is a psychopath, he told me like 4 years after i met him. It fucking sucks!

is this real, user?
I'm not diagnosed autist, but the empathy I have for people has exceeded what's practical. I'm sufferring knowing there are others who are sufferring.
What the fuck am I supposed to do with THAT?

You don't deserve a friend like him.
He trusts you and tells you this, and you, as a typical egocentrical normie get scared and push him alway because you saw some movie about """"""""""psychopaths""""""""""""

>t. doesn't know how destructive psychopaths can be to people
fucking brainlet thinking there's such a thing as a psychopath friend. cutting these people out of your life should be your top priority.

t. diagnosed with ASPD

hmm am i a pussycopaff
>i only care about wronging people if there is potential consequences.
>i catfish people to insult them.
>hate women because they think like me with their manipulation tactics.
>i would not help someone glued to a railway track unless they gave me money first, then i'd just run away since they can't do anything about it.
>i make people cry on purpose by telling them what they least want to hear.
no im just an asshole thats all.

I can lower your empathy.
add me ?
You were diagnosed, but you ain't shit, bitchboy. Now go sit down.

yeahh so what is your point?

ohh nevermind i found et

>So all in all I wish your mother's get cancer and die painfully.
wow! that's the meat, right there! that's the sausage of the argument! Oh... YEAH! I fucking.. Love.. How psychopathic... You are right now! Yes! YES! I FUCKING LOVE IT! YES, YOU ARE SO COOL RIGHT NOW.


>Patrick Bateman
>not a psychopath
>even though it's implied he imagined everything and is basically just a psychopath with severe grandiose delusions and other emotional disorders

>he thinks there is any point to making arguments to 80-110 IQ normies


Doesn't matter, I'm an egoist, screw your grammatical rules!

No, but seriously, I need to work on my French.

> Breivik
> Psychopath

He did what he did out of love for his people and his country. There is no LESS psychopathic deed.

I know where you live pussy.

Come suck me off then, bitchboy

>le edgy teen OP who uses "psychopath" and "sociopath" instead of the official term "Antisocial Personality Disorder"

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shut up nerdling

Yeah cuz it isn't le disorder