'Chads" here. Ask us anything

I saw a reference to this place on a vice article a while back.
My buddy Sam is here having a few beers before we start prepping for a road trip. We figured we'd take some time to answer any questions you all have (advice or whatever). We'll do our best to answer.
Please try not to fill up this post with hateful messages though, we wont answer those comments. Thanks.

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1. How big of a douche are you to come here and assume anyone here wants to ask you shit?
2. See above

Hey Sam here, did not know it would post my name here. haha

Nice bait but it's time to go now

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Lets keep it civil here. Thanks

Hey bro. I'm sure not everyone wants to ask question, sure. But that's a really generalized assumption you made there. -Reuben
What does this mean?

Why do you consider yourself a chad and how do you think bots could get somewhere close to that?

Well from what I read, you guys call chads all the people who get a lot of girls, look good, and have healthy social lives. I'd say we qualify for that.

I think it needs to start with yourself, confidence in all the things you do even when you fuck it up. You're supposed to fail, so you have to try not to but not bitch and whine if you do. Keep doing that and you'll get better eventually. -Reuben

I see, thanks.
(Oregano originally)

>Admitting you heard about this place in some article
Not even one sentence in and you already fucked up.

No problem, dude. Good luck out there. -Sam

What's wrong with that?

>before we start prepping for a road trip

When going on a vacation and meeting plenty of new women who you likely won't see again, how do you get them to fuck?

How do I get a cute girlfriend (male)?

(Not the user you responded to) people here are really bitchy about mainstream and "normie" stuff, don't mind it.

Speaking from personal experience from going overseas on a holiday, when you are overseas small talk is king. Especially considering the fact that knowing that you don't know any of those women or wont ever see them again, you can almost be anyone you want to be, without that anxiety of who you really are seeping through. By this i don't entirely mean, pretend you are some rich business man or whatever. But force yourself to have at least 10% more energy levels than the people you are around. This makes you stand out more to the women you do meet. Oh and... Alcohol is going to be your best friend. But know your limits. And don't be "that guy" who gets into the situation where you are just buying girls/giving girls drinks. Make them earn it in a sense, when the conversation develops / you feel like you need a breather from a conversation, offer a drink. Also don't act like you just tryna fuck. If you make them interested enough things will naturally escalate in sexual tension. Escalating from that point to getting laid is another lecture. But as long as you have some sort of balls, shouldnt be too hard.

you're ugleh

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Just meet girls, that dont go in trying to 'be there girlfriend' Just be their friend while slowly escalating your intentions of wanting to date them. Primarily meet girls and get good at talking to them. Once again small talk at first is king. If you can conquer small talk, and find things you find in common, the rest should come more or less naturally. Just remember that once you get them to the stage where you are loosely friends, start slowly making escalations in terms of subtle flirts / showing signs of intentions of wanting to date them. If you flop it on showing intentions you will enter that dreaded friend zone that everyone talks about. Whether or not it exists is another topic. -Sam

How do you deal with niggers and sluts who won't shut the fuck up?

Haha. It's fine, man. Everyone likes different things. We're just not a fan of hateful stuff like racism and anti-semitism, that's all. -Reuben

Hey, bro. First off, people don't really appreciate racist slurs, but I still want to answer this so w/e.

I guess you're talking about people trash talking you or something, right? How you deal with it is up to you, but you don't want that stuff to bother you, cause when you let that shit sink in it changes the way you act. If you try avoid situations that kill your confidence then you'll start becoming an easier target for that shit until you end up hiding away somewhere in your spare time (I know some people like that though so I'm not judging them haha). What I'm saying is, you let that shit go the best way you can think of. For me, I just ignore it usually, but if you have to say something and confront it to feel confident then figure out how you can face that. A bit vague but that's all I got, a lot of it is just feeling it out in the moment. -Reuben

>into Racism and anti-semitism.
Just an addendum that most of Jow Forums isn't either (except PoI and Int but they suck anyway) like me, a literal fucking jew.

op is a nigger faggot who should drink bleach

No, I'm talking about niggers, whether or not they're trash-talking me. You know 'ooga booga', 'muh dik' and 'u mad witeboi?' If you also help me figure out how to best get them to stop blaring their ape music everywhere they go that would be golden.

>most of Jow Forums isn't
shut up kike. racism and antisemitism have always been rampant on Jow Forums.

Go back to your containment board. Oregano

would you fuck my boypussy

shut up nigger faggot lolololol

How fucking pathetic would you have to be to roleplay as "Chad"? Jesus Christ

being mad about "kikes" on the literal >tfw no gf. board

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wherever i go i must also hate kikes for ruining western civilizations
jews are literally the reason why i dont have a gf

If you and I were dormmates at uni, how would I go about being your friend?

Alright guys. I see you are all getting really hateful so well be taking our leave here.

Cool to see another jew around here too btw man. Wish you the best. -Reuben

Um I believe they are roleplaying as Chad(s); plural.
Sega genesis.

>Being so pathetic that you have to blame an entire race for you being an ugly and anti-social faggot
Whatever you say, pal.

>t. schlomo shekelberg
Kikes openly say they hate whites. They openly promote borderlessness for everyone but Israel, and they promote degeneracy and subvert every society they live in.
>talking serious to sarcasm

I KNEW IT! Only a filthy rat kike would ERP as a Chad.

> Not bowing down to our jew masters