Mfw I'm 3 inches taller. Bow down
I'm 5'10, wanna trade OP?
>tall female doesn't want to be tall
Stop being insecure
>5 foot 6 inch male
>mixed nigger genes
>lost genetic lottery so no hope of passing
>cant grow a beard so no hope of covering up
>brainlet so i cant even hide behind smarts
>im a fucking INTP
>even if i could pass trannies are against my religion
Ah that's cute. Take the gaypill and that's desirable for some.
I am 5'10 and down to give you 4 inches OP :]
>tfw 6'1 mtf trans
It could be worse
>part italian so short with crooked nose
>part belgian so pale
>part spanish so dark hair
It's like I've been genetically engineered to look like a jew.
it's not a death sentence OP. some girls will still give you a chance, but if you're a sperg they can sense it and you're fucked
fellow 5'6 manlet lord here
just lift
it literally compensates for being short, and if any (male) calls you out for compensating you can just reply with "you mirin brah?"
Maybe you ARE a jew
Height is not everything please don't listen to people on this board
You are the user that makes these manlet threads on Jow Forums, aren't you?
>5'3 20 year old dude
why was i even born
No it couldn't, you mentally-ill laughing stock.
Damn, you're a full on turbo manlet. Are you at least boyish?
>Full beard
>work as logger
It feels good knowing i may be autistic around women but i am not a fucking sad little manlet
Smol bois like you were made to be dommed
I know that feel bro
Seriously can't cope with it
I would just kill myself, that is pretty pathetic.
>tfw 5 foot 4 male!
Anyone else ever had a Chad pick them up?
Daily reminder that one of the world's highest paid athletes 5' 6 1/2 and autistic
And 99% of manlets will never come close to that
go judge men shorter than you somewhere else, roastie
lol ur a fat cunt and people can see past your lumberjack larp
You were born to take dick.
5 foot 5 male I guess its not so bad...
Anyone else ever had a Chad pick them up?
Yes more then a few times.
>5 foot 5 male I guess its not so bad...
lol what's your definition of bad?
More than 99%, but blaming your failure on your height is pathetic
Its just my height its not like that matters that much.
>family of 8 kids
>7 sisters
>me only son
>all my sisters make fun of guys shorter than 6'
You manlets are a brave bunch, knowing that most people will laugh at you when your back is turned.
>This absolute Chad is 5'2" and has got more pussy than you will get in your life, what do you think about that user
I have a pretty defined jawline and can kinda grow facial hair, but aside from that I have really feminine looks. the only 2 friends ive ever had both think I have a "gay face" and that I could pass for a woman if I really tried, specially since I like having my hair rlly long and im very skinny. but I don't like dicks and the sheer thought of me trying to be a trap disgusts me
>5 '6"
>long pointy nose
>pale complexion
>poorly endowed
>annoying voice
might move to the eastern hemisphere or drown myself on the way there idk
>that image
I see the thought has crossed your mind at least
ive had my 17yo sister pick me up lol
>posting anime pic and saying you're smol and fem on this board
You can just ask for penis you know
>TFW 5'4
>25 year old virgin
>Had a girl one time at a supermarket ask me how tall I was.
>She hid her laughter afterwards and walked away
I'm shitting you not. It kind of pissed me off. Like she couldn't believe I was that short, or she had never seen a short male. Not sure what her problem was, because she was about the same height as me.
yea kinda like every skinny whiteboi robot out there what's your point
being 5'4 and a man is pretty funny user, it's hot on chicks but you just look like a joke waddling around
>I don't like dicks
something doesn't add up here
>Bash the manlets
This meme starts becoming stale after 5,000 threads of it each year. It's like we're on Reddit at this point.
well fuck it's r9k ofc im gonna post anime pics and there are not many manlet threads aound these parts anymore so i like to assert my dominance as manlet overlord
5'9.56897 master race coming through. 5'8 and below be my little sissy cum sluts for me
yea that may not be the best jpg to prove my point but I thought it'd be fitting
then what is this one then
don't listen to these idiots. if you're american, just get a southeast asian wife. or even a latina. all you need is a job dude, the top 1% income bracket of the entire planet is only $30,000 your golden if you're a US citizen. otherwise you're probably fucked LOL
>tfw 5'9 135lb chinlet brainlet hairlet
any day now lads its gonna happen.
>tfw 5' 10''
This is the life anons
im fucking Colombian dude what am i supposed to do
The average here is 5'6 nigger, you won't get top quality pussy by you'll sure get something