My girlfriend got drunk and high tonight at a party with her friends. I told her not to go because I don't trust her friends but she basically told me "fuck off stop being so controlling!" and went anyway.
She claims one thing led to another and she ended up sucking another guys dick in a McDonald's parking lot and he ditched her there. Im on my way to pick her up and bring her home to my place, im so confused right now I don't know what to do. She says it doesn't count as cheating because it was rape because she was drunk and high but I don't know how to feel about that. She didn't know the guy and apparently nobody saw them leave the party.
That degenerate bitch deserved it You too normie piece of shit Get out
Robert Baker
It wasn't rape. She's just trying to abdicate responsibility for her bullshit.
This is the type of thing you really need to work out. If you're really committed, you might be able to work past this. But from what you've said, she doesn't sound like a keeper.
Elijah Sullivan
Cuck originsofnal
Juan Baker
>willingly sucked his dick dude you just got cucked lel
tell her to fuck off, only way to uncuck yourself. if she's going to parties on her own that's already a big red flag.
Ryan Stewart
She obviously doesn't love you, other wise she wouldn't have gone to party without you and definitely wouldn't have sucked someones dick outside of McDonalds. Don't even pick her up, leave her to solve her own problems.
Gavin Collins
Sounds like the "rape" accusation was just an excuse so you don't leave her on the spot mate. She got fucked up and then horny and did what dumb party sluts do.
I know that doesnt make you feel better, but I don't wanna see this happen to you again man. My gut says this sounds like straight cheating.
Christopher Jackson
Yeah, no, she's trying to avoid responsibility for cheating on you while painting herself as a victim. If you have any respect for yourself, ditch her.
Cameron King
>GF goes to party without you >Gets drunk and cheats >Pick her up like a cuckold You should have known she was going to cuck you from the get go. Also are you seriously enertaining the idea of oral sex being rape, are you retarded?