Should I seek medical diagnosis? How can I be completely sure I have it without talking to a psychiatrist?
Should I seek medical diagnosis? How can I be completely sure I have it without talking to a psychiatrist?
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I don't think you should tell anyone about this place, your time spent here, or your severe autism, unless you hope or expect to gain something from it. Also, you're probably so autistic that most normal people don't need to be told that you're an autist.
When I told my friends that I think I have autism it was around a 50/50 split between "Oh yeah how didn't I notice" and "What? No way"
oops wrong forum
Barely anything out of the ordinary.
I took this on two separate occasions. One was a nine and the other a twelve.
I am not acustic.. just bitter and angry, and live in a world of romanticized ideals.
Fuck am I really three times as autistic as the normal Jow Forums user?
I don't get it. I'm not a virgin. I have friends. I just don't know why people feel the way they do or why it's so easy for others to get upset over things, and I don't really like spending time with others unless I can think of something specific that's going to happen because of it.
To bring it together, there are handful factors into why you got what you got. Which even in itself is an alright score..
May be low empathy too . You probably have friends with no standards or really low ones. Do they all have low self esteem? As for not being a virgin, you might just have really good looks. Stop complaining and dig deeper
Don't worry user, you're not alone. I got a 33 so I think we're both up a creek.
The questions are shit. You could be depressed and introverted at the moment and get far worse results.
My friends love one another and I think I love them. I'm really happy that they're around and I try to be helpful when they're experiencing difficulty in the same way I think normal people try to do. I don't think they have low self esteem, they're mostly pretty good looking, and I have friends of both genders, I just don't really make many friends. I have, like, six, and that's across twenty years.
I don't think I'm super good looking (I need to drop ten pounds fat and gain twenty or thirty in muscle to look more like my dad did around my age) I just kinda like figuring out how to, for lack of a better phrasing, make people want to spend time with me and feel romantically attached to me. It's exciting for me to do that to people and I usually don't think it's harmful to them.
Do you think you're doing okay, though, like socially and just in terms of emotional well being?
I've taken it a few times and consistently gotten in the mid thirties, and I think I'm the happiest I've been in a long time.
I regularly score over 40 on those things and doctors won't do a fucking thing for me.
No I fucking suck at talking to people but I can express myself better when typing. Other times I just go straight out and say some crazy shit but I usually get away with it. Some times talking to others get so bad that I can't even speak to my family well.
Get the fuck out you neurotypical normalfaggot...?
When I was 14-17 I spent a lot of time in my bathroom literally just reciting scenes from movies and TV shows. I knew how to talk, but that taught me how to communicate.
Hey man, thats really autistic.
Well I didn't do anything like that but I usually like to daydream through out the day and put myself in some TV shows/games. Other times I have to meticulously plan some basic action and some times talk myself through the steps.
i fucking knew i was an aspie all along
Yeah I didn't realize how strange it was at the time somehow. It could be anything. Superhero movies, comedy shows, cartoons, anime, I'd just be repeating it to myself. I still do sometimes.
I'm the opposite. I can't snap by moving my fingers, but if I- for lack of a better word- "tell" my hand to snap, I can do it nearly every time.
After I did this I'll make two versions of my answers.
One supernormie.
One superaspie.
I mean I hope let's see how much of a difference can I make.
Now I'm back by the pc btw.
Opposite? I t sounds like you are talking to your hand as a separate person where as I talk to myself as a whole. Not entirely far off but not exactly similar either.
How are you when it comes to other people, what are your relationships like? Friends, Family, and or Lovers.
I remember doing this test a few months ago and I also got a score over 30. As far as I know, being diagnosed doesn't give you much. It's just a waste of time.
Here's the normiefraud.
I went down from 14 to 6.
When I try to be myself around others people just seem to think I'm a narcissistic, arrogant jerk (Which is probably true) because I talk too much, zone out easily, and am just overall pretty disinterested in stuff happening around me. So what I do is I just try to adjust my personality to be the kinda person that they wanna be around at that time. Some of my family can see through it so I just act like myself, and some of my really close friends can kinda tell when I'm doing a fake personality. I have a "main" girlfriend, who's a trap so she's actually a boy, that I really love spending time with and she's seen me lose my emotional cool enough times to know when I'm faking. Everyone else I spend time with in a romantic context gets whatever personality I think they'll be most attractive, whether it's a cute bashful nerd, or a confident domineering jerk. I think it can be really fun to see how easy it is to make people think what you want them to think of you.
And here's me pretending to be a fullburger.
The test is useless.
autists rise up
I'm not doing this because I know it will come back in at least the mid 30's.
I am paranoid. OCD. Suicidal. Violent to the point I've beaten up people. Depressed to the point I tried to genuinely kms before.
Did these threads yesterday for trolling, then I passed out from the diazepam + vodka combo.
In the past 8 years I've been on some pharma grade shit all the time to keep myself together. >ssri
I never had a normal ltr fucked a bunch of girls, had one active escort and one civilian girls abort my child.
The hookers I had was a hobby too kinda enjoyed it but never sticked to any one of the girls. That's because I'm mostly gay. Sex with girls is flat even if she ""loves me"" I mean she says she does.
I like guys much better. They get me horny af. Not trans.
Then I get this shit.
Followed by these two fake ones I just made.
Again I'm a total mental fuckup. This test is useless.
that doesn't mean you're autistic
i am more than halfway there wish me luck bros
In the gold old days autism was lumped together with my aspd.
Not all questions have the same value in there.
Probably the ones relating directly to isolation get more points when you click on them.
Common strategy you have to apply when the sample size is very small to figure out shit.
I try to do this, but I'm not a very good actor, so I come off as a completely fake asshole. People don't want to be around me when I'm myself or pretending to be what they seem like they want.
>barely autistic I guess
i thought i at least had something. nah.
So I'm back I made the three tests.
1 on phone with 14 out of 50.
2 fake tests on pc.
Pic related is my aspie quiz result.
>Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 76 of 200
>Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 130 of 200
>You are very likely neurotypical
Idk wtf that shape means, as a normie I should be completely on one side only the left.
Does show up Im aloof and shallow with people.
Told you I'm antisocial.