Laurel or Yanny?

Well, Jow Forums? Which do you hear?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I hear Laurel.
If you hear Yanny, you're wrong.

you are such a normie user

Lmao, no one voted yanny

You have to be mentally ill to hear yanny. I had a conversation today with my coworkers about this and most of them hear yanny. They said that if you hear yanny it means your ears are younger and better and capable of hearing higher frequencies. Yeah right, if you hear something that's not there you have better hearing for sure

OMG guys, this literally STOPPED the internet xD

if you listen to the audio closely you can hear where it's supposed to merge the sound of 'yanny'

i've listened to this both on my phone speaker and then through headphones, and it sounded like 'laurel' every time except the first time i listened on headphones, it sounded like yanny

i think it has to do with your mind and focus and shit

yanny: agelet boylet
laurel: man
both: tanasinn

It's clearly laurel but if you really focus in you can hear the slight yanny over it

no it broke the internet

butthurt boomer eared laurelfag

If you hear laurel, you're too old to be on Jow Forums. Jow Forums belongs to us Yannyboys now!

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i can hear both and switch between which one i want to hear
get on my level

I can hear both depending on what I focus on. First heard yanny, then listened closely and was able to make laurel more dominant in my perception, then back to yanny.

I think people who only hear laurel are brainlets and/or listen on $5 headphones

If you pitch shift it down 30% you can hear the yanny.

user, come and take your test!

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>I think people who only hear laurel are brainlets and/or listen on $5 headphones
it's the opposite actually

I heard yanny like 2 days ago and Laura yesterday, dunno

I heard both during the same listening. First it was a clear Yanny in a higher pitched voice, and then changed into a lower-pitched Laurel. I couldn't get it back to Yanny after that though, but could hear it under laurel much quieter.

30 year old shut in hermit NEET with little to no stimulation here

I hear Yanny

Got it, Laurel is the right answer.

I hear laurel
but it almost definitely depends on what kind of speakers/headphones you're using
or maybe it's because i've never heard of anyone called Yanny before

This is you: Stupid dumb laurelfag

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Is this the audio version of that spinning ballerina thing? Here's the trick: If you want to hear yanny, focus on the high frequencies and if you want to hear laurel, pay more attention to the low frequencies.

I think the bigger problem is that it's not doing a good job at pronouncing yanny. Sounds more like yoowee

Clearly says Laurel. You would have to be mentally retarded to hear Yanny which is a completely different sound

> Posting a link from a literal Jewish hoebag

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>admitting publicly of generating and possessing child pornography

I hear different on my headphones than thru speakers

Precisely why they shut down her twitter account and she went to court.
From the looks of it, she's back up.

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I've gotten to the point where I can hear either one on command.

I hear both but Laurel sounds more natural

I heard yammy I might be slow

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How the fuck do you hear Yanny I can't even

First time I heard the clip was on the news, without any context. I very clearly -- and distinctly -- caught "Laurel."

Now I can only pull "Yanny" from it. Strangely, it sounds more like "Yammy" to me than anything.

I always here yari, like someone garbling yuri.

2 words merged together at different frequencies at the same time.
But to answer your question I hear Yanny

It's both, you mongoloids. It's simultaneously a high pitched voice saying "Yanny" and a low pitched voice saying "Laurel."
Fucking brainlets.

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So what do you hear nigger

The very first time I heard it, paying on repeat, it was yanny, but I was listening hard for Laurel. Now I can only hear Laurel.

Both depending on which pitch I focus on. It should be that way for anyone if you have proper hearing.
I listened to it 4 times and figured it out.

>It's both, you mongoloids. It's simultaneously a high pitched voice saying "Yanny" and a low pitched voice saying "Laurel."
Well done, slowpoke.

I've been hearing about this shit all day and just now listened to it. 2 pitches plain as day.

through my 1usd earphones: jerry
through my shure IEMs: you can hear both sounds overlapped, the higher frecuencies sound like yanny, and the lower frecuencies sound like laurel
shit tier illusion desu

It's saying Laurel, FAGGOT. You must be clinically retarded to hear anything else.

i can only barely hear the bits that make the track yanny. I overwhelmingly hear laurel.

If you hear laurel you have bad hearing and can't hear the high frequencies.

>t. earlet

yes but the guy who made it already confirmed it says laurel.

I cannot hear laurel nor have I on multiple speakers, its always yanny

>mfw earlets that can't hear yanny

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My headphones were over $200.

The original recording was of a guy saying Laurel buy with higher frequencies chucked in to distort it. So if you hear Yanny you're a retard with a easily fooled brain

case closed

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Apparently yanny is just really high pitch so it's overshadowed by Laurel, if you hear yanny you are an earlet.

I heard yanny on a youtube clip but laurel on the twitter clip

Why do people care about some autist spazzing out incomprehensible mumbling that's pretty obviously neither of the supposed answers l000l

if you can't hear both then you're probably just retarded

It's fun and interesting, unlike you.

>tfw can only hear laurel

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How the fuck anyone hears Laurel? It clearly says Yanny

>normie ry asu

it says both u autists. they're just just in different frequencies and since we all hear slighty differently people hear different things

I hear "LAUREL" loud and clear, but at the end it sounds like someone whispering "yanny".

I hear "Laurel" and I can kind of hear what sounds a bit like a guitar string being plucked, that must be the Yanny?

>gov't psyop to take Normies attention from Syria.

Just another cheap CIA parlor trick.

>implying normies would care about politics beyond what they can get for free

For me it kinda sounds like Yanni and right after that Laurel, ni and la merging together, And they are said in slightly different tone.

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Sorry about your Beats by Dre.

Yanny fucker

I heard OP is a faggot

How do people not understand that it is two overlaid voices saying both? So many brainlets exposing themselves.

I have no idea what this is and I don't know if I should care.

That's ridicuIous.

The real, normie filtering question is:
Where did you hear about this yanny and laurel thing?

Caught the end of a segment on the radio but thought they were talking about yanni the musician. Disappointed to see it's some normalfag twitter thing. Even more disappointed to see it here.

People were talking about it everywhere

This thread is where I heard it.

The objective answer is Laurel.
However, I can isolate the frequencies and hear both when I listen to it. I don't know if it's because I listen to alot of music or what, but only plebs can't hear both.

WHY the fuck do people care so much about this absolutely fucking TRIVIAL shit? This is the biggest fucking deal on every fucking social media and news platform in North America. Why the fuck do these things get so big? First it was the shitty dress, then it was some shit I don't even remember and now it's this garbage audio clip.

Narcissists love exercises in subjectivity
>Ooh, how special and unique can I feel today?
So now the dominant discussion of the day is something out of a book of oddities for 3rd graders. It's so goddamn boring but it makes them feel special like those stupid "Which kind of Hot Pocket are you?" quizzes.

I kno that u dum sheep thing it's Yanny or Laurel but *I* hear Larry cuz I'm so special

>she is actually capitalizing on t-shirts and hoodies with simply the word "Yanny" or "Laurel" written on it.

Also I hear "Laurel".

What is this plebbit tier shit?

This is like that shit with that fucking dress except worse because it's literally just coerced interpretation. I fucking hate normalfags that freak out about the most mundane shit.


I like how the bitch is already selling merchandise. The nuclear holocaust can not come soon enough.

It literally depends on what you're listening on my speakers are definitely yanny, but my headphones which I use more often are laurel

where's the rest


LiteraIIy who the fuck cares

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>yannyfags getting all pissy because they can't deal with reality

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>listen to it for the very first time
>hear it as "Yan-rel" switching from high voice to deep voice
>now can't hear it as Yanny anymore, just Laurel every time

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Similarly if you shift the pitch up you can hear laurel

It's Laurel you retarded cucks, there is no debating this whatsoever. If you hear Yanny you're lying or you need to consider suicide

Depends. With my phone, I hear yanny. With my computer hooked up to some decent yamaha speakers, it's Laurel. But if I pull the aux out and use the normal computer speakers, it's yanny. I think it has to do with the pitch, as my computer and phone both have really tinny speakers, but my Yamaha's are tuned more for Bass

It's both, depending on pitch because both are there at the same time. Which you hear depends on how its framed in accordance to what else you hear

t. Linguistic neurosciencefag

Wtf! I thought Yanni was for the kids!

I wonder if there's any correlation

I literally hear neither