What I dont understand about welfare, is why exactly there are such harsh requirements. When you were a little kid with candy, your teacher always said "I hope you have enough to share with the class". Why arent I allowed to get government money just by existing? Some people ever since they were born have been on government welfare, but I have to work day after day to support them. For What. Im tired of financially supporting normies

Attached: fuckwelfare.png (409x317, 5K)

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I'd been fine with the current welfare system if they sterilized anyone who decides to go on it.

You should be more concerned about the government pissing away your money on other stupid shit.

>pissing away your money on other stupid shit.
bruh, welfare IS the stupid shit taking all the money fo dem prograaams

Attached: total_spending_pie,__2015_enacted.png (1003x915, 146K)

thank you for your generosity, im enjoying my new sex doll wagie.

>Why arent I allowed to get government money just by existing?
Because you're a white man

whites take the majority of welfare user

I couldn't get on disability until my second trip to the psych ward and once I was in rehab that pretty much sealed the deal. I dread to think how hard it is now to get on disability, certainly wouldn't have been able to get away with it had I went through the bullshit now.


Attached: SELLPLASMA.png (431x767, 343K)

What do they do with that shit? Turn it into drugs to sell for 10x the amount they bought the plasma?

welfare exists for those who can't work but still need money to buy food and housing and shit
welfare is not for lazy fatasses who refuse to get a job

nigger did you read. i have a job but i hate supporting welfare leeches

I'm agreeing with you fucking dumbass

damn it clicked wrong post

>For What.

Social cohesion. Ideally you wouldn't be required to deal with much of it, they'd be taken care of by their extended families and friends, but that's not the system you live in.

Just don't forget how much of your tax money is being put into the pockets of military contractors for foreign wars too.

You need to be graced with an actual condition such as autism to be allowed a cut of the wagies finances.

Its not up to the worker bees to judge the queen bee, you just carry on regardless.

id rather my money at least get wasted on cool shit like airplanes and bombs than go to shaniqua

>2015 data
Can we get something more current?

the data is literally the same for every year


You don't get to decide where your money goes, it goes where its needed and not on what you see as "cool".

Now hurry up and get to bed, Mr Shekalberg wants you there bright and early tomorrow!

Attached: __(23).jpg (409x409, 45K)

What I don't understand about welfare is why exists. Literal retards can get jobs. There is no excuse

the government doesn't want some retired grandma who spent all her money and is wheelchair bound with no family to support her to die for being unable to work

social security for all
medicare for all
SNAP for all
tax wealth not income
vote by mail
end the drug war
legalize hentai

That would mean most people would just at stop working. Face it, some people are worker bees whilst others are queens.

It is fucking tough to get welfare, yet I've worked in subsidized housing and the stupidist, most undeserving people are on welfare and get to live in nicer houses then I can afford with both myself and my wife working full time. Since the housing was subsidized, some of the tenants paid as little as 50 dollars a month. One family who paid this amount for a 3 bedroom home were 6 months behind on this paltry sum, yet there was almost no way to kick them out. This despite them clearly blowing their money on high priced electronics (have to pretend I did not notice such things cause it's not my business). What's worse, there are people on a waiting list that goes back 6 years trying to get into a home like this, and I imagine some of them actually deserved it. I was around 19 when I worked this job, and it turned me from a socialist to...well, no political alignment, just general misanthropy. People are just selfish, self absorbed as assholes.

reminder that the MIC is primarily a welfare program for conservatives. we don't really need that many airplanes and bombs but they go zoom whoosh kapow for $50M a pop

this, plus you usually have to be involved in something to have welfare (have kids, be working or in school, have illness or disability etc.) thats why its so laughable that some retards really think there are totally unemployed bums out there receiving food stamps and welfare