One of these threads. Rate and hate the favorites of your fellow robots...

One of these threads. Rate and hate the favorites of your fellow robots. Prove you have good taste or bare your pleb status to the world.

Attached: AnonsFavourite.jpg (1259x1219, 620K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Here's myself and OP your cartoon, pokemon, hobby and location are cool. But your animal is tough!

Attached: Chart - Myself.jpg (1366x1236, 534K)

What drug is that? Meth?

considering moving to the new forest in the future. one of the few places i've been that makes me happy to just be there.
nice vidya choice. do you still play?

Attached: template2.png (1280x1326, 1.11M)

Ecstasy (MDMA rocks).
No, I gave up video games a while back.

Elfen lied is some good shit user
Is that fucking bath salts?

Attached: 1516456917344.jpg (2896x2896, 1.36M)

My steam page is /76561198015382808/ or my username is "EnterUnCreativeName".

who /aomine/ here?

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Nice hobby user

Attached: anonsfavs.jpg (1286x1241, 823K)

hat band is thatt

phat original bumpo

I need to read a fucking book for God's sake

Attached: favs.jpg (1280x1219, 639K)

replied to everyone who didn't have a (you)

pretty excellent taste, especially in cartoons and music
how old are you? at first I assumed very young but now I'm not so sure
>that food+drink+superhero wombo combo
I remember this chart because of the sick instrument. still have good taste

Attached: updated cancer.jpg (1684x1292, 415K)

i have this version
fucking love dead space 2, great album and cartoon
sushi and dnd are good, fucking weird girl pick, dark beer is excellent, what the fuck porn
>not telling
this is a fucking anonymous site
love steak, and the location, good hobby and alcohol, not sure what you mean by that on porn, hologram porn?
great band, anime, book, porn and comedian
excellent vidya, cartoon, book, alcohol and food pick
good picks everywhere for my taste, i think i like you the most so far
good animal, weapon, cartoon choices

Attached: favs.jpg (2051x1581, 667K)

here's a template for those that still need it

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Orginal originally Oregons desudesudesu

Attached: 317B8FDF-1523-4E40-B959-D3F0016FAD5A.jpg (1286x1241, 472K)

oooooorrriginal des verry origanoli much original

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You guys all seem pretty alright. I would hang with any of you.

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kinda spooky but also kinda nice
some very standard Jow Forums picks but overall not too bad
into the wild is a bad book

Attached: cool favs.png (1684x1292, 1.28M)

all good taste desu

Attached: Favorites.jpg (1286x1241, 629K)

nice choice for animal. my parents' dog is half yorkie, half toy poodle

>into the wild is a bad book
it's the story that I liked best, it changed my life (see hobby)

>this is a fucking anonymous site
I share a Photoshop acc. with my brother I don't want him knowing what porn I watch

>how old are you? at first I assumed very young but now I'm not so sure
I'm 18 so yeah quite young

They're called big thief

saw the book and knew what the porn option would be and the fact you wont be allow near playgrounds

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azn are best grills

I've wanked to that video several times

boring to be around

I like a lot of this, but loli is for degenerates

Attached: chart.jpg (1684x1292, 1.35M)

ive seen that book series in the bookshop, is any good?

Give porn pls (both)

This is mine


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What's that album you got there?

are you dyslexic?
can you fucking read?
it's written right there
its also pathetic to at least not recognize one of the most recognizable album of all time

No faggot I see "Billet Duita" thanks to resolution and it's the only album I asked about cause it's familiar

Metallica - Master of Puppets

Oh fuck. I meant the band.

Fucking redditor why don't you show your porn?

i think it because if he showed it , a party van may come to his door

office and dbz, good shit, and lol at samwise
i like how you used the same pic of a guitar in 2 spots but shopped it differently. that pizza looks nice too
ayy mad men. one of my favorites lately, i like how the show kinda makes you hate the guy. also recommend the movie knock knock if you like ana de armas
nice vidya, cant wait for next TES
same, putting manga that i read 10 years ago instead LUL. also nice vidya, space horror is awesome
>serial killer
that panda is cute though
nice music, movies, tv, drinks, foods, girls. basically all good shit
seems chill

Attached: degeneracy.png (1286x1241, 1.04M)

It's Elliott Smith

Thanks, pardon my earlier retardation

Attached: thumbz.jpg (237x212, 11K)

its elliot smith

The softdrink is basically like mtn dew. Sorry for the male sign, the image editing program on my computer is shit.

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i'm a guy, i think i forgot to put it on the file.

Attached: anons fav.jpg (1266x1241, 557K)

Based movie, book and politician choice my dude

[a very very O R I G I N A L comment]

Attached: anons favorite.png (1286x1241, 1.63M)

>it's the story that I liked best, it changed my life (see hobby)
that's unfortunate but I suppose I can't fault you for having inspirations

Hey user, what's that album you listed?

Thank you blue by Daoko

No problem lad

Thanks, I'll give it a try now

[a very very very O R I G I N A L comment]

Attached: 1526581752394.png (1286x1505, 1.41M)

Yeah I didn't really know what to put there, I love the last song though.

ive notices TT seems to appear on alot of these even mine , could it be the robot cartoon?

it does seem TT is a robot cartoon

You mean One Room Seaside Step? Just listened to it. I like it

ah but i think robot live bicariously thought it since they were teen that had a social life

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Sure is weird data mining.

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>gunsmith cats

no pictures only comments aloud still

Attached: muh chart.png (1286x1241, 1.79M)

I don't remember her name, but I'm sure if you reverse image search you'll find something

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>seagram's gin
I've never actually met someone else who liked it. It tastes more like winter than other gins I've had and I love that.
I'm usually a loli man, but I love Rally so much more that Minnie.

good choice of band

naisu da yo


Attached: anonsfavourite....png (1283x1236, 1.1M)

Don't mind me. Just dropping in.

Attached: Anons Fav.jpg (1286x1241, 1.07M)

I hope I don't get recognized kek. is it weird that I watch gay/lesbian porn but not straight porn?
>movie + cartoon + anime + food
good taste
ayy do you have this template? nice bands btw
I miss Space Dandy
I really need to read House of Leaves. nice chart user

Attached: fashionably late.png (1286x1241, 1.82M)

Normalfag etc
Robot as fuck but boring
Trips confirms a man of culture
Pretty gay
Bro tier
Shitty chart but good taste in food
Yiff in hell
Hot Topic c. 2006
You seem interesting
Reddit as fuck, kindly an hero
You don't have a single reply but you have awesome taste
Kill yourself
Bit boring but still, we could be friends
Pleb but good nonetheless
You're pretty good
meme-tier, c'mon son
Feels like this fell out of 2013
Yiff in hell
A true robot (that's good)
Cyborg as fuck
>don't hit on me u silly boys!

Attached: faves.jpg (1286x1241, 986K)

>Star Wars
>The Office
>Neil Gaiman
>calling other people Reddit
cool projection

>I don't like "thing", so it's Reddit!
Nice try bud, things like The Office and weed might be big with redditors, but the actual redditfags ITT (which might actually include you seeing as you're so butthurt) have an overall reddit personality based on a summation of their entire taste.

>I don't like thing so it's reddit
you see the irony right? in you calling others reddit based on their taste then defending yours with that. I hope you see it.

long hair Hazel or short hair Hazel? I must know

and what makes your personality so different?

Huey Long?! Patrician choice!

>giving him the (You)'s he's thirsting for
other than that, pretty solid chart

r8 my chart frens

Attached: chart.jpg (1305x1500, 455K)

Brotier poster here, I brought you my bullets was my second choice for album, and PBR, fucking based

17/24 desu senpai, apparently that was not original uhg

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I was unironically only pretending to be retarded. Nice job guys.

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To all the fellow Kratom users I see in this thread. How long do you abstain before bed time? I find myself having both a hard time falling asleep and waking up if I take it too close to bed. I'm a pretty heavy user though.

Thank you x100
Fucking hnnnnng

>Feels like this fell out of 2013
I wasn't even here in back then, should I feel honored or am I just lame.
bretty average fren, but I don't get the porn field though.

what? I was just asking if they liked short hair Hazel or long hair Hazel
bruh you posted the same reply twice

Thx i normally post in these threads so people could have alraedy seen and dont care to reply

Darn. I guess it happens to the best of us though.

I feel too embarrassed when I fuck my posts up, probably my autisms fault.

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I want turn her colon into a chaotic mess

I feel like I just doxxed myself with this

Attached: Anon_Fav.jpg (1278x1240, 704K)

god damn these take forever to make

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>I feel like I just doxxed myself with this
>likes a bunch of normie stuff that pretty much every other american likes
yeah idk about that

A relief if true

ikr the time i made mine i was worried that the thred would be gone when i finished

>is it weird that I watch gay/lesbian porn but not straight porn?
Not really, lots of people don't like het shit (including me).

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here's the template broski

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he he hA HA HA

ho ho he he beb

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Some of you guys are so boring, no wonder women don't like you.

t. roastarooner

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what's that location? Is that Oahu?

Point out the ones you think aren't boring. What do you consider boring?

You are the first other person I have ever seen to have reference that movie.Top-tier Korean spoken by Chinese actors in the mine-scene.

danke, have a rare apu

Attached: makes u think.png (800x500, 730K)

de pepedi do

Attached: eagasasf.png (1280x1224, 1.35M)

Learn to read dude

i speak neither langue, it was all Chinese to me yes i know its a bad pun