Gf cheated on me a year ago

>gf cheated on me a year ago
>left her
>I was really close with her dad
>still go fishing/keep in contact with him a few times a month or so
>new gf doesn't want me talking to him anymore cause she doesn't want me able to contact ex-gf
>he has done nothing but treat me like the son he's never had since we've met
>really like new gf and don't want her to leave me

How do I break up with my ex-gf's dad?

Attached: Thinking 4.jpg (392x400, 23K)

Just explain to her how you've never had a real father figure in your life and you need this.

Do you actually even see your exgf when you hang out with him?

>gf before
>gf now
Get out chad just go to facebook

have you suggested introducing them? maybe so she can see he is just being a supportive friend to you and you dont want his daughter?

>How do I break up with my ex-gf's dad?

Fuck that. Learn to say no to the ho.

Homoes over hoes, no homk

Give him a handy then ghost him

>Introducing your girlfriend to your ex girlfriends father
that sounds like the plot of a shitty sit-com

>How do I break up with my ex-gf's dad?
You don't. Invite them into a threesome, heal the rift with sex.

my coworker that was female was in an even more dramatic version of this.
her bf's ex died and he kept helping his dead ex's mother financially and they all lived together for sometime. pretty weird desu

Bros before hoes user. You should value a potential decades long bond with this man over a gf that doesn't even trust you enough to be his friend.

This girl doesnt trust you. If you give a little she will keep pushing. Women are like this, I just got out of this situation of controlling woman.

Run. It wont work. She will never trust you. Next itll be that she needs you to text her everytime you go somewhere or that you cant go on work trips without her. Red flag user

>tfw you assume every post with bowie is ian.
hope you're doing okay you cooky mfer

>Letting a woman control your personal affairs.
Leave your girlfriend first before you dump your fishing friend, you spineless monkey.

I see her occasionally in passing if I'm driving us somewhere or he has a bbq or something. I try to just be cordial but gf doesn't want me having any contact whatsoever with her.

The guy from lostprophets?

You have to suck his dick in front of your ex and current gf to show that you aren't interested in your ex. Only way to solve this tbqfawavh.

Attached: HeCute.jpg (245x249, 14K)

>The guy from lostprophets?
nah m8

this. even if you do drop the dad, she won't respect you for being such a pushover

Any thot that will go "its me or thing" will mamipulate whenever possible

If you can somehow reassure her or alleviate her insecurities, go for it, but don't budge on this. You're not doing anything wrong, so the onus is on her to fix whatever problems she may be having. I doubt she'll bother.

Be honest with him and be honest with her. Try not to lost contact with him though because if you do the relationship is probably done for good but if he cares about you he will be happy and will give you some space to deal with it if it's necessary but if you perceive he still has the hope that you will come back with his daughter then your girlfriend is right and you will have to make a decision. If your girlfriend is the right girl she will understand too if you are honest and give her time to process it, so use this a test.

I'm like the male version of this

I dont trust anyone but instead of being controlling i just dont give a shit & assume they're getting fucked anyway and fuck a bunch of other girls

i guess this is the guy version of being "that girl"

Why would you be with someone you can't trust?

Fuck sake listen man, do not do what she tells you to. That's such uncompromising white knight shit you mat aswell agree to sucking of her boyfriends dick after you're both married.

You tell her he's a good mate and you both enjoy spending time shooting the shit. It's got nothing to do with your ex and if she's so insecure and untrusting of you now then you tell her to break off her friendships with all her male friends right now otherwise she's gotta deal with it and you tell her with stern force. Do not bow down to this shit. She will not leave you don't worry.