Chat with Robots! Use tags;
It'll be fun, I swear. Real robots use text chat.
Chat with Robots! Use tags;
It'll be fun, I swear. Real robots use text chat.
I'm going to bump this thread with shit that I find in my temporary files.
i used to do this and only get the tranny meme
are you using text chat? lot of dickgirl attention whores on the video chat. i guess, idk, i don't have a webcam
There's not a lot in this folder except random album covers.
>nothing to talk about
>no energy to initiate conversation with others
>assume they could be talking to more worthwhile anons so always just leave.
What's even the point. How do you guys have motivation to actually talk?
I get called a normie and get disconnected on a lot. It sucks
don't doxx me bro
I don't remember what file I selected
>You lie awake, and think about the girl
>And never, ever think of counting sheep
I will keep the thread bumped dammit
>when you're only really interested in fembots because thirsty but flat-out asking asl immediately is rude so you have to feign interest for a while
Come on man, that just ruins it for the rest of us.
>tfw you're only interested in fembots but can't even talk to other males let alone fembots so you just nervously skip everyone and then you quit and feel bad about yourself
goddamn it just chat, we're all on the same board here
there are no women on the internet
It's not a blank post if I type text
I'm not a robot
I swear, even though this comment was not original
I try to only post the truth
thoughts of suicide before goodnight robots, cya tomorrow
thanks for the bump user. there's a lot of rope left. godspeed
>tfw you're not interested in """"fembots"""" but disconnect on everyone all the same because you can't talk to others.
I like really stupid pictures
I refuse to let it die. I'll keep fighting.
Text chat > Video chat
because real robots use text chat
this is false. fallout 2 is the best
I want to play with that cute user's hair and bathe him
fallout 2 is second best. nv was much better, and far more expansive.
imagine what obsidian could have done with a better engine
bumping because user convinced me to act on something
I tried vid chat and got called an underaged normie.
I am a 25 year old khv, and I am not even accepted by robots. Fuck your Omegle.
I can't find him reeeeeee where did you go
He left you. Weirdo wanting to touch another user.
He didn't even reply to me but it was love at first sight im telling you, he just has to see me now to complete the magic
Discord crashed my entire computer. Nice.
You're an oddball. You're spooking them probably. But good I assume you normalfags are in video section so it's all good.
I just want to give him my whole heart and bathe him and brush his hair and spend the rest of my life with you I thought you robots wanted that why can't anyone love me or even allow me to love them
True robots are volcel so no they wouldn't want that you weirdo. Why are you fixating on some other guy anyways
Be my friend robots.. please : (
I don't want to sex him, I want to hold his hand and cook for him and love him for the rest of his life. Sex grosses me out, I just want to be by his side
it wants me to claim my email but it says it's already i claimed. i try to get it to send a password but no email exists
Quit trying to touch people user. It's not good. Just accept being alone and weird omegle guyless
I want to see him smile then, he looked so beautiful, like an angel. I just want to love him user, please
No. he'll get a restraining order from you damn weirdo.
Why am I not allowed to love anyone, not even a stranger online? Am I really that bad, that even the weirdos call me a weirdo? I knew I shoudn't have come back. Anyway, if you see him, tell him I'll always love him. I'm giving up
I don't go to the vidchat section it's where the norms like you congregate.
>Am I really that bad
you seem like the type of person to try to wear his skin given what you've said here so I can imagine why he flees from you.
You're right, it was stupid for me to act like that. I would've ended up leaving him like I leave everyone I know. I'm just not meant to be around people, sorry to waste your time
we know you're gonna turn him into lampshades and soaps so you can always be together
>I leave everyone
From the way you were acting I can't help but feel as though it's them leaving you.
No, it's actually me leaving them, I've had online friends since I was 12 and I always end up dumping them. If you were trying to make me feel bad don't worry user, you achieved it, but you don't have to lie to do it
>asked a boy for his contact info
>hes not interested
wtf people
>I've had online friends
How do you go about acquiring these out of curiosity? Because I sure hope you don't talk about wanting to touch them extensively. Whatever you do normally that works you should have tried with mr. hair.
>chat site meant for one time conversations
>people don't want to continue interacting outside of that
I guess it make sense. Sucks when you actually are trying to be social for once.
I just act like a weirdo on imageboards, I can talk to people normally in places where my real life identity exists. And omegle is full of weirdos anyway. But maybe mr. hair was a normie like you said we all were
Keep trying I guess user. There are bound to be people willing to continue interactions beyond the one off stuff.
If you're in vid chat almost certainly was. It'd bad enough in text but vid chat is completely norm shit. Who else but norms would want face to face?
i think i did good in omegle
where did i go wrong? :(
why do i always forget im on r9k?
That was me. Sorry user.
you're partly forgiven my fellow autistic robot
How do you get the motivation to actually speak. I almost never actually manage to reply to anyone on any tag. I don't know why I even go to omegle.
i just say fuck all and let the austim guide me wherever i go. it worked for the past 3 years so you could say it works for everything
I don't think I can do it. I should really stop coming to that site I think. 1 on 1 is too much.
it's completely anonymous man. like he said, let the autism guide you. the worse they can do is disconnect.
I feel retarded on here :(
That's true but I just feel like it's different than an image board, there's the 1 on 1 aspect. They may recognize my typing habits as well so if it does become awkward and we run into each other again it'd just feel weird. It's about as real social interaction as I can get and it freaks me out still.
if they're not a maniac, they won't pick up on your typing habits.
i rarely get recognized a second time. and most robots type the same. take you for example; with proper grammar and punctuation i'd never casually pick you out from another robot unless i had more information.
honest, it's anonymous and fun. give it a shot
Do I have to use camera like a fucking normie?
real robots use text chat, can you not read?
What do you chatters discuss when you meet another robot? I'm not well-versed with springing about unnecessary or off-topic discussion.
this kind of stuff
That sounds terrible. Is everyone a norman in disguise as a robot?
yes, pretty miuch
The only acceptable robot I've found so far was an Italian one yesterday. I guess it's not surprising since it's a chat site though it attracts only norms and failed ones.
asl?????????????? kek
I wish my headset still worked so I could least chat at on mic
>that user that asks asl on the r9k tag
What is he after? What does he expect to find?
ERP, obviously. I'd introduce him to my female dwarf if I had the chance
>erping with other anons
that's nasty user.
or is it? It's quite literally the only thing we'll get apart from trap porn and discords
>trap porn
Another what? Erp seems cringy to do though user.
How disappointing. I'll just keep to myself, then. Thank you.
you must have been missing quite a lot of things that happened around here lately user.
Also ERP is good.
>tfw no horsecocked futanari to gag me
I feel like I'm definitely missed out on quite a bit if trap porn and discord exchanges have become a norm here. Also erp. I thought all of those were explicitly soc things.
this board is literally LGBT cancer now
you do that
See you later losers, i'm no longer a robot.
You know full well it was an user and not a female.
Nah I am a female, this guy has ascended
Yes you are. Aren't we all?
Get off my board roooo
Yes you have a none gf
i don't know what i expected
>fuitcake wont stop asking me to show my bubble butt
>that one user with both r9k and lil peep tags that always disconnects
What's their deal.
All this time and I only had 1 nice convo q.q
Me too. Cool polish dude.
he's my bf, leave him alone
white shirt is a menace, pls stop him and his dumb lewdness
>omegle thread like 5 years ago
>actually make a friend
>we met IRL (dude actually took a plane to stay a week here in my country/place)
pretty fun, definitely recommend.
get off this board this instant you normalswine