It's not too late. I haven't taken them yet. Convince me to not become a tranny, Jow Forums
Convince Me To Not Transition
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do it faggot
You'll end up committing suicide once you realize you'll never be a qt girl.
Why do you want to transition OP? Who's been encouraging you?
Thats basically suicide in pill form.
Something went extremly wrong in your life and you are now mentally ill and delusional.
Because growing tits and throwing away your masculinity, therefore ultimately your power to create is not going to solve your problems and is in fact going to dramatically increase them. You are currently so omega that you feel like you are closer to a woman than to a man. This is unhealthy, become a man again, lift weights and go live in the woods don't become a gross excuse for a "woman"
Do it bitch, you won't
Bro, you do know that you will never be a women right? You can pump yourself full of estrogen and hormone blockers. Won't be a women. You can mutilate your penis. Still won't be a women. If you think for some reason you'd be more happy pumped full of female hormones with a disfigured dick, then go ahead and do it. Doesn't make you a women though.
>"do whether you want, even if option yes is moronic"
>"yeah, man. It's 100% your choice. Option yes is dumb"
>"Choose ANYTHING you want, except option yes"
Just ndo it, the fact that you ordered them means you're already a failure.
do it op
dont you want to be cute?
you wont be a woman but you can be cute like one
40% suicide rate says it all. Get help for your mental illness. Or kill yourself, your choice, faggot.
if you want to kill yourself and all hope for your future go right ahead.
why do you want to do it fren?
You should do it, OP. Then when your youthfulness fades, you should an hero.
Because I'm unhappy as a male, desperately want to present as female, and can't think about anything else
I'm already a woman on the inside, where it counts. I'd just be changing my external appearance to reflect who I am inside
you dont need to waste money on pills to lie to yourself like that. you can do it without them.
You don't need both bica and fina. That's overkill.
Do it, but be realistic. The life of a passing transwoman is vastly different from that of a nonpassing tranny.
Don't get SRS.
Don't be a whore.
I was worried because someone said that bicalutamide can cause hair shedding because it rises DHT levels, so I thought I should take finasteride as a precaution. I really cherish my hair and would hate for it to depreciate
I won't be a whore, I'm a virgin and I revere monogamy
Putting an elephant into a barn and cutting of its trunk won't make it a horse. Avoiding reality is first step to insanity and eventual suicide.
>I never bring up my career to avoid gold diggers.
Let me guess, you don't consider yourself mentally ill
Start now. It'll make you feel better. It did for me.
bait thread normans need not reply
This. if the suicide rates don't convince you not to transition, nothing ever will.
>I'm already a woman on the inside
>Actually believing this
Also what exactly are you taking
You will never be a woman and the hormones will wreck your body. Just be a cross dressing faggot instead at least this way you can go back to normal
Spidey thread anons!!!
>go to psychiatrist to get help for gender dysphoria that I've had for years and couldn't make it go away
>they give me HRT
Spiderman thread initiated
bumperoni user. !.!.!
Social Justice wrecked the field
Ok well still I like my hrt and I absolutely refuse to stop taking it.
These words will come back to haunt you
Rise of the spider
Why would I want to do that? You could be super cute transbian like pic related
Since bica prevents testosterone from binding to receptor sites, you'll have more testosterone in your blood steam. Though aromatase will convert it to estrogen more.
Ok then what the fuck else am I supposed to do? Just suffer even more than I am now? I've tried to get rid of this for fucking years now and I couldn't. If there was an alternative treatment to transitioning that wasn't a meme I would rather take that.
Don't become a trap user
flip a coin
tails, you kill yourself before the age of 50
those are the statistics, btw
He's just doing all this for attention.
Just kill yourself you degenerate nigger
Damn well fuck you too then. It's not my fault I'm fucked in the head.
Fuck off with your snowflake bullshit and be a girly man instead (aka faggot). There is no transitioning you are and always will be a biological man
Do it, faggot. One day you will regret all of it, and you will end up killing yourself.
Ugly, whacked out freak.
OP, you'll NEVER be a girl. You thinking you are is a mental illness, and your heart isn't where it "counts", you faggot. Unless you have 2 x chromosomes, you are, and will forever be, MALE.
If you transition, things will only get worse. You'll go absolutely mental like every tranny ever.
Make the right choice and fix yourself. Trannies are broken individuals, and are beyond repair; They are the arbiter of their own demise, and every one that kills themselves is cause for celebration.
I've been around many trannies. Pic related is how they always are, and how YOU will turn out.
Who cares you'll just be another mutant who ends up offing themselves a few years down the line
Why the fuck are you asking us to convince you otherwise if you are this far already. It's clear you've made up your mind, now go do it and fuck off.
If you are under 6ft transition, also if your "penis" is below 6.5x6 its feminine and under 5.5 is a boiclit
he needs to get emotionally rilled up so he can take the shit to prove those evil internet people wrong!
>You will always be a biological man
Well technically I've never been a man since I started HRT before I was 18, but yes, I will always be a biological male however.
Just take your poison and off yourself then
Just do it, you're already posting here so it's not like your life will get any better
If you're not a man, you're a thing. A mutant. Your life is irreparably fucked, and you'll NEVER fix it.
Die. I wanna see you die before you shit up Jow Forums with your shit.
>Muh Crowmazoms!!!
Nobody gives a shit about outdated biological theories faggot.
I just took my first dose of HRT
2mg estradiol, 25mg bicalutamide, and 1.25mg finasteride daily
It's ok if I have testosterone in my system so long as it's not doing anything
Post your boiclit and bussy! Are they cute and petite yet? Do you plan to celebrate? Get a guy from Grindr to cum on your face :)))
Just don't forget to come here when you finally decide to kill yourself and stream it.
Jesus man, DO NOT do it.
send me the stream link for when you kill yourself
I would totally stream it if I was going to kill myself
Too late, took my first dose like an hour ago
Don't be an hero...buddy
>Too late, took my first dose like an hour ago
Well then there is nothing left to discuss. Abandon this shit thread
Join vomitism. NOW!
>You will never have children
>you are going to look ugly as shit when you get older
Remember women hit the wall except it will be even worse for you as you will never be able to have children with a beta cuck
>nasty looking vagina
You will never have sex with chad
>Its permanent.
Have you tried other solutions like taking testosterone and working out?
>you will probably kill yourself
There must be a reason tranny suicide rates are so high. Why would you risk it?
>even if you transition you will probably still look ugly
When people see you, they won't think "wow a pretty girl" they'll think "fucking disgustin"
>you will either have to lie to any romantic partners or never have any for the rest of your life
At least there is still hope for us and on the off chance we get lucky we wouldn't have to lie to our gf.
>40% suicide rate
that isnt even a correct statistic. It's '40% of trans people have attempted suicide at some point in there life (before or after transition)' and it was one small study in Sweden;
S-source? Not gay.
What is your point? Go ahead and eat candy for breakfast everyday I don't give a shit if you become obese, I don't know you. But I will tell you that its retarded.
even if you pass now (you probably don't), imagine how ugly you will look when you turn 30. And it will only get worse from there. Imagine your grandpa in a bra, panties and a wig, that is what you will look like.
You know you're not very well known outside of /britfeel/, right?
Oh by the way, a lot of trannies have vaginas that never stop bleeding. It'll be like having a period 24/7. Oh also your wound may become infected so you have to constantly clean it.
And if you dont fill it in a considerable time, it will grow together
do you know that you will have to "dilate" upwards of 4-5 times A DAY for 30-45 minutes. It is a weeping wound my friend not a vagina. Embrace that God has made you a man.
Taking drugs will never make you happy.
You need to figure out why you're unhappy and solve it. That's the responsible thing to do you know. Doing the unresponsible thing will never make you happy.
Bosting in a trap bread
That's truly a miserable existence
Yeah I might just hold off on SRS until the results are better
You're not a woman, you never will be a woman. You are a mentally ill man. This topic isn't medically advanced as we think, you may grow problems & doctors will not know how to treat you. You are doing more harm than good to yourself by taking HRT. You will become a fetish for some stubborn bisexual, no matter how much you'd like to be loved for who you are, you're a tranny to them. Always will be. You will always be a tranny in the eyes of everyone. Right now, society seems to accept them. What about in 10 years from now? Women will eventually stop taking your bullshit ' I feel like a woman, I like pink & dresses, so I am a woman!!' rhetoric because it's a threat to their own womanhood. You cannot feel like a woman. You don't know what it is to be a woman. You don't have a vagina, you don't have a uterus, you don't have the skeletal structure of a woman, you will always be a mutilated hormone freak man. Get a different therapist, one will help your underlying issues than money grabbing ' take these drugs ' types. Also, think about it strongly. Why now in recent years have doctors been pushing HRT & puberty blockers so heavily to just about anyone mentioning gender dysphoria? They're using you as guinea pigs. Don't fall for this dude. If this doesn't convince you, remember you will be in constant pain.
t. fell for the hrt meme, detrans