Haha what a whacky concept!
Haha what a whacky concept!
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Is it weird to be a virgin at 18?
Average age for first time in this country is 17, so yeah it would be weird to be three years behind.
>OMG Stacy, they made a show about incels
>Just like that one guy in uni who always has messy hair and stares at his laptop, he's so creepy lol
>ikr, he's so creepy and weird, I literally can't even
>let's watch the show and laugh at incels
incels BTFO
A bit.
But don't lose hope, my (and my gfs) first time was at 25.
Fuck off normalfag.
in the US yeah, most have their first sexual experience behind the bleachers at the age of 11.
I'm 19 and still holding on to my V card, though not for lack of trying.
>my virgin benis is on fire *sob* *sob*
>behind the bleachers
I'm unfamiliar with this phrase.
>mfw 28 years old and virgin
I really don't care, maybe porn and animu ruined all my expectatives about sex with women, most women IRL are really unappealing for me, women just have ugly personalities in general, they always try to get advantage of you and are very materialistic so the only thing that I like about them is appeareance and how sexually appealing they are, I'm concious I'm just being driven by hormones and the natural instinct to mate, and the hot ones are really out of my league.And no I'm not gay, I don't have any problems with gays and their rights but I've noticed most of they are like worse versions of women personalitywise and male bodies are not sexually appealing for me.
Ofcourse they had to be pajeets
The actors have spic names.
>tfw kid and watched the butterfly effect and the fat kid as an adult made me realize for the first time it's possible not to move out at 18 and just be a loser in your old room
>tfw kid and watched the 40 y/o virgin and thought how could that even be possible
>tfw it's all happening to me
>3 years behind
School is out I guess
High schoolers are known to make out/fornicate under the bleachers of their schools stadium after school/during a game
>Stacy was calling me "forever alone" in 5th grade
>she actually was right
>and my gfs
user, i..
You have some problems with that statement?
>mfw in high school I kept thinking "hehe, next year for sure"
>mfw leave high school and think "haha, NOWS the time"
>mfw realized it was over at 22 and accepted I'd reach wizardhood and die alone by my own hand
>first sexual experience at the age of 11
what the fuck is wrong with usa ? when i was that i age i was totally grossed out by girls
the only thing i was concerned that age was climbing trees and stealing fruits from my neighbours tree
I was playing doctor since age 7.
Snogging girls at 11, trying to fuck since 12.
i never played doctor
Hes an assblasted virgin most people start at 16-17 here
22 is nothing. Imagine an 18yo saying "welp, this is it." You'd think they were ridiculous. That's you my man.
>26 and a virgin and literally couldn't care less
Why does this anger normies so much? Is it because they were stupid enough to be brainwashed by American media to believe meaningless sex is the most important part of life?
Well that sucks. I'm less than 2 years away from becoming a wizard.
Grew up in the ghetto part of chicago during my teen yrs.
Kids were having sex as early as 14 years old there.
If you told them you were still a virgin at 20 youd be laughed you into next week by preteens and toddlers
>that's you my man
mmm no that was me at 22 having accepted the path of wizardry, young man
33 now
So what's the problem here? You only like women for their looks, they would like you if you accomplished something in your life. Do you really think you can look like shit and accomplish nothing in life but shit how you want perfect waifu that will worship the ground you walk on? I mean seriously, everyone has some standard is that too hard to understand? I mean dude, I can't say I look particularly good, but I exercise regularly, have a nice job and shit. So, stop being salty man up and get your life straight. If you're not deformed you'll get some pussy.
lel even for a fantasy it's far-fetched
Anything above 15 is weird now
im 24 and i never held hands with a girl
the best thing is that im not one of those shut in autists. i tried as hard as i could. i talked to girls and even made few friends back in highschool.
31 and have a similar mentality. I find women in softcore porn attractive but when it comes to women in the flesh they just disgust me. I also don't find the idea of sticking my penis in a gaping axe wound all that appealing. I'm much more into 2D now and sure I might get times where I may get an urge for sex but overall I'm just not interested in it. Why would I put myself through the stress of playing jester in order to keep some cunt happy with the no guaranteed prospect she doesn't leave me and the slim possibility of sex? Fuck that.
Only 10 more years and I can play both protagonist roles. :^)
Are you seriously 10 years old...
He's 30
30 + 10 = 40
40 / 2 = 20
Why not just shoot people
Same, I played doctor at age 7.
And then my mom caught us and I got in a fuckton of trouble.
Haven't fooled around since out of fear of getting my ass whooped.
That fear fucked up the rest of my social development as a kid.
Now almost 20 yr old virgin.
Thanks mom.
>Now almost 20 yr old virgin.
Wait till you hit 25+ kiddo, people will openly mock you.
same but I like cock
>not doing anal in kindergarten
what are you doing
>turning 26 this year
>haven't even held hands with a girl
Not that I have even really tried, I'm not very socially active and never have been. I'm not even interested in casual sex, I would rather meet that one special girl who wants to spend rest of our lives together.
>Wait till you hit 25+ kiddo, people will openly mock you.
Not really. Just don't be a sperg.
I'm a virgin surgeon and few ppl I have told I'm a virgin took it as a joke.
Nobody will think you are a virgin when you hit 30 yo so it doesn't really matter in the long run
That's offensive to autistics.
I never played doctor till I became doctor.
I'm still young but same thing is starting to happen to me. I'm a virgin truck driver.
Lot lizards are a myth but I've been approached by numerous religious people at truck stops.
I think it's more than just our age but also our jobs and financial security that makes it harder for people to believe we're virgins. Nobody would question a 30+ mentally ill man who lives with his mother.
Reminds me of a story Adam Carolla told on his podcast. That he had an idea for a skit on the Man Show about a 30 year old virgin but a producer nixed it because it was too "farfetched." A few years later, the 40 Year Old Virgin movie came out.
Now there's this...
>meaningless sex
Is that the only kind?
you'd like that too much, fbi-kun
>being a virgin past 13
after 13 you have a 3% chance of losing your virginity ever in your life
you're not playing along with the circus
So then what's stopping you from losing it? Surely some women will like you for your financial success.
Yeah, you can pick any single mom you want.
>tfw not born in the US A
>ywn get to shoot up a school
feels bad man