The Stone Roses edition
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No trannys in this thread currently
homeless chan give me contact details, thanks edition
Wish she'd bang my bum instead lol
Neighbour now playing banging trance music. Dickhead
serene isn't it lad? feels so pure before they touch it with their disgusting, leaking bodies. Want to know a better feeling? knowing that no matter how happy they are in the honeymoon period, eventually they will be depressed & lonely wrecks. I laugh out loud thinking about it.
>tfw trannies are an heroing into extinction
Can see Brexit being reversed lads.
Trannies out
Some people are proper twats. Probably didn't even cross his mind about how it would affect the neighbours.
fine#1880 is my discord
You do realise that I look like a really tall 12 year old boy with very fat legs and a pair of boobs right?
Any one in east midlands?
First we had Diana, Queen of Hearts.
Now we'll have Meghan, Queen of Spades
I am. Don't really like it, but at least we have Birds.
Except they arent. the 40% stat is a meme
Are you a real female or not?
I can't stay overnight and I need to be home by 11
Nah you cute wanna dab you
What makes you think that? I honestly don't care if we're in or out any more. Country has much bigger problems.
hop on a train down south and ill neck myself with you
Looking a lot like it, mostly thanks to potato.
>look like a 12 year old boy
>apu posters are also nonces aswell as gays
ffs lads
kek thats was a good one lad
too late
gonna leak all over this thread now
What part and flying birds?
news today lad. Seems that way, can't get the potato land border sorted.
dmanon and the /britlit/ paedos are back to their old tricks
Mean desu, I dindu nuffin to you
State of you losers honestly
Derby, and the bakery chain.
>State of you losers honestly
hiya Pubes!
uk p. much deserves it honest ``lad''
You will never be relevant, Lainposter.
Got a five minute microwave tikka masala for dinner lads, but genuinely worried I won't be able to find a five minute slot when the kitchen isn't full of normie flatmates. Why the fuck do they spend SO MUCH FUCKING TIME in the kitchen? It's always the kitchen.
I'm not even sure anymore
Does it matter? I'm not worth anything regardless
>Trannies out
nah we're here to stay nerdboi
Loving the projection, LAD.
Never seen one desu but abit of a shut in
>no scars
not her/him
I'll actually do that if you get enough heroin to od for both of us
Ah yes, these will do NICELY.
Oh no, I was mean on Jow Forums! What a heinous crime!
ooga booga, indeed, lad
You a virgin? do you play with your boipussi?
Other hip lad
Yes, it matters. Can you give us a straight answer?
why heroine lad? why not something comfier
if homeless is a biological fem then its wanking tackle, if not then it can fuck off
dont see the "slut" but ok probably is you
repost from last thread
>JC put me on a program run by the local college
>have to pick a course so pick a business course because the rest of them are retarded
>download the pdfs to fill them in
>can't save them back onto the colleges site
>they give me a paper copy to look at and tell me it can't even be marked anyway
>now they say i haven't accessed the online work and they want the book filled in and completed
fucking useless bastards
That's one assignment left
We graduating boys
a tall 12 year old boy huh, okay I'm in.
I thought you were a loser?
why dont you just chill out and stop being so aspie?
>Bump into my ex
>She comes straight up to me and hugs me
>We talk and we both realise we made mistakes
>Spend all day with each other
>Enjoy it and feel completely at ease around her
>mfw I wake up and reality sets in
Every single fucking night this week Ive had this dream. Even in sleep I cant escape. At least for a while, it felt like everything was going to be alright.
Allowing thots psssk
british girls are going to get violated and seeded by roaming rape gangs and there is literally nothing you can do about it :^)
I just went to delete this shit thread then realised I didnt make it.
me as I exit the thread
zoom in lad
Reward yourself with a nice cup of joe
homeless lass needs to have kids with me edition
it's too late now, we're just gonna have to put up with it
Bringing this thread back to normality with some fucking MC Devvo
Might lie and tell my mum I'm meeting a friend tonight instead of going out on my own
Mentally ill men ruining another thread. Why don't they all just hang themselves and do us all a favour
>A woman has been cleared of murdering her former partner in an acid attack which led him to end his life.
How lovely
if it helps you've lived more of a life in the short relationship with her that the rest of us have in our whole lifes combined
>have issues with gender
>too smart to fuck everything up by acting on them
I feel like I'm the only sober person at the party
we all said we wouldn't get fucked up, but I'm the only one who apparently meant it
Is there a death comfier than heroin od
Of course I am. I can still judge the lower losers though.
yeah, helium lass
wont be spazzing out for 5 minutes with your mouth throthing, youll just fall asleep and dream for the last minutes of your life
STATE of police lasses
you'll succumb eventually
haha nice one lads you should show these to brit/pol/
more like STATE of this thread so far
>implying repression won't fuck you up just as bad
Hate to be the bearer of bad news but it's only going to get worse my friend
hahaha *dab* yeh boi dab on the haters.
I have issues with Gender, just not gender dysphoria so its a bit different.
Having a shit as I type lads. I can feel the poo a good inch after it stops touching my skin as it falls, thanks to my characteristic classic hairy arse.
They don't produce 100% helium canisters anymore, it's only 80/20 which will give you brain damage
trying to escape to an island where they do pills all day
9 till 11, it's like Heaven, what are you gerrin'?
This is actually sound of summer, right behind Get Lucky of course
the odds of suicide are clearly stacked in the other camp
>lad tackles him for them and she still manages to get pinned under him 2vs1
instinctively shouted "high tackle" when he grabbed him, round the neck
So would be no change for you then hahaha *dab*
deal with it nerd. we're here to stay
/britfeel/ has been c o l o n i z e d
I know no one will buy this, but believe me I'd rather not know what its like at all. Its great while it lasts but once its gone it hurts. I wish I didnt know what I was missing out on. The grass is always greener on the other side robots.
They have nothing to do with politics though, they're just current events taking place in the UK. Do you want to talk about trannies instead?
Oh look, another waifu shitter with """gender issues"""
It's clear as fucking day what these nonces real problems are, but they insist on destroying their bodies regardless.
Did you know that transitioning has no meaningful impact on suicide rates? They still kill themselves regardless.
thats still alot better than spazzing out in pain, if you dont die youll wake in a trance and not feeling a thing before you get taken off life support
whats comfier than being braindead?
>right behind Get Lucky of course
some of you lads have the most normie taste in music desu senpai
I think you'll find that's an "s", my American friend!
>he doesn't understand the reference
true, but for a while you were happy, that somthing we cant say
>he doesn't know /ourJock/
Not at all. I can only guess you are referring to that one study most people misunderstand; the suicide rate does not increase post transition. The figure you elude to refers to lifetime attempts and reflects the fact that, unsurprisingly, an untreated mental health condition like dysphoria increases your chance of an hero. Quality of life is shown to increase after transition in those who take part in therapy alongside it, and transition with medical assistance.
Yes this report, thanks.
timestamp or gtfo (btw idk if i should add u on discord or not)
Went on /soc/ for 1st time, it's just people rating dicks and catfishing each other
this thread and the last were very depressing
I expect better things to distract me from studying for my exam desuladssmh
i'm a big limmy fan, i even read his book, but i don't get the reference