What are your birth cards?
R8/discuss and post your own, pic related for me
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Devil and lovers
What does it mean?
The world and the empress.
Gee, Bill, why does your Mom let you have THREE cards?
>Combined the Lovers and Devil cards reflect the contrasts that we experience in our own lives. Lust versus love. Control versus freedom. Immediate satisfaction versus long-term, sustainable choices. Choosing darkness versus choosing the light.
>You are here to love, to give love, to receive love, to make love. You are guided by a deep love for the Universe but you also need to be careful that this love does not turn into desire or lust.
>You are deeply passionate and can direct that passion for the greater good of society when you apply your highest morals and values to your decision-making. You dance the fine line between freedom and boundaries, and make the best decisions when you are acting from a place of inner truth and Universal love.
It means try to resist the puss because its not going tot end well
oh no i got death/emperor i guess its the end for me
death is actually a very positive card, the tower is the card that symbolises destruction
Death and emperor.
Its a good thing?
Tfw 2 cards
Same here, need to know.
Judgement and the high priestess.
What does it mean OP?
is gud
death basically means change, when one door closes another opens up. the emperors guiding light offers control, stability and discipline to help you with lifes changes
nvm found the hyperlink for the explanation
Your combination is impossible, OP. There are only 2 cards
are you unironically blind you brainlet
I got star + strength
This is pretty cool. Thanks, OP
Judgement - High Priestess
I guess I'm god.
The one you posted.
>tfw have awesome birth cards but youre just an ordinary irl
chad cards coming through
Welcome to club fren
The hanged man and the empress.
>Just as the Judgement card signifies an awakening, resurrection and clear thinking, the High Priestess comes along to temper this with an aura of mystery and something yet to be revealed. Although the path ahead may seem to be clear the High Priestess comes along to add that touch of mystery that makes the journey all the more interesting and worthwhile to travel
Sounds more saintly than godly desu
You're fucked bois
Holy maccheroni, are you me?
August 3rd 1997 I got the same as you OP
This seems depressing. Is it?
The star and strength
What does this mean?
Me too, pretty cool cards desu. From what I can tell strength isn't what it sounds like at first either. How effeminate are you?
You lucked-out. Those are the best two you could get.
>The moon brings uncertainty, it is a card of strangeness and choices. The hermit on the other hand is a provider of wisdom and spiritual guidance. When faced with the Moon card a person should look to their inner voice to help guide them along any sea of unrest. It is the inner voice that will provide the answers. But what will guide the inner voice?
a little yeah. i suppose. its kind of about personal wisdom and finding your own path in an illusory and mysterious world
What does The World and Empress mean?
Check it out yourself.
>Strength can be moody, sullen and prone to fits of temper. She may eat too much or starve herself. She can be a voracious lover or become celibate without warning. She can go from baseless self-confidence to irrational timidity.
True robot card
Same as OP
I'm a weak male, but I'm definitely a man, physically.
I envy the female form.
I hope that answers your question.
Temperamence and Hierophant
Hanged man and empress enlighten me OP
judgment and the high priestess
meaning pls Am I god?
don't worry i got the same.
It kinda means that we can create our own power (magician) and we accept taking risk and chances (wheel of fortune)
Same here! I'm a Virgo, what's your sun sign?
Also this is the formula for birth cards: tarotschool.com
Empowers yourself by quieting your mind so that you can look at your life with fresh eyes. There is a need to see thoughts and actions clearly, so that bonds from the past can be released and you can move forward. You need to look closely at the why of your actions, in order to move away from victim mentality.
The Empress brings with her the ability to see abundance and beauty all around us, to view the world as a fertile place in which to grow our ideas and ourselves. The Empress initiates change with her creative thoughts.
Aries is mine. I'm 6'2. What about you?
whats with this combo and god complexes
what does it mean? sadfsdfsd
I got that one too November 1 1990
What the shit im feb 24 94
Justice and high priestess what does this mean boys?
I had the same too, 1992
It means you're dumb for believing medieval hokus pokus.
>he doesnt understand the true nature of magick
i got the same cards
ls this thread a JoJo reference?
>he spells magic with a k
I deal dmg to everything in the room plus drop 2 hearts
>The Tower and The Chariot
The Tower signifies disaster, right? Sounds about right. No idea what it means together with Chariot, though.
The star and strength
wow this is a really fucking common combination
looked up some descriptions for the cards:
>To receive the Star in your reading means that you have gone and passed through a terrible life challenge. You have managed to go through this without losing your hope. While you suffered, you perhaps were not aware of your own strength, but you are now perhaps recognizing that the loss helped you discover your own resilience and inner power. It is only now that you can really appreciate all that you have.
>Getting the strength card means that you are a very patient individual who is likely to accomplish anything that they put their mind to. Your resilience will greatly aid you, and your fearlessness means that you should have no issues speaking your mind. This card also indicates this kind of compassion will always be rewarded with having a lot of stability in your life either presently on in the near future.
It's no fun if you just copy paste the description from the site. Interpret me tarotfags.
The Magician and Wheel of Fortune.
You're an uptight fag
I have the exact same as OP, is that normal and what does it mean?
having three arcana either mean great sucess in life or a terrible death
Temperance and Hierophant
>The Emperor
I am Death, killer of kings.
Samey here. I'm the least chad there is and yet these cards seem to describe me but it might just be a case of Barnum effect
>Wheel of fortune and the magician
What does it mean? Is it good
The World / The Empress
what do I get?
>Wheel of MEME and the MEMEICIAN
Kek. No but seriously that's a really common pairing for some reason, like lots of people get that.
Are there different odds for getting each one? I feel like there would be if it's found by adding the numbers of your DOB together.
Same here, am I a brainlet if the descriptions just sound like gibberish to me?
Fuck man i got the exact same 3 in the exact same order as u. Must be good right?
They're supposed to be gibberish
>28years old
>Posting on Jow Forums
>Posting in a divination thread
Im feeling better about myself now
Now imagine seeing all the autism on /x/ about people believing in magic powers, divination, demons, ghosts, phantoms, curses, spells, voodoo, tarot cards, astrology, crystals, gems, etc.
You probably shouldn't I'm making way more money than you I just like to drop by in my downtime while I'm shitting or not fucking my gf in my house
>Still not married
Could your life be any worse?
Aw I'm so sorry for you sweetie, I'm so done with you
>death is actually a very positive card,
fuck i finally thought i would be released from this hell uhhhhh
Neat gbnmk,yjukiol
Got the same thing bruh wtf is it fate that we are all so similar or what?