Gf got raped at party

My girlfriend got drunk and high tonight at a party with her friends. I told her not to go because I don't trust her friends but she basically told me "fuck off stop being so controlling!" and went anyway.

She claims one thing led to another and she ended up sucking another guys dick in a McDonald's parking lot and he ditched her there. Im on my way to pick her up and bring her home to my place, im so confused right now I don't know what to do. She says it doesn't count as cheating because it was rape because she was drunk and high but I don't know how to feel about that. She didn't know the guy and apparently nobody saw them leave the party.

I don't know what to do I love her so much.

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That degenerate bitch deserved it
You too normie piece of shit
Get out

It wasn't rape. She's just trying to abdicate responsibility for her bullshit.

This is the type of thing you really need to work out. If you're really committed, you might be able to work past this. But from what you've said, she doesn't sound like a keeper.


>willingly sucked his dick
dude you just got cucked lel

tell her to fuck off, only way to uncuck yourself. if she's going to parties on her own that's already a big red flag.

She obviously doesn't love you, other wise she wouldn't have gone to party without you and definitely wouldn't have sucked someones dick outside of McDonalds. Don't even pick her up, leave her to solve her own problems.

Sounds like the "rape" accusation was just an excuse so you don't leave her on the spot mate.
She got fucked up and then horny and did what dumb party sluts do.

I know that doesnt make you feel better, but I don't wanna see this happen to you again man. My gut says this sounds like straight cheating.

Yeah, no, she's trying to avoid responsibility for cheating on you while painting herself as a victim. If you have any respect for yourself, ditch her.

>GF goes to party without you
>Gets drunk and cheats
>Pick her up like a cuckold
You should have known she was going to cuck you from the get go. Also are you seriously enertaining the idea of oral sex being rape, are you retarded?

post yfw you read this and you are not american

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Literally this, dump her.

>sucking another guys dick
pick one cuck

OP I don't say this on the internet often, but you have to break up with this bitch or you're a fucking cuck

>on my way to pick her up
She cucked you she is just using the 'rape' card as a way to get away with it

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These guys are probably right. She probably cheated on you and used "rape" as an excuse to avoid responsibility.

This is almost certainly the case but you need to find out for sure. You need to call her friends, and ask them is she was raped.

She probably wasn't and if that's the case then you need to dump her.

On the off chance that she actually was raped, you should report it to the police and then you should find out where the guy lives and when he walks outside you need to beat him within an inch of his life with a baseball bat.

Find out the truth and then act.

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>She says it doesn't count as cheating because it was rape because she was drunk and high

Boy I've heard this one before from my ex.

>people are actually responding to this
You all are retarded

>Im on my way to pick her up

Shouldn't you be watching the road instead of posting...?

Haha I love that we tell women that if they are drunk and have sex, it's rape. Its especially pushed in college, so I bet OP is a college boy.

OP I'd bet my savings that she is trying to save face and didn't actually get raped.

OP is full of shit. sage

>went to party with red flag friends
>basically told you to fuck off, that shes a strong wymyn
>wound up with this guy, alone
>sucked his dick which she could have stopped at any time but didn't.

Bro, this isn't rape unless the guy had a gun to her head. She had multiple opportunities to stop short of blowing this guy and didn't. This is seriously the time to man the fuck up and kick her ass out. Women turn into bitches that think they can walk all over men because they pull shit like this and omega males put up with it.
Take a stand, her behavior was trash and she needs to know it, not think she can do this again and again and again.

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Originally Nice bait frendo -10/10

You can see who someone really is when they're drunk. They drop all the mental barriers they put up. So when someone uses the excuse that they were drunk, it's pure bullshit. She didn't do it because she was drunk, but because she wasn't sober if you get what I mean.

Anyways yea basically dump her. If she cheats while drunk she'll also cheat sober if she knows she can get away with it.

>people are actually writing on this thread
youre retarded

We have been together for 3 years and I love this woman with all my heart. I'm so fucking angry right now I want to find the guy and kill him but she keeps telling me to just take her back to my place and forget the guy he was just an asshole.

I can't just leave her there I love her.

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Just give her one last chance. If she will do it again, leave her no matter what she says.


I mean this is almost definitely a larp but if not then its some funny fucking shit. OP ya dun goofed senpai she just sucked some dick in a car park and thats pretty much it. Man I wouldn't even be mad at the guy he is just taking your easy ass girlfriend to the car park and getting his noodle wet. Its not his fault your girlfriend is easy as fuck.

> forget the guy he was just an asshole

Yeah she definitely didn't get raped. She got shitfaced and cheated on you.

This is partially your fault for allowing her to go get drunk at parties without you.

She was shitfaced and made a mistake, this is a forgivable mistake but you cannot allow her to get into these situations ever again.

You need to set boundaries on your relationship. You don't necessarily need to dump her for this, but you should find out more about what actually happened.

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If a girl is invited to a party, it means it's expected for her to be game.

Women aren't stupid. They know if they go to a party with a bunch of men with drugs and alcohol involved, if they don't have a friend nearby things might happen.

Sounds like you're on a whole different maturity level than your partner if she's going to parties without you. Also sounds like this has happened before and you only found out because she got the shaft in a bad way.

Make it clear that if she touches another guy every again its over without a discussion and make her feel really guilty about it to try and keep her from going out without you

you just posted this on /b/ too

Was there vaginal

make her press charges
if she refuses to then you know she's full of shit

kys reddit tier normalfag

Pull up, tell her you won't give her the ride if she doesn't blow you too

When she says yes tell her you're just kidding, you wouldn't touch her after that and leave her then and there, just speed off into the sunset

Don't worry. You won't have to leave her. She'll leave you. Not all at once though. She'll do it slowly. She'll become more distant but just slowly enough that the only thing you will feel is a slight, barely nagging sensation that something is wrong. It will be just subtle enough that you will brush it off and convince yourself that you're still happy and everything is fine. Then, on a seemingly random day, you'll notice she hasn't texted you back in a week. You try to call her, but you only get her voicemail. You text and call her nonstop, until, one day, you just get a single message with "It's over". You won't feel the pain yet though. First comes the numbness. Then comes the pain for the rest of your life.

I hope this helps, OP! Best of luck to you!

Yeah this happened to me too faggot. Literally the same scenario; told her not to go to a party, she said fuck you and went. Next morning she calls me in tears saying she got high and drunk and accidentally had sex, trying to claim the guy took advantage of her. Even pulled the whole "one thing led to another" shit, acting coy and innocent.
I tried rationalizing it at first exactly like you too. Pretending like she did get raped.
Truth is, she wanted to fuck that guy, with or without the drugs. You should have dumped her the night she told you to fuck off.
You don't love her user. You're scared of being alone again. Dump her and don't look back. Or don't, I don't care. That relationship is not gonna last anyway. You will forgive her and she will lose all respect for you and dump you herself when she sees how spineless you are.

drop her retard

She told you, so she must feel some guilt. She could've stayed silent but didn't. She was drunk and high when she did that and it's common knowledge people do mistakes when drunk. I'd give her a chance, but I don't agree it was rape. It was a very thoughtless mistake on her behalf.

> sucked another guys dick
> rape
She chose someone else over you and now shes trying to manipulate you. Let me guess, she got raped but doesnt want to press charges, right?

>Forgivable mistake
No, this means that she doesn't hold user in high regards when she's in weird situations. There's a lack of respect for her partner and herself here.

She gave the dude head in a McDonalds parking lot super intoxicated, this isn't a keeper.

daim. i was about to say that. good idea

OP, it's quite obvious what she's done. I don't know if you're in college or what, but here's the deal.
Do not listen to everyone telling you to dump her immediately. If you do that, you will be ostracized for abandoning your girlfriend who was "raped" in her time of need. She will make sure of it.
Think long term and stay with her for now if the expenses to your own finances are not too great. Then dump her some months from now or let her break it off with you.

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He only found out because she needed a ride home. If she knew she would get away scot-free this wouldn't even be a thread.

OP please tell me you're gonna drop her slut ass. IMAGINE next time you fucking kiss her, she sucked a guys dick earlier while in a relationship with you. Fuck sakes, if you still date her after this, you actually will have cucked yourself. Also she told you to fuck off. I reckon when you go see her, say "You told me to fuck off." God damn that would be so petty.

if you want some real advice dude you need to just cut your losses right now and move on. She SUCKED ANOTHER DUDE'S DICK which means that if you allow her to continue on in the relationship she will either continue to do worse things (without you knowing) or just eventually become sexually frustrated with you and want to 'branch out.' It's gonna feel like shit for a while, maybe even a year or two but you will be happy you made the decision to be your own person. Every day from here on out is going to be doubt and guilt from both sides, since she won't admit to you what really happened (girls get drunk and fuck other guys, yes, it's a pretty common thing) and if you stay with her she's just going to lie to you more in the future.

I'm honestly trying to be as candid as possible and not just being some grrr I hate women I hate relationships dumbfuck. Your relationship is going to continue to go downhill from here. Go pick her up and tell her tomorrow morning that you can't love someone you can't trust, done and done. You can't love someone you can't trust, that's the cornerstone of every single relationship.

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She was shitfaced and hooked up with someone. Could happen to anyone desu, but you need to be with your gf in this type of situations and not allow them to get shitfaced alone around men.

Drop that bitch like a motherfucking barbell.

piss off roasty we dont like used goods

yeah I'm sorry but, if she was that quick to be like "oh it was rape" and not at all actually concerned with that it hurt you or that she herself is hurt?

True or not, there is a lesson to be taught here for her. You need to choke it down and leave. Something like this will happen again.

That does not sound like rape. Rape is being given sex by force against your will. Willingly bouncing a dick off your tonsils is not rape. Being drunk or high doesn't mean she wanted it any less. I've been drunk many times but never once sucked a dick. I don't have the greatest willpower and self control either, so if I can maintain myself while drunk then anyone can.

My heart goes out to you, op. Getting cucked must be a terrible feeling.It's hard enough to find love, even harder to turn it off. Go to your nearest bro, a very close one, or anyone who will help keep you from picking her up. The frog is in the pot at this point, tonight she turned up the heat. If you let her be raped then she will just keep doing it. You can't turn a hoe into a housewife and a woman's past is the only thing that matters. Have a good fap, cry, get drunk, and forget her. It can only hurt more the longer you draw it out. The relationship is already dead, it's just not yet begin to rot.

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very relatable except I dumped her, haha

but the pain is very real.

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You fucking nigger cuckold, she betrayed the 3 years entirety of your relationship for a few minutes to suck dick. She could've stopped but didn't. Drop her immediately.
It's not the guy's fault, it's hers you fucking retard.

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Oingo bingo contento fucking content content content my ass she's a whore op
More fucking content is needed my fuck ing ass God this shit robot makes me fuck myself I hate you and others hate your whore gf this post is now fucking cancerous because I can't just say what I want to say to get my point across goddammit, my point being that she wasn't actually raped a he's just a dumb slut who got fucked by Chad at a party can that bitch

Because a girl who gets drunk and high with people she isn't completely familiar with away from her boyfriend is worth salvaging.

This board let itself go

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That isn't rape. She cheated. You love her, but she doesn't love you. Dump her ass on the curb

>Could happen to anyone
Indeed! Oh, how many dicks have I sucked when I got out without my girlfriend to party ?

it's the man's fault for allowing her to do that.

Women can't be trusted in those scenarios, no matter who they are.

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kek gay cuck loser

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Good bait made me reply

>this is a forgivable mistake

kill yourself beta retard

Under the eyes of the law it's rape because a drunk person is deemed unfit to consent. But drugs, especially alcohol paired with other drugs, destroys inhibition, so although she might not have cheated on you in her normal inhibited self, her true feelings were that to cheat on you is permissible, this does not mean she wanted to cheat on you, merely that it is permissible. Her permissibility was acted out in her uninhibited self, though even when under the influence, the ability to control oneself to a degree is not lost, and you can recognize what is a good or bad idea.

Fucking someone else while in a relationship is not a mistake. Dicks don't just manifest in your throat as a side effect of booze. She wanted to do it and did so deliberately. She is using drugs as an excuse but it's bullshit. Her telling him is a calculated risk. Am I more likely to maintain access to beta bux and emotional tampon if he finds out through a friend or if it comes straight from the whores mouth? If she tells him then she controls the stage setting and narrative, she gets first dibs on coloring his perception of the event. A friend could show him a video of her loving it and he'll still try to rationalize it away as rape because that's what she told him before viewing the video. Females are not as smart as men but where they do well they are absolute masters. Manipulation and emotional bullshit is one such area.

OP is a huge cuck, but the person you're with needs to have good judgment.

>I came here with friends and they left me here as a prank
And that's just a lie I came up with on the spot. She could've said anything else.
>Inb4 she was drunk and couldn't come up with a lie meme
I don't think he shouldn't confront her about what happened ofc. They might have some underlying issues which he doesn't know about, but a mature couple should compromise when possible and resolve shit like this.

With cheating, I consider a drunken hookup to be forgivable once, with strict changes to the relationship to follow.

If she was sober then it would not be forgivable. He is at fault for allowing her to go get drunk with other dudes alone.

I-I swear it was just an accident user ! Allow me to *glurk* explain while I *glorieux* gag on Chad's wurst!

see /threaderino

If it was really rape she could've bitten his dick. Why didn't she? Don't be a fool.

If you are getting filtered you should just stay on /b/. It's not hard to construct a single sentence, which is all that's need for the robot's approval.

You'd be a shit detective. When you're intoxicated, especially having put drugs in the equation, you don't think rationally.

It wasn't a "I need to save my ass and come up with this excuse", the truth would have came out no matter what happened. She just made it easy on user and told him she blew a dude.

If your current relationship issue is your girlfriend having sucked someone's dick at a fast food place, it doesn't sound like a mature relationship anyways.

>I shouldn't have sucked his dick willingly and lied about it being rape, I'm sorry
>I shouldn't have told you not to go to a party and get drunk around random men who's dicks you wanted to suck, I'm sorry
Compromise is such a great thing, isn't it? I want to burn down a church, the pastor wants the church to remain unburned, so we compromise and just burn the choir and it's singers.

My point is that she probably did enjoy it. That's really not a problem. I once got very drunk and made out with a fat slob which I'd never touch if I wasn't shitfaced. It was simply a mistake. Hell, I don't even remember anything other than her being fat.
As for being manipulative, I disagree. We also make a girl lose her mind with simple games like push pull. (Also saying that a woman could pull off such a deliberate manipulation without having a nervous breakdown is giving them too much credit.)

>You can't love someone you can't trust, that's the cornerstone of every single relationship.
big facts user

OP is a cuck

Nothing left to read in this thread

>get drunk
>get in car and hit a pedestrian


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>not breaking up with her right there and leaving her out there to think about how much of a retardes whore she is
Do you have a single digit IQ or something? She cheated on you, plain and simple

Probably karma for you browsing r9k with a girlfriend.

Jokes aside, I hope you're able to feel better.
But also unironically, please leave you fucking normie.


Focusing on her enjoyment is just trying to obfuscate things. She did enjoy it, but it's still wrong even if she hated every second of it. The fact is she willingly sucked his dick. This is absolutely not a mistake. You made out with a fat bitch because you like fat bitches. If you made out with fatty while having a gf then you are no better than OP's whore. It was not a mistake. You just woudln't have the balls to try it while sober. Guys aren't innocent in the manipulation game, but again you are trying to muddy the waters. There being a sexual arms race doesn't mean it's ok to cheat once a partner has been established. Even irl legit kill you dead war has rules of engagement.

Bahahaha what the fuck is this bullshit? I read through the whole thread and OP is so fucking clueless. Make sure to drive by that McD's parking lot next time she goes out like that so you can snap a photo of her sucking that guy's dick again.

The driver is the real victim in that situation. At the least the pedestrian committed assault, possibly rape too. There is physical damages to the car and body, as well as emotional trauma from being involved in a motor vehicle accident. The pedestrian should get the chair.

user she cheated on you.
dump that thot.

I know she didn't think rationally. That's exactly why I'd forgive her, but also ask myself what underlying issues we have in our relationship. Some relationships turn out alright after cheating. I got a couple of friends with relationships where both partners cheated multiple times, argued about it, and are still together after multiple years. In some of those relationships the issue was semi-long distance due to university. Now that they live together, cheating stopped. Once the issue is resolved, slips like that don't occur.
Yes. Burning a church is equivalent to cheating in a relationship. Good job user. Now I understand why everyone here is so butthurt about it. Seems like you fags are Christians.

My point was that I don't like fat bitches you moron. I'm not obfuscating things. She probably did enjoy it, they probably have unchecked issues in their relationship, and she probably feels bad about all that happened.

>Even irl legit kill you dead war has rules of engagement.
Seems like you've never been in the army. One of the lessons is that parachuters are not to be shot. Lesson after that is how to shoot parachuters. War is just rules on paper. Anyway, seems like you're the one trying to muddy the waters by equating a relationship with war just like that user before you equated compromise with burning a church.

>girl cheats on you
>you easily forgive her
>she see this as a chance to cheat again because "OH HE WON'T MIND ANOTHER AFFAIR"
>years later, you have to take care of her bastard half nigger child
>chances you might get STDs

Are you fucking retarded? The moment she didn't listen to you and went to a party to be vulnerable is a HUGE RED FLAG.

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OP breaking up with her rn would be fucking stupid. Regardless of what she said was a lie or not (which if you've been dating for three years I find hard to believe she is unless you're not mentioning something about her) she's still upset and needs support. Help her out in her time of need, and if it turns out it was a lie then cut it all off. Assume the best until the worst, then act upon the worst

Please tell me this is bait.

If it's not, just dump her already. Remaining with her makes you a cuck.

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Perfect time for the "I'm sorry, you betrayed my trust and judgement too harshly for me to go on."
and you drop her ass so she can hit rock bottom and maybe find some worth as a human being.

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You're an idiot. Your girl willing cheated on you and you don't even care. Oral sex is not the same as anal sex, it was completely in her control to suck the fucking guy off. I suggest you dump her ASAP because I can almost guarantee you she is gonna continue this shit and dump your cucked ass so she can continue her slutty ways.

>basically told me "fuck off stop being so controlling!" and went anyway.
Thats a reason already to dump her! Obvious red flag response.
But then she even ends up sucking a dick??



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So just a dick suck? Nigga you could worse you could been rasing tyrones baby. Just tell her that if she does it again the relationship is over for good and that you are serious!

>easily forgive her
No. You work out what's wrong in your relationship. It shouldn't be set aside as unimportant since it obviously is and I think they both know that.

It's fine if you couldn't get over it user. I just think OP would since he made this thread.

this is gr8 b8
i was with a cunt for 3 years and she got wasted and got spitroasted at a party i wasnt at.
she tried to pull the same shit with me, didnt bother responding. as another user mentioned she could have bit the dudes dick. her claiming rape is just so she can look like she isnt a whore with shit tier decision making. if she claims youre a shitbag and tries to ruin your social life, just tell them you didnt want to be with a bitch who isnt responsible for her own actions. just because youre drunk doesnt mean your brain ceases to function. im assuming shes an adult, not a fucking toddler.

First mistake was dating a girl that went to parties

1000 dollars says she fucked him and is now claiming its rape in case you found the pile of cum in her vagina.

Dump her you turbo nerd, you don't love her

I let my gf go to parties with her friends sometimes. I keep a very close eye on her though. Track her phone pretty much the whole night, regularly check in to see how many drinks she has and make sure shes back before 10.

She knows that if she does anything I wouldn't take her back if anything happens. She also knows I would beat the living shit out of her.

How do you track her phone? Please give me your knowledge