look at this dumbass incel dog
cute jewdog
I don't think the dog gives a fuck nobody read him words he can't understand
So if no strangers show up, the owner leaves their dog abandoned in a library?
The dog had no concept of a group being planned, or anything being planned. He showed up with his owner and got left in a corner while they went outside and took a photo. He anticipated nothing.
The absolute state of modern journalism.
>this party sucks
>it smells dusty in here
>my collar is too tight
>there's not even any butts to sniff
>i wish I was at home playing fetch
incel dog spotted
It's called advertising
What the fuck did you just say about Sting?
Dogs can pick up on the feelings of their master and people near them, especially a fucking therapy dog that's specifically trained to respond to human emotional cues. So it's plausible, if not likely, that the dog feels sadness because whoever took the pic expected there to be people.
So then why didn't the owner just read to the dog
Why bother making people sign up anyway, just fucking play fetch with it
is there something wrong with that dog? or is that breed just have a fucked up skull?
As someone already pointed out, at the end of the day it's probably a publicity stunt. And tons of idiots will lap it right up and book therapy sessions with Sting while its owner laughs all the way to the bank.
RussiN long doggos
hahahaha his name is sting LOOK AT HIS SNOUT LMAO
Dogs get lonely too. They're social creatures and our species in particular shares a special bond with them. A doggo with no pipo is a sad doggo.
>So then why didn't the owner just read to the dog
>Why bother making people sign up anyway, just fucking play fetch with it
It's a therapy dog dude.
Wow fucking entitled pos dog. People don't OWE you anything. Perhaps make yourself more appealing sweetie.
So its therapy relies on volunteers?
creep dog
fucking keked user
Stfu its a dog if anything you should relate to it, niggerfaggot. I bet you like harming animals you filthy deranged homosexual.
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