Has a teacher ever let their guard down and said something dirty in class?
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do you think a class has ever gotten so frustrated they all just ganged up on the teacher and raped her all at once during class
the school can't expel and entire class of students
think about it
the teacher would get blamed too if it was her entire class
Jeez man just go jerk off already
>the school cant expell a whole class
Ahh yeah, we should commit crimes in gangs, as also cops cant get a whole gang o to jail
i mean if you are underage, you can do just about anything
>the school can't expel and entire class of students
Why not?
Kind of once.
There was a rumor in middle school that this girl and this guy had had sex. I personally heard her at lunch describe screaming as he slid it into her. A teacher was talking to the girl in class once and randomly called her out on it. "Don't think I don't know about you and so and so" and the girl's face got beet red.
>Why not?
it's a public school
So? are they gonna bus the kids in from Juvie/Prison every day for class?
>are they gonna bus the kids in from Juvie/Prison every day for class?
yea, why not? they deserve a second chance
I honestly cant tell if you think you're trolling or your just really horny and want your rape fantasy to sound plausible.
that's a tutor at most, you disgusting underage virgin
I don't "think" I'm trolling
I am
nothing personal, cuck
My English teacher (mid 40s) casually told us her boyfriend was "good in bed". Can't remember how the subject started but it gave me a boner.
Also while on a trip in France I went to my teacher's room (to snitch on someone who stole my DS) and she opened the door with just a towel around her.
i don't get it, what's supposed to happen in that webm
all the best trolls end with the other person going "does he honestly think hes trolling right now?"
My 8th grade science teacher wore thongs
Weird since she was like 50
>and she opened the door with just a towel around her.
That's pretty hot, did you see anything though?
My fourth grade teacher referred to a penis as a "tally whacker" during class. Does that count?
state your country and i'll tell you
Had a cool Texas History teacher who told us that Santa Ana got captured by the army of Sam Houston while he was fucking a hooker at the Battle of San Jacinto (most historians don't actually believe this though)
Nothing revealing but I could see the outline of her boobs
one day at this summer camp where I went with my friend, after swimming we decided to go to the lunch room during the time that wasn't "alotted" to our grade and when we get there its groups of girls older than us and their supervisors doing some kind of speech
one supervisor was right next to the door, so when we came in wearing only speedos, the woman told us and our "units" (she nodded at our speedos) to get out of here and snack sometime later
I still remember this, it was super embarrassing.
I don't think so, but...
Our first sex-ed teacher was a qt3.14. It was a pleasure (as a 12yo) to listen to this hottie while she explained how a penis and a vagina work.
At 18, I had this english teacher that was around 25. One day she came wearing yoga pants. You know, she was tall, blonde, a bit hippie and with faith in humanity. I started talking to her after classes, and there she was, with these tight pants, answering my stupid questions when everybody else left the class. Fuck, she was closer and closer, and suddenly another classmate appeared. We stopped there, and left...
is this typical in romania? teachers are expected to dress more conservatively in the united state... thus why this is interesting.
not at all, is that what's the webm supposed to be? Just a teacher dressing more "erotic"?
My java teacher slipped up and named a variable some variation of penis once. I can't remember how it happened but she got flustered and it was more cute than hot or anything.
Yes, I've watched several Japanese documentaries about it.
I'm guessing it was a private int
>learning java
>double "d" variable
>everyone laughs
>the most titless "popular" girl goes "har har *grunts* muh TRIPLE D'S hahahahar"
>sits there visibly angry
>everyone laughs even more
clock -> cock seems like an easy typo
i too enjoy such "documentaries"
>type 55378008 into calculator
>show it upside down to girl with small tits
>she starts to cry
lol'd at such a silly thing
I teach 10th grade. I say pretty much whatever I want.
It's a really poor neighborhood so no one cares. There's not many who will work here so you have to break the law blatantly to actually get fired.
>best trolls
>It's a really poor neighborhood so no one cares
what is the racial breakdown of your class?
thats pretty hot rly
i liked how she got to be dirty without saying anything explicit. i hope she fingerbanged herself into oblivion that night at the thought.
Maybe you grew up in the 1950s, or had solely older women teachers, but that outfit is hardly risque. I've seen teachers even show a bit of cleavage before.
Bald manlet teacher once dirty talked with stacey about cum by accident
h-how did it happen?
The computer guy used to touch the girls between their thighs, rumor is he got the shit kicked out of him by another teacher and a parent, the director turned a blind eye and just expelled him.
Can't remember a teacher ever saying anything, but I did have a teacher senior year of high school whose nipples got hard during class. They were super visible through her top. After a bit she excused herself to the bathroom. Some of the girls were laughing about it; I felt bad for the teacher. I sure as shit busted a nut to it later that day. That teacher had a fat ass
>the school can't expel and entire class of students
If they got the proves and indentified every and each one of them, then surely the school would fucking expel them all.
The high school i used be in had several ocasions that big chunks of classes (2/3 more or less) got expeled for doing shit like drugs and violence.
Schools and teachers shouldnt be so afraid of punishing in large mass. Letting it pass because it is a big number is giving them power and telling them to do more shit together.
>"The wife made me leave at 11PM just to get MILK! that ain't cheap"
>lmao teach was it worth it?
>"Yea she made some good grub with it. MAde her happy. Who knew women loved milk so much
>"Yea maybe you could give me some of that good milk, sensei -desu ;)
she was hoping you were Chad
There's this movie called Dogfart starting Nadia Ali, I think it's the same premise.
do female teachers fantasize about their students?
One of my psychology professors made a couple sex related freudian slips during lectures. Nothing too crazy, just kind of funny and ironic I guess.
>You can always use a rubber
>You can always use a rubber
Some places call "erasers" "rubbers".
Everyone in our class (subtly) molested and bullied our extremely petite (she was in her mid 20s, like 4'8" and with a stick figure build) German language teacher back in high school, and we never got into any trouble beyond her getting very angry and shouting at us (which she did anyway even if we more or less behaved).
She was this tiny furious Chihuahua that all the strapping lads in class liked to approach so close she'd look really uncomfortable and put our hands on her shoulders (only for her to squirm free) when we were talking to her.
I've masturbated to it and I hope she did too.
There's a better one with Sarah Shevon with that same premise.
Nobody at my school gave a shit about decorum
>Mid 50's English teacher made jokes about the sex in the Iliad
>Math teacher once said that "doing proofs gets her off" (qt and good teacher too too, reminded me of pic related)
>Latin teacher openly made sex, drug and holocaust jokes on a daily basis
some places call "rubbers" "condoms"
No but I had an English teacher in 8th grade who was smoking hot and this kid who moved in from south central slapped her ass and told her to call him daddy. Was funnier than shit
kind of sounds similar to spain
everybody swears, in my old school everybody swore so much that i didn't notice that the teachers did it like all the time
>I've masturbated to it and I hope she did too.
some other places call "condoms" "condoms" and "erasers" "erasers" because that's what they're fucking called
"Rubber" is the original English word for the implement for rubbing out writing on paper.
The material is named after its function (rubbing stuff out).
The reverse is worse
>tfw phd student
>tfw have to teach classes full of undergrad girls
>tfw it's spring
Top fucking lol user
>have banging hot redhead english teacher
>huge blue eyes
>quite short
>big tits and arse
>wears short dresses and skirts and always has her cleavage on display
>one time she bends over my desk to help
>can see absolutley everything, after a few seconds she grins and puts her hands over them
>last day of school
>she gives everyone a hug on their way out
>think fuck it whats she going to do
>hug her really tight and feel her arse
>she just smiles
Dem yoga pants and tank tops tho