Would you make a good father Jow Forums? What if you're daughter liked you a little too much? Could you control yourself?
Would you make a good father Jow Forums? What if you're daughter liked you a little too much...
damn check out those shorts would love to fuck her lick-a-lick-lick-roo
I would need to check she's still a virgin
Blowjobs and anal don't count as real sex
Shouldn't be a problem as long as she us raised right and doesn't get fed this disgusting food and beverages that have all kinds of chemicals and and hormones which cause this degeneracy.
>Would you make a good father Jow Forums?
I think so. These kind of questions keep me awake at night.
>Could you control yourself?
I would respect her if she don't want to do it. But I can't say "no" if she's asking for it.
Most people just aren't attracted to kids. Genuine pedophilia is not that common.
No I think the temptation to put my own daughter in a pile driver would be too strong. I already decided I won't have kids.
And enough with anime already you no life having bitch. Who could love you?
Most water is wet and weather changes by season.
Why are we stated obvious things? pedo's are universally hated by normalfags
Good questions, OP. I would not be attracted to my own daughter and would vomit at the thought of her wanted me to fuck her. I will enjoy her cuteness, though.
then you wouldn't be a good father, dumbass
You obviously didn't get enough daddy dick, you sour puss.
if a 15yo+ daughter tried to seduce me I would make love to her like never before in life, but I would also encourage her to get a real bf her age. does this make sense?
Disgusting pedophiles like you need to be hung.
That's taking "being a good male role model" a bit too far. Also, daughters trying to seduce their fathers isn't entirely atypical (up to a point), but actually sleeping with her would probably mess her up for life.
is there any more of that
you should post more if there's more of that
The good news is that she'll be one quarter a member of my father's family, and if she looks anything like them then there's no way I'll be attracted to her.
>sleeping with her would probably mess her up for life
Absolutely false.
Yeah, I think I can handle it.
I fucked hookers they told me I'd be a good father.
I fucked civilian women they told me the same.
Still had 2 abortions while Tyrone fathered 8 kids from 5 women while in-and-out of prison so he can't even support them.
Who the fuck is Tyrone I'm black I've never seen a Tyrone only ever heard of him from rumours and it was a lie so please you incongruous faggots tell me who this person is