This is a glass of water

This is a glass of water

Attached: glass-of-water.jpg (408x612, 12K)

This is a cat resting on bed

Attached: 1525186329784.jpg (800x600, 34K)

This is a sandwich

Attached: 1200px-Peanut-Butter-Jelly-Sandwich.png (1200x686, 920K)

This is a taco

Attached: taco.png (860x480, 230K)

This is a rule.

Attached: 1504236783046.jpg (188x131, 9K)

This is a wojak

Attached: 1495192026317.png (225x225, 4K)

This is an apu

Attached: 1526554189996.jpg (793x786, 54K)

This is loss

Attached: Screenshot_2018-05-13-18-54-29-1.png (720x420, 101K)

This is the greatest acchievement of the finnish race

Attached: 1526403076416.png (288x302, 43K)

This is another glass of water

Attached: fullsizerender.jpg (231x221, 9K)

This is my autism test I did today

Attached: Screenshot_20180517-091345_Samsung Internet.jpg (1080x1920, 291K)

This is a pepe

Attached: 1493643097073.png (600x696, 401K)

This is curced

Attached: IMG_20180517_152958.jpg (621x480, 34K)

this is a chicken

Attached: 1526423188100.png (1440x1143, 886K)

this isn't a pipe

Attached: 1499383750693.jpg (600x331, 22K)

This is a Waffle

Attached: download.jpg (242x208, 7K)

H-How is this not a pipe?

I'm confused...

it's an image representation of a pipe

My mind is honestly blown

This is a marble bust of Marcus Licinius Crassus.

Attached: marcus-licinius-crassus-1.jpg (900x750, 24K)

That's 3 waffles

This is a JoJo Reference

Attached: df8.jpg (1280x720, 108K)