No fuck em. Seriously.

>Be me
>Be friend to old work mate
>We go out occasionally to see movies
>He always pays the tickets and a meal either before or after
>I try to offer to pay but he never lets me
>He knows I am a keen amateur photographer
>He has seen my work
>He asks me to shoot his wedding
>I say no for the sake of our friendship as I know how this shit can go down
>Keeps pestering me
>I cave in like a pussy
>Read up on how to shoot weddings
>Say I will only charge for some gear needed which is a couple of hundred bucks
>Get him to sign an informal agreement
>State in the agreement that I own the negatives which is standard practice
>Gets all shirty about it and says I am not allowed to share any
>tell him I will only share a few shots with their agreement for promo purposes
>Gets kinda gruff and says waifu won't agree it
>Let it slide
>1 day before the wedding I get a text
>There is a 7 years old bridemaid
>I am not allowed to keep any photos where she is in the shots
OK he knows me
He knows I like anime
He knows I am a loner without a GF
He probably thinks I am a pervert
He probably has talked about me to his friends/family/guests at some point
>Yeah he's OK but a bit creepy
>Bells in normies head start ringing
>'Can you ask him not to keep photos or our kid?'

Fuck this shit. Nobody would ever ask such things of a pro photographer. A total fucking stranger at that!

No! Fuck this shit! I am not going unless he apologises for this bullshit! I was doing this as a favor. Wedding shoots are HARD! Read up on it and you will see. It's not simply taking a few snapshots here and there. It takes EFFORT to take GOOD wedding shots. Why the fuck should I put myself out like this only to be insulted?


Attached: guy[1].jpg (400x574, 53K)

Holy shit im always had being treated like a weirdo but shit that was to much.

Attached: 29595338_1780689125307758_417485186283728383_n.jpg (222x199, 6K)

Must me mortifying to know people are saying horrible judgemental things about you behind your back. On top of that you might have to consider if you're not even real friends, that you're just a charity case to him.

He most likely talks about these things to his fiancee. I have no doubt she is behind this. Women are thick as bricks and live in the fantasy world of political correctness. I bet she just wants to break up the friendship.

my step-mother ruined my relationship with my dad, if I ever see that bitch again im gonna kill her
women are just straight up evil

Tbh I would ask you to keep your incel hands off my kids too

He wanted you to shoot the wedding for free all along, once the wedding is over he'll ditch you for sure.

Offer to take the main wedding shots and that's it, don't stay for the reception or anything else. Just give them a few nice shots and get outta there.

>I try to offer to pay but he never lets me
This is a power move. Even if he can't acknowledge these processes and motives, you do. Normies are deceptive cunts even to themselves to a fault. OP, evade direct and explict conflict in this instance. Make an excuse (going to need help from other anons, can't think of any other than "I have work obligations"). You seem like a good boy, so fuck it. Burn the bridge.

Looks like it is still on. I got an apology out of him and explained the situation. But I think he knows this could be the end of things after the wedding. We'll see. I basically told him I know it did not come from him and where I think it came from. So basically he knows I know and that I am not going to put up with any or her or his shit.

Fuck off with that normie tier shit (even if it is bait since you are posting on this board).
Not every anime fan is a pedo. Not every pedo is a molestor. Not every molestor is a pedo.

Some of us just want to be with someone who is not a fucking corrupted bitch.

your post is so fucking bad please kill yourself newfag

Fuck yourself user. You agreed to his shitty terms. Say no, or fucking deal with it.

fuck that shit user. Just stay home and play vidya

Literally do not go, that is super offensive, like what the fuck? If keeping negatives is standard then you keep the negatives or you don't shoot. Simple.

Just text him day of:
>looks like I got a cold
>no can do buckarino ;)

>this post defines low effort

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I understand how coming up with an excuse seems easier and the first thing to do, but if you feel like it it's probably better for your self-esteem to tell him you're not complying with this (without getting mad).

Photography and friendship dont mix ever. Normies think photogrpahy is just pressing a button and thats it. Fuck him

Well yeah. But I do value our friendship still. I realize it will probably fizzle out after this. But I still want to go. I will just be more relaxed about it and not put as much effort into it than I originally was because if I am not enjoying myself and not getting paid for it why the fuck should I bother. Even the bar is not free.

If I were you OP I would never talk to that asshole again. Either he talks shit about you to his wife, calling you a creep (who the fuck is such a loser they need to hang out with someone they think is creepy? Seriously), or pobably worse, he's a whipped-ass cuckboi who just lets his wife wear the pants.
Either way, this is a matter of self-respect, which you clearly have very little of, because you already let him talk you into not keeping the negatives, which any professional photographer would be doing, no ifs, ands, or buts. You got a bunch of free shit from this pussy, and then you got tipped off to his game because you're intuitive. Like says, not letting you pay is a power move, and he probably just uses you to feel better about his pathetic washed-up life. You don't need the disrespect, nor do you need to take amateur wedding photos. Just call it off, telling him exactly why.

I'm keeping the negatives. I have told him to stop being a pussy to his fiancee. He knows I know who put the words in his head. I put him in his place and he did not know what to say. He was all sheepish and I got him to apologize. He's a bit thick headed (comes from a retarded background) and has no tact whatsoever. This will be the last 'favor' he will get from me and he probably knows it. I will do it as payback for all the times I got freebies out of him but that's it. Whether he chooses to remain friends after it is up to him. But he knows now that I know who's wearing the pants and he either puts her in her place or gets the fuck out of my life.

If you still want to go for some reason it could be a good idea to do put as much effort into it as you originally wanted. Prove you're a good photographer. If you come up with half-assed work they will probablybe confirmed in their expectation that you're amateur weirdo that just comes there to watch the little children.

Either go and be a professional or fuck that shit and don't talk to that nigger until he apologizes.

Maybe you are right. I will see how I feel tomorrow morning.

I kinda know that feel user
Many times it happens to me that when I am walking down the street and in front of me comes a mother with her children walking, the mother moves the children to another side to avoid me, like a fricking pedophile.
Also, when there were visits in my house (friends of my mother) mothers always watched their daughters because of me.

What the fuck? It happens to me since I'm 15-16 years old and i don't even like Lolis, i like Milfs.
I know i'm ugly, and that's why i'm a 18 years old kissless virgin, but what the hell bro.

Beware the scary photographers taking photos of kids. For they are sexual predators who only wish to molest your offspring. If you see photographers near places with kids. Phone your local SJW department. They will send someone around right away to call them a pedo in public until they kill themselves out of insucurity.

And this is why I choose not to have friends.

did you sign any contract ? Did you give him a copy of the agreement ?
If not, don't go. Friendship doesn't exist anymore anyway.

Like says, if you're going to act with self-respect, demand to keep the negatives, and tell him not to be a pussy, then act with self-respect and do a good job.

The negatives and the telling him off come secondary to the work you do in terms of respecting yourself. You've talked the talk, now walk the walk. Better hope you don't actually suck, or you'll really have 7-year-old pussy on your face, now won't you?

He won't be getting shit until he pays the expenses anyhow.

Walk the fuck away OP. They've already made the pedo accusation and chances are that if you keep the negatives they will spread it around and call the police. I wouldn't put it past them to do that anyway.

Walk the fuck away OP before they ruin your life

I wouldn't go, you don't owe him shit and even if he did pay for the movies, you didn't ask to be paid for.

This OP. Have you seen The Hunt with Mads Mikkelsen? All it takes is a false rumor to ruin your life.