I have this on my left leg. Should I be worried about it?
I have this on my left leg. Should I be worried about it?
How did you manage to grow a nipple there?
damn op, you figured out how to grow nipples? whats your secret?
Is that a fucking nipple?
yea, i had that as a kid. if it gets worse and spreads then its MRSA
its just an ingrown hair or whatever. pop it
The areola is spreading. Yes, you should be worried.
Is your leg on your tit?
This, but! don't pop it, clean it with alcohol and apply some ice on it.
that's a really hairy boob
Nah that's way too little to be one
>dumping a pina colada on your zits will heal them
Protip acquired
I meant the isopropyl alcohol. It will sting more from the pins colada. Thanks for the laugh, user
Pop it and post a video of it. Preferably also post video of alcohol going on it
Can you shave you're leg and take another picture at the same angle?
Might be an abscess. Does it feel swollen and painful to touch? Try some anti-biotic cream .
Triple Antibiotic
Bacitracin Zinc/Neomycin Sulfate/ Polymyxin B Sulfate
rub a light layer 3 times a day. Get some anti-septic wipes and clean towels ready because the cream might make the abscess pop and your leg will leak with pus for a bit. Some gauze or bandages might be nice too or water resistant seal
Might be staph bro.
A boil for folliculitis.
ingrown hair probably, have fun
just pop it pussy ass nigga
Holy shit get to the doctor dude. Idk how you're still standing
it's either cancer or aids
Agree it's probably this. I've had a few things like that on my body after I started shaving it to feel girly.
post skin so I can totally not fap to it
it's literally just an ingrown hair if you pop it then pull out the hair it'll be gone by tomorrow but it'll hurt and probably bleed all over the place
It's just a zip I get them all over my body
I saw one of these today and my course of action was to dig at it in hope of it becoming a regular scab.