Would you rape a girl if she asked you to?

would you rape a girl if she asked you to?

would you enjoy it?

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Yes, yes

Even if she didn't ask for it
> Mfw jailed for only 2 months

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>consensual sex

I don't understand.

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I already have. Date rape.

it's not rape if she asks me to do it

It's not rape if she asks for it

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It's not fun when she asks for it

If they want it it's not rape anymore.

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>asks you to

OP is a fucking brainlet. If she asked you to then it is not rape. If rape fantasies are her fetish, than sure, why the fuck not?

after that one post of that guy that got reverse raped by the insane cosplay chick.
no, no I would not.

>implying she can't revoke consent in the middle of intercourse
Fucking misogynists.

It's not rape if she asks you to do it.

I would be extremely suspicious
I am ugly and bald
but my dad is a multi millionaire
so I will think is a scam to leech me money by blackmailing
I'd pass


duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuujhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh aaaaaaaaaaaaieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ppppppppppppbppbpbpbpbppbbt

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Yes to both, who wouldn't?

Its not rape until she informs the authorities

No, that takes all the fun out of it. I do rapey shit with the gf, but I can't get into it until she is convincingly trying to make it stop. Not to brag but I am pretty good at hurting women tho. Even if she started out wanting it I'm sure by the end of it she would hate the everloving shit out of me and want me to die.

if she looked like that I'd do it even without asking !

yes, i like consensual rape

>if she asked you to
Then its not rape dumb cunt
Also yes

How do you even rape someone?

I legit forced myself onto women. If she isn't dilated you can't stick it in. No such thing as rape as in the movies. She also has to be petite for you to smash her against her will. A 5'7 woman can easily throw an average guy off the bed.
Thus rape 90% of the cases is a guy she teased got naked with then she changed her mind during sex.
In America rape charges used as revenge got common too.
Here in my country rape means:
>she is under 15
>she said NO
>yet you penetrated her
All of those have to happen at the same time for cops to even bother with you.
If the dick is in her and then she keeps resisting it's legally not rape here.
The only person who can report you is her.
She can only report you if it happened 3 months ago max.
Last year? Not rape.
18+ butthurt woman? Not rape.
You are dating and he forced himself on you? Not rape.
You were dating years ago and he forced himself on you? Not rape.
It's Eastern Europe btw.
And for some enjoyment a fine rape scene from the movie "Irreversible"

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Had a girlfriend with a rape fantasy, she really wanted me to do it.

Though we were at her parent's house, so I couldn't be aggressive about it. Ended up pretending she was drunk and I was taking advantage.

I didn't really enjoy it though. Felt wrong, y'know?

No, of course you don't you fucking robots.

To be fair it's hard to imagine being that fucking gay. It wasn't enjoyable for her either, what with you stopping every 30 seconds to ask if she still consents to rp'ing that she has had one drink and can't legally consent in the eyes of the law as written by feminists who are cool and good and know what's best for men and women.

Kek, a 5'7 women is weak as shit. I am a weakass lanklet but throw my 5'10 fugly ass amazon bitch around like it's nothing. Unless a guy is dying of aids he is going to be stronger than 99% of women. You're right that rape pretty much never happens, but thinking women can stop a man from taking what is his is pure bullshit.

Nah I fucked her like I would normally, but while role playing as a degenerate that would take advantage of a drunk girl.

I just felt bad about it afterwards. We did this a lot, I wanted her to feel good and I think I did a decent job, mostly?

I don't know, she was a lying manipulative bitch.

Rape. Sex. It's all the same to me

I still can't relate, but you're cool enough. I am just meeming here. They're all lying manipulative bitches(except [current oneitis]). I hate the shit out of my gf but dudepussylmao. I channel my frustrations into hurting her and couldn't feel bad if I wanted to. I sometimes worry about this tho, because oneitis deserves to be treated right. Hopefully I can go back into beta bitchboi mode again when I finally close and marry the shit out of good girl.

as long as it was consensual and i had evidence she asked for it while sober

And that's why you use contracts and dictaphone for getting consent, record the act, then if she revoke, you just pull out, get some porn, nut on the carpet. You will have all the evidence, so you have 1% chance not going to jail because of rape accusation.
Secure yourself or just accept jail.

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yes and no


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I already did, so yes and yes.

>A 5'7 woman can easily throw an average guy off the bed
You must be a weak faggot.

who is the bitch in your attached post op ?

If she wants it, its not rape you fucking retard.

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She can still revoke consent after the fact. There is no winning. Best case scenario you are charged with rape, assault, murder, genocide, being a male, and recording her against her will.

>attached post

that's my sister #3

>attached post
summer has come early i see