
MBTI Thread

Why are ESTPs so annoying edition.

>your MBTI
>MBTI you hate the most

best test: sakinorva.net/functions.php
comfy mbti discord: wwKevY6

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Other urls found in this thread:


>tfw 98% introverted INTP female
>MBTI is probably just a shitty meme

What do?

just use your best introvert traits at that point imo

Finally one of these threads about ESTPs. My biggest fear is living a boring life. I feel like shit after a night out, because it's over and I want to go again. I hope to pick an interesting profession in the future, or I'll go insane.

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I don't have any useful good traits though.

you probably do, just not using them properly. what is your current status in life?

I think I dropped my S O Y beans.

Is there any hope. I notice that people usually use me. They aren't afraid to ask me for help. But there are times they go to far and ask me just do it for me. My anxiety kicks in and I don't know what to do. If I say no will they dislike me. If I say yeah will they like me more.

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Daily reminder that anything other than xNTP is normal fag tier and lacks all of the most interesting traits
Pic related, is ENTP waifu

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>take literally anything else
>get ISTP
>take OP's link

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you can't type yourself for 100% using just tests, read type descriptions at typologycentral and figure it out yourself if you want to know

Wish I could help there, but I haven't even reached the point of interacting with other people.

What do you originallyy mean?

like INTP is a good type, you must have something going for you, i'm just wondering if you study/work or do anything in life

> None , please love me

I finished military like 2 months ago and I'm on a dead-end job now, that's all.

INTP x INFJ is sometimes heralded as the best pairing for some reason. As an INTP, here is my impression.
These types are attracted to each other's selflessness. Both are humble and gentle, and much like INTP/INTJ, they find a refuge from the normalfags in one another. Their conversations are nice -- the INTP likes the complexity of Ni, and the INFJ likes the innocent curiosity of Ne. INTPs also love arguing with INFJs, although I'm not sure the enjoyment is mutual.
The INTP sees that the INFJ is kinda dumb. This is cute, because he at least wants to look logical. The INTP desires to help the INFJ. His ideas are so interesting and even brilliant, yet unconvincing because shitty logic.


But to an INTP, the real problem is that an INFJ's worldview is constructed around an in-group. Oblivious to objective truth, INFJs treat those outside the group with suspicion, making aggressive snap-judgments of people, which is off-putting to the INTP, who is usually offended by all forms of bigotry. The INFJ is just *like* that, his intuition tells him to hate people. When INFJs ask for advice it's not because they want INTP advice, they mostly want to listen to themselves talk.

Furthermore, INFJs take things literally that INTPs say for fun (made worse because the INTP tends to use words in unconventional ways and the INFJ interprets words EXTREMELY), and they misunderstand each other a lot. INTPs are goofier and INFJs are melodramatic. Although they outwardly adapt to each other, they can't see eye-to-eye.


Usually an INFP in INFP x INFJ gets this right away and there's no let-down, but the INTP sees qualities in the INFJ that he wants for himself (such as warmth and enthusiasm) and overestimates the INFJ.

INFJs are good companions, but I think INTPs are best matched with xNTPs for the long haul. Maybe also INFPs, ISTPs, ENTJs or ESFJs.


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I always get INTP no matter what. I can even tell from the answers that I will always agree with objective logic over subjective feelings, even when it opposes what I believe every single time.

Any postgraduate INTP students here? Doing my Masters in CyberSec.

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What's the actual true pairing with INFJ if it's not INTP?

>tfw INFJ
>tfw cry easily
>tfw Fe is so strong that people feeling hurt or embarrassed or ashamed of themselves always makes me tear up

Am I a disgrace to INFJs everywhere?

haha oregano!

No, I think that's normal. I feel others emotions so strongly that I have to distance myself from people just to cope.


>INFJ at the very top of the list

What the fuck

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>I don't hate any of them, but ESTJ
>less and less certain I wasn't actually an INFJ the entire time
btw fuck windows updates

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I'm an INFP, I probably hate ENTJ's the most. they're annyoing as all get out.

>think most people are retarded
>never talk to anybody
>have a completely monotone voice
>facial expression never changes
>have an autism screening scheduled for this afternoon because I'm 90% sure I have it

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>ISTJs that low

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Let me remind you all of the ENTP master race:

>not autistic like the rest of you NT fags
>Still logical, making the correct decisions.
>Ability to clearly explain and reason makes is strong in any walk of life, not just STEM.
>Effortless wit and charm contributes to the above.

As long as we keep our weaknesses in mind (which we do, as we readily accept and reflect on criticisms), we are literally the best and there is no reason to be anything else.

>hate estp
>love istp
Istp and intp's make best teams
I give you the ideas and you build them

INFJs sound kind of fem.

ENTP is supposed to have a lot of attraction. So is ESTP, since they have surprisingly similar values to INFJs, but they're opposites which might make it difficult. Like the same person turned inside out.

INTJ, ENFJ, ENFP are also good.

What is it that you mean by this?

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We are the most eccentric extroverted type, and we love our banter

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i'm infj and consider it an achievement to go a day without crying. list looks pretty accurate to me.

They're apparently empathetic, emotional, and cry easily. Sounds girly.


The only people that try to refute it are other INFJs, kek.

From experience though, INFJs seem to go on a range from stoic to effeminate, with some more or less comfortable in their own skins than others. Guys tend to the former, and grills to the latter, but they're all kind of in the middle.

They seem to try to come off as calm and open, which can have the side affect of those with less social intelligence imposing themselves on INFJs who will end up friends with everyone anyway.

>male INFP
How fucked am I?

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Are INFJ girls popular with guys? I've heard them be called femme fatales for some reason?

Was exactly the same at one point.

But I'd suggest getting rid of the first two points. Even from a purely utilitarian standpoint, people are useful backup, and you can assume they have an experience and skill set of their own. If you value intelligence, you can get it from others. Other people are walking data.

Took 16personalities test yesterday, ISFP.
Just took the one OP listed, INTJ.
What do I trust?

Neither, they're online tests. Look up the functions and types in more detail. It'd be nice if you posted your function scores like did too

I used to get INFP but now I got ISTJ. I don't know, I can't figure out how to answer these kinds of questions.

"Femme Fatale" is a bit of an overstatement, that might go more for extroverted Beta quads. I gather it's mostly just said, as although they're not conventionally attractive they have a niche 'audience' of their own, and there's not enough to go around for everyone.

And like I'd said before, guys tend to more often than grills mistake friendship for something more, and with the demeanor described of the INFJ this is especially prevalent. They'll spend time turning people down often, and don't often want to settle for less than the perfectly timed opportunity.

The very fact that you think ENTP is an upgrade to *NT* shows you don't understand Jungian theory and you proved your own retarded statements incorrect. Not all types are equal in *NT* strength. E.g. an INTP probably still thinks more logically than you due to other factors.

>ENTPs doing what they do best.

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I'm INTP and I absolutely can't stand ISFJs and ESFJs. Like it's obvious that S types are all brainlets, but SFs are the absolute worst. At least ESFPs can be unintentionally funny sometimes, but xSFJs are the most boring and simultaneously pretentious types.

Life on hard mode.

But there's nothing you can do about that, just work on yourself senpai, get where you want to be and be comfortable and confident in your judgement. You share a type with Kierkegaard, don't be another type, just be a better INFP.

>Whatever OP is

this desu. intp supposed speciality is thinking more rationally and clearer internally due to introversion. entp is simply better socially. this is not taking into account the strength of n and t.

Is there anything sadder than a dumb INTP?

Only all the other MBTIs :)

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>that """IQ""" line on the bottom
That's not how it works you faggot.

>how does graph work????

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Is brownsword a good word for dick?

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That is still not how it works, I hope you're memeing.

>the number of gifted people in a type has a 1:1 correlation with that type's average IQ

What would make sense, would be to take the number of gifted people in the population overall (assuming the population is IQ 100), and then figure out where the line for gifted would appear on a bell curve of IQ.

From there, you can use another bell curve to take the number of gifted from an individual type, and plot where the type's average IQ must be depending on what percentage of the type would cross the 'gifted line'.

It has been posted before, with the highest being INTP at 115, and lowest ESFJ at 90. You can't just assume there's a direct giftedness-IQ correlation, but it makes much more sense than what you're doing.

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>You can't just assume there's a direct giftedness-IQ correlation

That is not what the graph assumes. What, do you think 12.03% of INTPs have an IQ of 225?!

>t. huw greph werk??????????????

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No, the graph says that INTPs have an average IQ of 225.

Are you drunk mate?

That's not true though. As an ENTP I am literally smarter than everyone around me, it is easy to notice

To be fair it just says IQ. Could imply anything.

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>tfw INFP except I haven't cried in over a decade and can't talk about my feelings with anyone
I'm trapped in my own feels fellas

Yeah, I suppose that's fair. So what idiot thought it was a good idea to make that edit to the graph, anyway? Fucking hell

You are unironically retarded, go take STAT101. Hint: that is not what it says at all, look at the Y axis measurement and the statistics on the bars themselves.

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I still don't see it, explain it to me. Because one bar is the gifted/normal ratio, and the other is MBTI type. It's putting arbitrary measurements of IQ under the types. If that's not trying to suggest an average, which is fair - it doesn't outright say it is an average, what else exactly does that represent in this context?

>ISFJ Male

Is it over?

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If you think its just a meme, then don't worry about it and just live how you see fit.
-INTP-T male

At a stretch it's an interpretation of their intelligence relative to each other. He wanted to demosnstrate that he thought that despite having roughly equal gifteds, that INFPs were still more generally intelligent than INFJs for example, and that the IQ gap between INTJs and INFPs is greater than the chart would imply. Of course the numbers themselves were pulled directly out of his ass but the thought process behind it is still relevant, they're not uniformly going down in points of 5 or 10 so he must have put some thought into it.

keep it that way, maybe write a poem or something.

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INTP again.

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In a perfect world everyone would be ENTPs. Imagine how much fun we would have!

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lol at the manga

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Eh, us Si-doms can be good, but only depending on certain factors. We're most shaped by our experiences after all.

>mfw could have had a good life if it wasnt for tragic abusive childhood

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It would be a shitfest desu, imagine a comedy duo with no straightman, a million monkeys in a room with no typewriters. It would just be a monotone world of meaningless edgy nihilism where nobody changes the water or washes their brush.

I like ISFJs

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My butt itches and I am unsure how to handle the problem. I have tried itching it, but itched it so hard blood has started coming out. I tried putting water on my butt, tried hunting for hairs, tried farting really bad... nothing fixes my itchy butt. My life has become a daily torment (this has been going on for a while) because my butt itches and there is no way to stop it. I never thought my life would be ruined so much by an itchy butt.


INTJs make me out to be an animal because of my autism. I am not allowed to have an opinion because of my itchy butt, I can only be laughed at and devalued.

>It would be a shitfest desu, imagine a comedy duo with no straightman, a million monkeys in a room with no typewriters. It would just be a monotone world of meaningless edgy nihilism where nobody changes the water or washes their brush.
Maybe, maybe not. I sure would like to find out. Maybe if we all work together we can find some kind of chemical that either turns everyone into ENTPs or kills all other personality types. Not a chemist myself, but I think you should try out my idea at least. You might like being an ENTP

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>being a loud edgy fuck that's shallow as a puddle
>constantly stuck in babby's first existensial crisis and feels the need to remind everyone else endlessly
I'll need some convincing on that front

Wouldn't that be a denial of nature and life circles? INFPs are the real vegans desu.

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That's just what we gotta do, take everything good and bad to our hearts. And use that to understand the difference between right and wrong.
I'm an ISTJ, I try to make logical sense out of the things that happen to me. I just want there to be order in the world.
ISFJs are similar, but instead create order in people.

ENTP here
Last night I spoke at my church and got applause from everyone and had a great time
I literally can't fathom how people have trouble with public speaking
I had nothing at all prepared but proverbs 12 verse six
I got invited to a girl's party (which I didn't even go to) and now she's my girlfriend
And yes, I'm phoneposting beacuse I'm on a road trip
How your life going?

I found fight against that one user. ENTPs are people pleasing fuckers who manipulate and lie. I for one wouldn't want any of that, I wish to be genuine.

ESTPs are based. BASED.
>getting this triggered over Chad

>your type
>type you hate the most
Brainlet INTPs/Cunt ISFJs

ENFP here
I don't have problems with saying things in public. People have problems with what I say.
My talents include yelling the word "chicken" over and over.
I do have a girlfriend however. She has been with me for two months, ever since she killed all the other female influences in my life.
I feel shitty. I always do. I am never happy.

Is that what you think, or is that what they told you?
If you are so genuine, whats your mbti?
Personally I think the manipulators are the xNTJ types and not the xNTP types, be it introversion or extroversion.

Yeah same here. I never prepare any presentations. Just go there and roll with it. Speaking in front of people is literally best job ever

Not at all true. I get nothing out of pleasing people. Manipulative maybe, but just temporarily to see what I can make other people do or toy a little with them, but I would never like deceive people long term you know. More like an evening or so. And playing people a little bit is FUN

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Da fuc, you couldn't be arsed to put the last letter into upper case?

ENFP. I pride myself on honesty.

>What they told you
You are ENTP. That is Ne-Ti-Fe-Si.

Read this and compare Fe with Fi. Fe is all about getting along with the majority and people pleasing.

>your type

>type I hate the
most ESFP

It's a socionics meme, some of the last letters are small and the types are swapped around a little bit for literally no reason. ESFP is the same type as ESFp though unlike INTj which is INTP.

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See this for my proper response, which is entirely original.

But that isn't your post that is mine. Arguement theft

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>still using memebti functions
>not superior SOCIONICS

do you pride on being a moron too?

The p is for small penor

You sound like a great guy
I had a play last week and barely studied my lines at all when I had the most of everyone(I was Willy Wonka) and everyone I saw afterwards said they could tell I had 80 to 90 percent memorized
The only thing that's bad is Ive practically never had any motivation to do anything
The only thing I've ever been motivated to do is 1. Dig a hole (which I did, it was a really deep hole) 2.carve a walking stick(which I did, it was a great stick) and 3. Carve a wooden stake(which I did, it was a great stake)
Otherwise everything seems to go great for me!

>ENFP. I pride myself on honesty.
Implying ENTP isn't honest is like saying INTP isn't interested in ideas.
As for introverted and extroverted feeling, I couldn't care less about what you think. The only thing that matters is what is and what could be, not what could've been. Honesty and truthfulness are the same and I much less judge people when I'd rather be open to anyones ideas.

Again same here with the motivation. Or rather I guess it is more about difficulty getting started. If I get started on something I skip sleep to finish it (since no discipline) and makes it pedantically

What you use the stake for? I immediately think vampires when I see the word stake

Homework is the antichrist

I think he missunderstands. I differ between deception that is malevolent and for selfish gains. That's not ENTP.

But deception to have some fun, or maybe prank the other person, or help a person by giving them some false convictions that are beneficial (or rather to test if such methods work) is typical ENTP deception. But I would consider such a good thing

>literally for no reason

Read the fucking theory areshole

>none, because i don't know shit about MBTI

How the fuck else can you verify your knowledge and problem solving skills, while reassuring your confidence ?

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