Holy fuck I love literally every fucking song by Drake. Don't care if that is normie as fuck...

Holy fuck I love literally every fucking song by Drake. Don't care if that is normie as fuck, and this is coming from someone who listens to a lot of fucking k-pop and anime openings.

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trash-tier please kill yourself at the soonest opening

how have you not choked on your gayness yet

Is it justifiable if I'm white as fuck? I'm not black. Also I don't even like rap and shit, so I really don't listen to that stuff.

t. le /mu/ fag

you see, the dick is still in his ass


Get into Lil Peep, I dont normally like "rap" but found out about Lil Peep today and im in a no-homo love

>White dude trying to be black as fuck

Kek, but I'll give him a try. I did enjoy some Mac Miller stuff.

I see what you mean, but he doesn't have the "black" sound desu

I'm the one that told you to kill yourself but really user you dont have to justify what you like to anyone much less faggots who browse r9k. You do what you like

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this is what 13 year old girls listen to


Do you not know how stupid you sound?

gtfo outta here with that effeminate canadian kike child actor ass punk bitch garbage

Well, and me, 20 year old boy

>probably laughs at people who say they like rap
>unironically likes lil peep
i hate you

>Sounding black

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No, I appreciate all music genres and I could probably name 20 songs that is classified as rap that i absolutely love

So I just listened to this and was alright, but that guy is dead, right? He looks disgusting anyway. Also it kind of seems like something that would appeal to 420 blaze it fags and emo girls for some reason.

Well whatever the fuck the genre of music he sings is called. It's not "rap" but frankly I don't know what it's called nowadays. It's not R&B, so not sure. It's like some pop shit, whatever. Fuck you.

>MF Doom fags stop ruining thread
MF Doom is monotone boring overrated "le real rap" shit. I'd rather listen to Drake.

Yea, he definetly has that space-y vibe and clearly kinda emo

But i can actually enjoy most of his songs, and yea he's dead as fuck

He reminds of Mac Miller, but if Mac Miller went off the deep end and lost his sanity. My roommate my freshman year of college was a HUGE Mac Miller fan, but he also was obsessed with DUDE WEED and smoked a lot of it. But he was such a big Mac Miller fan, like I think he had all his albums and listened to all the songs on repeat.

Yea Peep was definetly an addict, depressed, manic, or whatever, kinda adds to his story and the general feel of his music.

Im not generally into stoner-music

>fucking k-pop and anime openings
Are you trying to say that isn't normie as fuck?
You're just a total fucking faggot, I hope you get paralyzed dumb bitch.

drake has gotten worse but he still is great at appealing to the lowest common denominator. his music is made so that you like it no worries. take care was prob the best he'll ever get though i still listen to that shit when i go through any heartbreak

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This whole album is fantastic

yeah i used to not be into hip hop or rnb at all when it came out but my friends told me about how good it was and i gave it a try. unironically drinking alone and stalking pics of my exgf while listening to shot for me is pretty shitty but great at the same time

Where do you think we are? 90% of this board is weeb as fuck. Don't kid yourself, retard.

I love a lot of his stuff for different reasons.
His old songs, back when he was relatively unknown, have that dreamy but determined vibe that feels so inspirational.
I love his whole a.m./p.m. series, he basically brags about his success and it's nice to see him get a little more aggressive than usual.

Drizzy is for loners

There literally nothing wrong with hip hop/rap etc anyone saying otherwise is an edge lord who pretends to only listen to doom metal.

i think its perfectly fine to not like certain genres of music after some time spent actually listening to them with an open mind but yeah most people just refuse to on some stupid principle

>yeah most people just refuse to on some stupid principle
edgyness. They just want to be contrarian.

Most robots have fucked up music taste. I know a guy from here who listens to dempa, girly Japanese pop and black metal.

>got the drink in me going back to back

oh wow, look, a better rapper!

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Normies have great taste in music. Hating hip hop is a meme. Or they're a racist piece of shit and don't want to listen to anything associated with black people.

dont worry user, you have good taste even if the normalfags love him. the fact that this board hates him because hes popular is proof that you are a unique individual amongst us.

how can anyone resist this song tho

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travis scott is fantastic but him and drake make way dif kinds of music


>bad things, there's a lot of bad things
This man is a genius songwriter and none of you can tell me different.

is drake on Jow Forums i saw another drake thread. well if someone broke your heart again we welcome you just dont act like a newfag

Isn't it just bottom tier mumble-rap?

he does tend to hop on a lot of trends and mumble rap is one of them but he's made some good songs before about heartbreak

he the typa nigga to cry when his pokemon evolve
tellin them "you said you would never change for me"

don't listen to em OP I think Drakes got plenty of good songs, if you like his music there's nothing wrong with that

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"We listen to Drake and Childish Gambino".

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Met him at basketball game through one of his friends. He can't hold a conversation. And the guy is ugly af