Go outside to buy groceries

>go outside to buy groceries
>see a group of teenagers sitting on benches and laughing
>they seem like they're having fun and enjoying their lives
>day completely ruined

I hate to admit it but I feel extremely jealous of normies, it's kinda painful to know that nobody ever cared about your existence but you see so many people around you just casually interacting with each other

I will never know how it feels like to be acknowledged and it hurts as hell

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I feel you but eventually that passes and you just become nothing, an empty husk merely flowing along.

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You don't deserve love and companionship. You area a bad person. This is why you are ugly and fat. People who are ugly on the inside becomes repulsive on the outside as well

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>You area a bad person
yes because ugly = bad
Meanwhile people who rob and kill still somehow have friends and get laid

Fuck off retard

>Muh random acts
You just further reveal how shallow you are. You are empty on the inside. A true psycopath. Off yourself before you start killing user

i had this experieince most of my time as a teenager

I'd had sympathized if the problem was you neurotically thinking they were laughing at you.
Now you're just a misantropic dick to me.

>just sad he can't have friends
>sad to see something he can never have
Sounds like you're the misanthrope, eh?

same here, it fucking hurts.
social life finishes at 25 lads, if you don't have a circle of friends by that time you are done.

Hwat is your current situation?


>work in the maritime industry
>be away from home for 4 months straight
>finally make port
>see a lot of girls on the quay waiting for their bf's
>crew gets off the ship, see the guys i had spend months with at see hugging and kidding their girls
>walk past them without saying goodbye
>go home and drink the pain away

I've been going through this routine for 3 years straight now, propably have another 10-15 years to go.

>maritime worker
>uses r9k
how are the feels out at sea, row boat?

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fucking rip m8
how did you end up in this situation?

no time for feels when i'm on duty, but when im off i usually play offline vidya or watch the sunset on deck while listening to some depressing music

most of the crew are asian loan workers who can barely speak english

pay is really good. and because we sail under the flag of panama we barely pay any tax

>kidding their gfs
Wholesome as fuck
row boat

fuck man
it's a feel I haven't felt in a long time
it's the worst kind of feel

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you mean flips? most seaman i know are flips.

It's never too late, you just have to open your mouth:

>be regular at local shop
>say hi to staff but not much else
>on occasion have short conversation with staff while paying for stuff
>eventually suggest we hang out
>got number and we plan to chill together

You can do it too. Just be very self aware of how threatening you might look because you don't want to look that at all.

Seeing others happy drains me too,but seeing others fail and not always getting what they want kinda gives me a boost.Who else here /fueledbyothersfailures/?

>not being too dead inside to care

How did you get to work on a ship? Need any qualifications? What kind of comforts do you have and what do you lack compared to a landlocked wagie? I might be interested.

You will need a basic certificate for the job of maritime officer. Which takes about 4 years to get. After that just spam as many companies as possible and one of them will surely accept you. Well, if you're western that is.

The comforts... well, depends on what you consider comfort. You spend around 4 months at sea and then you have 3 - 4 months vacation, during which you get paid your monthly salary.

>eventually suggest we hang out
The length of that "eventually" is the hardest thing to judge.

>muh just world fallacy
Anything to keep reality at bay, huh normie?

Just remember life is like fable 2, that's why you're a fat neet