Like, deep down, ask yourself. Do you really despise these people? They're like NPCs. They just run on a script. Like bots in a video game. Why would you even get mad at them?
Do you even really hate normies?
I fucking hate normies. Chad is more often than not an okay guy though. He's genuinely being himself, it just so happens he's the best. All the positive reinforcement in Chads life has made him nice, but never understanding.
It is God's job to forgive them,not mine.
I don't hate them. I just don't think I can relate to them.
>tfw lifelong childhood friend became a Chad
feels like having a reprogrammed terminator like in Terminator 2
and just like bots in a server, you're stuck with them, you can't leave, you know every response they have is pre-programmed, you know no matter how hard you try they will not talk to you like a human and you will not respond to them and have them empathize, you are basically surrounded 24/7 by fake, fictional human beings that you can't truly communicate with, and you can never leave this place unless you kill yourself
that would make anyone mad
Some normies are alright. But I avoid the majority because I don't share much in common with them. I don't really hate them though. I think some of them are annoying and stupid. That's about it.
>Why would you even get mad at them?
Because these bots form the brainless majority of society and dictate the dumb rules everyone has to abide to.
I don't even hate the successful normies, I hate the average sheep that float on a cloud of false pride because they're adapted to a malfunctioning environment.
They'll exclude you and mock you based on difference, not truth. They follow the numbers, not reason. It's a game you're forced to play, and it's a bad one.
Deep down I am a misanthrope.
I fucking hate people who fucking hate normies, their almost usually all incel fucks who board this board
I'm typically apathetic towards them but I am mad that they control so much of the media/entertainment/trends in our world and I get especially annoyed when I'm surrounded by particularly judgmental ones who still hold on to childish rhetoric/values that most people should've abandoned in their teen years. One of the other most enraging things about normies to me is that they have no initiative when it comes to certain issues and just wait for things to get deemed socially important by their lame friends or by celebrities to do it i.e; recycling and using re-usable bags at the store. Their NPC-ness is both a gift and a curse to me, both allowing me to ignore them and hate them for the fact that they, as you said, are basically running off a script, at the same time.
spotted the normie LARPer
no matter how hard you try, Chad still won't like you for making fun of your old friends nor for making fun the anime you liked 6 months ago, Patrick ;3
That's a nice little piece of fiction you've made up there
ITT: basement-dwelling neckbeard neet virgins thinking they are smarter than "normies".
Never said I was smarter, but more self aware and reflective in my way of thinking certainly.
>Self aware
Self awareness != Self loathing. Ironically you are actually very juvenile in your outlook. Stop trying to categorise people you have never met, you don't know anyone's story or how anyone thinks, every single person in the world is radically different, just because you can't understand the complexities of that doesn't make it not true
I wish death upon everyone more fortunate than myself.
It's a happy day when normalfag kids get raped.
>every single person in the world is radically different
Wow, stop choking on your bluepills mate. We get it's hard to accept but people really aren't that different. Yeah we all have vaguely unique experiences but damn a lot of people are similar in the way they react to everything and carry themselves. How they always engage the same way with others. Try to be more objectively observant instead of seeing what you want to see, though I know you'll want to say the same to me.
>ITT: basement-dwelling neckbeard neet virgins thinking they are smarter than "normies".
>Stop trying to categorise people you have never met
see nice 2013 cringe channel ass insult you got there you normie LARPing jabroni
I really dont care about normies. The way they live is not the way I want to live. It is good that they exist because thanks to them society works, more or less.
I'm not mad at them, I'm mad because I don't connect with them and they despise me for that.
>you don't know everyone's story
How are you more self aware?
Christ, do we need to put this comic in a sticky post so we stop having this fucking discussion?
I patiently await the normie holocaust
I shall volunteer to operate the gas chambers
Yeah I didn't post that first post
Sure, I don't mean that people act particularly differently, we are in the same society and tend to all stick to what we see, but what goes on underneath that is so different, when you talk to people and try to understand their motivations, and what makes them want what they want. I always find the things people lie about the most interesting, the things that they are ashamed of or whatever reasons they have for lying. But also the huge cultural divides when you see other cultures, you realise the difference that is going on underneath their bonnets, and it is unimaginable. For example, some people genuinely believe that a man called Noah built an ark and saved all the animals we have around today, by taking 2 of each on board. Also he was 600 years old in the book. The utter disregard for all things sane, in believing that bullshit, blows my mind, yet you meet these people and talk to them and they seem normal enough for the most part.
Kinda. If they would be quiet and stop rattle almost 24/7 I would have nothing against them.
Also This.
This, fucking this. It's a feeling nobody ever fucking gets.
I want to be part of the death squads, kicking their doors in and taking them away.
One of the most popular movies in the world is about a bunch of retards going
>tfw too intelligent for society
Do you really think you're special?
I think that other people are literally false constructs that are not actually alive. It's got nothing to do with intelligence. Did you even read the post I was replying to?
yeah I'm sure you're the only one out of trillions of people that's real
I even bet you're the first person in history to question reality, that's just how special you are
Soon the moon will fulfill its promise to me and I'll know the power shown to me by the screaming tree. Then you'll die, you'll all die.
I don't.
I just don't like being around them.
>posting le ebin plebbit comic
Go fuck yourself normalscum. You're just assmad we're privy to your stupidity. Normies aren't even fully human.
There's nothing more normie than wanting to be a special snowflake.
>XD ur a triggered special snowflake
You're doing a great job of proving you're not an automaton, normalfag. Is it even possible to be immoral to kill a normalfaggot?
Aren't robots more like NPCs? Normies have an active involvement in society, regardless of their possible lack of authenticity.
Meanwhile, robots like to think of themselves as superior, unique beings with an impressive repertoire of skills and knowledge, but most of the things they could do happens in their head only. They have no solid contribution and just sit there on the side until you interact with them.
It's actually you who don't have empathy. The reason you are sad, alone and ugly is because you are a bad person. You deserve to be shunned. Work on becoming good. I got a lot of empathy and am very succesful
If I had enough money I wouldn't care anymore, at all. I have to suck up to these fucking morons every day at my job though. Fuck me.
I think it's the height of arrogance and self indulgence to think that the people out there living happy and fullfilled lives are somehow inferior to me. It's a masturbatory fantasy.
When I was an intern every normie there seemed to hate their job or at least it felt like they knew it was total bullshit they had to do to make money. One guy had a bad break up with his gf and freaked out and was eventually kicked out or took a break, hilarious to watch some bluepilled normie get his shit wrecked. I guess some of them at least had some social life which kept em going, but man it felt very soulless there at times.
Where TF my solipsist niggas at
P.s. it's nowhere because everything external to my consiousness is a fallacy
I hate many normalfags but I don't hate any normalfag only for being a normalfag.
Seeing the discussions that normalfags have anything us can drive you crazy. A very good example would be to go to the comment section of a 9gag post that jokes about the friendzone.
Normalfags hate us very much more than we hate them. Sure there's some excessively bitter robots but normalfags are infuriated by the mere mention of an incel.
They're a lot more hateful and generalizing than any race-hating group. The internet makes us all group that they can target together which might lead to the hatred becoming actually dangerous.
Normalfags are fucking crazy and are probably going to start exterminating us soon.
Unironically yes most of the time. I despise the whole partying/going out/drinking culture that normgroids love so much. I experienced it first hand, was part of the "popular group" in school and shit but I never got into it, just rolled with it because everyone else did. It's shit and everyone who actively is part of it is shit.
>Why would you even get mad at them?
Because they keep interrupting my gameplay to give me useless exposition. "Have you tried being yourself?"
Am I a Beta?
The pic is a bit dark,I have light skin by the way.
This. I still can't wrap my head around the vivious hate normans seem to have for low men. It would be funny if they only could be aware of the irony and hypocrisy.
You have that Scandi pig phenotype.
The lack of awareness is what makes it funny I think. World is one big joke anyway.
I refer you to the following:
I'm so ostracized by my peers I don't even feel a part of any generation. Is this normal?
They're NPCs programmed to follow you everywhere you go.
>go on a quest
>10 npcs follow you and repeat every joke you make 10 times a day
>go to a pub for only weird people
>NPCs follow and scare the weird people away while repeating the same lines over and over again
>go to dark brotherhood
>100 NPCs follow you turning the dark brotherhood into a club where you talk about spooky scary stuff with your buds
>join magic guild
>NPCs who can't do magic join
>use a conjuration spell
>NPCs freak out and change the magic guilds rules to ban anybody using conjuration.
I don't mind normies except they seem to mind me, yet they follow me wherever I go. I do not understand.
>NPCs follow and scare the weird people away while repeating the same lines over and over again
This is so fucking accurate it's not even funny.
You sound like a normal
> They're like NPCs
Nobody here is saying they are too intelligent. I'm a fucking tard. Its not about that though. These people have never critically thought about anything in their lives. They are living life on autopilot.
They are the kind of people who will say "an unexamined life is not worth living" but never examine their own life or the world around them seriously. They just repeat it like a stupid NPC giving you game tips. They don't follow it themselves. They can give you detailed directions to the next town but they would never be able to travel their themselves. Because they don't actually know how to get their, they just repeat the information they are given.
I envy and wish to join them
This manifests itself in resentment and hatred though
The only normies I hate are the ones who actively celebrate the parts of modern society that I find most alienating.
No about half of the stuff posted here is hyperbole for the sake of humor, it's not irony, but it's hyperbole.
>Yes goy it's a just world. All the wealth, looks and status difference is because we are so much better than you
Are the ainu's are the lost tribe of Israel confirmed.
We admit our flaws, you see them on here all the time. I rarely see you admit yours, only celebrating them or saying others are worse.
I don't like people much in general, but normalshits are far better than robots in real life. Robots are just more interesting to interact with on the internet. Normalshits need to go back to the real world where they belong.
>look what a good person I am
>look how successful I am
>that's why I come to the loser board on an anime image board to bask in your pathetic existence to boost my own ego like the sadistic narcissist that I am
If you could press a button that could Thanos every normalfag would you? I wouldn't because it would be boring.
No, I pity them. And I hate how they expect me to be like them
Then why have I noticed particular trends in humans throughout my entire life? Sure they are a little different but there they are always the same archtype. The same way each tsudere character may be a little different they are all still tsundere. They are very predictable once you've observed them for a couple weeks.
>it would be boring to run through an empty world looking for companions to build a new society with
Oh so I can't get mad at Chad.exe that just execute the fucking of every girl i ever loved. Ok
If all normalfags dissapeared and the robots started a new society, wouldn't the robots become the normalfags because htey are now the norm of society?
Don't make excuses for them.
Unironically this
The normies would carry waifu pillows and fuck sex robots where as the "robots" would socialize with each other and play sport
Because they shitted up the economy and government.
In the case of the boomers, they are responsible/complicit. Anyone over age 20 that isnt pissed off about it is part of the problem.
I have never seen anyone other than me point this out, thank fuck it's not just me. Maybe I am not crazy after all.
>NEETS forced to work because their caretakers vanished
>Reiko's masterplan succeeds and 50% of the guys turn into traps due to there being virtually no girls
>Robots meet up and realise most people left are autistic assholes, they split up into multiple groups fighting over dumb shit
Oh, so to be functional member of society people should be like you? Asocial shut in with thoughts how he's the only one "real" and everyone else is a bot. Dude, while you waste your life away people outside travel, explore new shit, connecting with others.... Your only connection is this fucking website and your own judgement of other people without even knowing them. Here's a secret. Everyone else feels all others are fake. Including you. Failed guy trying to act deep and shit. Fucking pseudo intellectual.
never killed annoying npcs, eh? you played some sad games OP
>watch how he recoils when exposed
I would Thanos every single living thing. Death is only bad because people survive to mourn.
Because they cut off ties with me as soon as i go out of their little circle. They act like victims to win social brownie points. They WONT FUCKING LEAVE ME ALONE REEEEEEEEEEEEE