Need somewhere to make you feel cozy and content with life? Maybe something to temporarily numb the pain of robotic existence and give you hope for better one some day? Well come on and snuggle up in here with a hot mug of something tasty
Comfy Thread
I wish the city I lived in had a real skyline. It's all just suburban sprawl. Nighttime rooftops are peak comfiness
>tfw no comfy home away from the city with lots of land to shoot on
What's the comfiest music/albums
Let's get cozy robots
Depends what "comfy" is to you, Solar Field's "Altered: Second Movements" (specifically Staring into the Nothingness) is one of my favorites to listen to when it's late at night and I have nothing else to do but stare out of my skylight, sip on my dragonwell, and shitpost.
I consider comfy music anything that is relaxing, calming, chill, bittersweet, nostalgic, or lightly happy or sad
I personally find Aerial M very comfy
I miss the autumn. I can't get cozy when it's like 100 degrees every god damn day
First time we've had rain In a while and it reminded me how comfy thunder and lightning can be
I want to chase someone down this forest
Cities at night are some of the comfiest images.
I'm unsure about where to move to in the future, apartment in the city or cozy house in the woods?
Found this one yesterday in another thread
Mfw I'm walking through the forest and user chases me
Not comfy
Killing myself is one option, the other is to lose all inhibition and to just do crazy retarded bullshit until I get killed or make it. First things first, sending the girl I like a message.
God I wish i had teenage experiences like this. Can I do It in my early 20s? And how?
this. I need some music (preferably instrumental) to get cozy with
That's not comfy, that's suicide fuel. I bet that retarded girl wearing a NASA t-shirt doesn't even know what an integral is let alone anything related to what NASA does. I bet that faggot holding tons of beers hasn't even played a PlayStation game before.
me too :( im graduating soon and i totally missed out
Well um
>earlier today I gave her my phone to add me on snapchat
>she does just this
>never adds me back
Well guys, I guess it's over before it started.
dumping comfy gifs
deru - 1979 is comfy imo
What kind of music do you like
I need adventure buddies