What would you do if you stumbled upon some guy's rape-house while you're walking innawoods...

What would you do if you stumbled upon some guy's rape-house while you're walking innawoods? The owner(s) appear to have forgotten to lock the door when they left and you can see chained girls inside.

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If they're anime girls like in your pic I save them. If they're 3DPD I laugh in their faces and maybe fuck one of them before I leave.

Call the bolice :D

steal some shit and get out of there before he tries to add me to the harem

any other answers

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help them escape

Call the police and tell them that I want to remain anonymous or at least not be in the press, as someone that deranged would probably try and find me and kill me or get someone else to do it.

Haha good one amigo

Attached: callthecops.jpg (605x559, 695K)

I'd free them and demand they become my friend.

It would be fun, we'd play board games, hang out, and generally be there for each other.

have they been raped yet?
if pure, save
if used goods, who cares

Why would you enter some random house regardless of what you see inside? Mind your own business user.

Show up with a mask on, have my fun, then come back without the mask and free them all. Then I'd start a relationship with one of them and she'd be so madly in love with the charming man who rescued her. Then one night during sex put the mask back on and watch her freak the fuck out

That's what you think, but these roasts have probably developed Stockholm Syndrome. Might as well leave them there.

Unshackle his rape slaves and leave.
If they overpower him he was a weak fag and deserved to be killed, if he can wrangle them back on the wall he deserves to keep them.

Free them and make them my own fuck slaves. Treat them with care but also keep them in captivity. Their minds are already broken so any type of kindness would make them willingly submissive

Definitely this.
>"Oh, thank God you're here, sir! Please, you have to help!"
>"Hurry! We've been locked up for months!"
>"Okay... but-"
>"Please, he'll be back at any minute!"
>"Only if you all be my friends."
>"I will let you all go... IF you promise to be friends with me after."
>"Oh no, I'm being very serious right now. Either we can start an inseparable friend group or you all can fend for yourselves."
>"FINE! Fine, we'll be your friend or whatever but PLEASE just help us out of here!"
>"Okay, thank you... now before I untie you, do you prefer movies or board games?"

Lock the door from the inside and set the house on fire

This. They'd forever be grateful and would feel obligated to stay your friend

I would free them

>walking innawoods
i am a hunter so i guess i first call the cops, unchain them if possible, check for injuries which need immediate treatment and then secure the area until the arrival of said cops

after that i go home as soon as the cops dont need me anymore and go back to my mediocre life

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>forgotten to lock the door
I don't enter random houses. Also, I'm not gonna risk my health over some random thot.
I'd keep walking if I saw a girl in trouble. Probably deserves it.

I'd bring them eggs.

Unchain them first, call cops second, wait with any weapons i have in case he comes back. Ideally he will come back right as the police come by.

Probably save them. People'd see me as a hero.

they don't have to tell me what happened, but they do have to eat this

rape her and tell her she'll never be anything but a fuck toy

delightfully devilish, user.


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I don't get this meme. WHat does it mean?

eat them user, its your destiny

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free the cute rape girls

help them escape
die trying to free them all
they'd build a statue of me
my ghost would visit all women who were being held captive

pretend im going to save them, and just before releasing them i would laugh at them and leave.

I call the police because I have no interest in raping people and believe that rapists, especially those who trap and enslave their victims deserve to have their pastries pounded in prison.