They're just about the worst group in America besides Jews, and even there that's debatable, as you get the odd Jew here and there who isn't a subversive (Paul Gottfried, David Cole, Richard Hernstein etc).
>- Incredibly anti-white >- Driven by pathological jealousy and hatred (both the women and the men) >- Vote Dem at greater rates than Jews or Hispanics do >- Most hyper-sensitive ethnic group in America, get mad about being asked where they're from by old whites
The only true friend white america has are the blacks.
Cameron James
Voting democrat is ok dumbo
Brody Bailey
>all people of a group are exactly the same
Does your tard wrangler know you're posting on Jow Forums? Ask him to change your diaper.
Adrian Cox
Asian Americans are by and large absolute garbage. Their only redeeming factor as a group is that they don't commit as much crime as blacks or hispanics.
Nice try Tyrone.
Zachary Moore
How does someone mentally handicapped such as yourself learn to use the computer? You must be drooling all over the keyboard.
Luke Sanchez
I know this is a troll, but I find blacks and even arabs far more agreeable on an interpersonal level (as colleagues, acquaintances, occasionally friends etc) than Asians.
Jayden Collins
Blacks are at least Americans I guess. East Asians are completely loyal to their ancestral countries, even five generations down the line. And they wonder why nobody accepts them as part of the body politic, lel.
Angel Torres
We see through fake niceness to us. Too many white people are so eager to be in good graces of asians both to look not racist and because they feel insecure. Spent so much time and effort hating on black people while we gradually rose up so that now its all like -hey wow Asians you can be part of our club ha ha see we are hip too!
We know that all the bigots out there see us only as a tool against their enemies.
Dominic Davis
White boi mad because they cant bleach their culture lol
Austin Flores
I think that's just your Asiatic paranoia. Most white people are just friendly. That's alien to Korean and Chinese people because you have no ingroup trust beyond immediate and occasionally extended family/clan structures. So you perceive expressions of altruism as something else.
It's a sort of paranoia I've noticed living among your people in Singapore, Hong Kong and elsewhere.
Juan Phillips
Well, without net migration from East Asia, East Asian ethnicitys in the US would go the way of the Japanese-Americans, who are heavily mixed and barely have any Japanese-ness left.
I'm referring more to the Chinese in Southeast Asia. Hence why they're so despised in SEA countries, and pogroms have been such a regular occurrence.
Lincoln Smith
>see through fake niceness to us.
You're not as perceptive as you think you are gook. You think a girl wearing a bastardized form of Manchurian dress from 1920s Shanghai is an elaborate and sophisticated veiled insult. Like said, you're just paranoid nuts. It's in your genes.
Angel Sullivan
>one person thinks so >all of them think so too Ask me how i know you have double digit IQ, mouth breather.
Connor Ward
>asians your pussy is my fap material
Dominic Harris
Jeremy Lam's tweet got a hundred thousand likes on Twitter. Mostly from Asians and other non-whites ("but SJWs are only whiiiiiite!").
Hunter Cooper
I actually wasn't talking about all white people. just the kind of people like you and OP, which are small but often the most guilty of trying to praise asians just because they want to feel superior to black people (yet again) due to inferiority complexes.
>thinking i care about the manchurian dress thing hmm
Isaac Morgan
asian women be like
omg yelow fever CREEP white ppl :((((((
>34% of asian women who have a racial preference prefer white guys (stats coffeemeetsbagel) >only 23% of white men who have a racial preference prefer asian girls
actually only 23% of white men in general or something like that have a racial preference at all on those sites. while /53%/ of white women have a racial preference.
men in general just have less racial preferences than women
Mason Hernandez
>Incredibly anti-white I'm a hapa but boy upper middle class whites are a fucking blight worse than niggers. At least coons are upfront and don't do petty ass shit like upper class whites do. So yeah that makes sense since most Asians are a part of that upper middle class demographic. >Pathological jealousy Another thing that isn't race thing. Upper middle class whites do the same thing. >Vote Dem Why wouldn't you vote for what benefits you? >Most hypersensitive Another non racial thing as all upper middle class whites are the same way.
Henry Butler
>be w asian friend >asian friend says somethin racist about asian ppl >i repeat that exact same thing >white ppl around me start staring at me as if i just yelled NIGGER at the top of my lungs
white ppl virtue signal for racism so much baka
Jackson Price
>don't appropriate asian culture >azn appropriates white culture
Come again? I've never praised Asians, beyond some praise for the Chinese government. I certainly wouldn't praise the identity-less mass of mentally ill "Asian"-"Americans" for anything.
>thinking i care about the manchurian dress thing
You may not care, but Asians are in per capita terms the most vocal whiners in American society today. Protesting kimono exhibits, whining about cartoon adaptations (muh cartoon YT!) and bitching about representation in everything from King Arthur to Lord of the Rings.
Cameron Peterson
False flag. Whites make up shit like this because they are afraid of being outperformed by Asians
Evan Collins
The jealousy of Asian Americans is racialized though. Young whites, on the whole, don't feel jealous of Asian phenotypes. Asian women are insanely jealous of White women. The level of hatred is so petty and absurd, holy shit.
Dominic Diaz
Are they necessarily the exact same people though? Learn to think, stupid fuck. Some asians are fobs who like white dick, some are crazy sjws who like white dick and also hypocrites about it, some hate yellow fever but only date asian guys, etc. Just because some dislike yellow fever doesn't mean they're all collectively hypocritical. Your logic is so mind numbingly stupid you must be a college dropout.
Not that it matters because there's no such thing as yellow fever, everyone who hits on a girl with asian jokes just wants any pussy. They mistake that for the balding old man fetishizing them but really they just think the girl is an easy lay.
Charles Ward
>False flag.
100,000 likes on twitter. Keep trying to save face.
Asher Hill
Tell me where I am wrong, Chang. Use that high Asian IQ for something other than performing mental gymnastics to explain why Asian Americans can hate and distrust whites yet still demand to be surrounded by them.
Christian Taylor
>Insignificant internet twats retardedly reeeing about the retarded reeeing of insignificant internet twats
Luke Wilson
even asians are not resistant to western degeneracy
Jason Roberts
We're better white Americans OP :)
Charles Robinson
A large amount of asian people actually worship white people, you fucking imbecile. Even in asia they do. Even here they do. A good amount date outside their race. A good amount resent their regressive culture. You're a fucking moron, can you tell your tard wrangler to take away your computer privileges?
Aiden Walker
From my experience it's not even race. That's a general woman thing. If there was a more attractive, affluent, insert positive trait woman that person they get viscously upset. Again race played no role here it's just general woman behavior.
Owen Jenkins
He's an aussie born americhink. Not even a true chinese.
Zachary Kelly
And yet I've never seen a single instance in my life of asian woman treat a white woman poorly but I've seen countless instances of white woman being jealous or mate guarding, and getting angry at them stealing white men.
Luis Ward
I'm not him but you're not correct. It's more correct to say they worship the white phenotype. The women find white men to be more attractive than their own men (this is most pronounced in China and Korea funnily enough, and not Japan, despite overseas Chinese nationalist claims), and the men would give their left nut for even a 5/10 blonde white girl.
Coupled with this attraction however, is a superiority complex. A belief that Sinosphere civilization is older, wiser, purer - that Asian cultural output is a class above (muh Chinese medicine).
So you have a situation where the people want to fuck whites, but they also feel they are racially superior to us. This creates a fundamental contradiction, and it gives birth to an inferiority complex: How can we be so much smarter, yet uglier at the same time? That weird mix of superiority complex plus inferiority complex drives a lot of Asian adoration/enmity towards whites. Especially in the West where they have to sexually compete with us.
If you can speak or read some Chinese, you'll quickly discover how self-loathing a lot of these people are if you go to Zhihu or another major Chinese forum/Q&A type site.
It is heavily racialized. Whatever the r/asianmasculinity or r/aznidentity types reading this want to say about Asian women having it better than Asian men, the fact is that the majority of white men greatly prefer their own women. Anyone who went to high school with a small but significant Asian minority can confirm this: Asian women are not "popular" among white men. Often Asian women are actually the less popular girl in school, passed over by desirable men, and that's where the resentment towards "blonde bitches" comes from.
Now that's not to say that men won't be opportunistic and refuse sex with a decent-looking, if not optimal woman. And that's where the Asian American male delusion that white men relentlessly pursue Asian women comes from. Men are sexual opportunists.
>- Incredibly anti-white I'm incredibly anti-retarded. It's just a fact that most niggers are retards though.
>- Driven by pathological jealousy and hatred (both the women and the men) Jealous of what? I don't go buying big trucks to compensate for anything.
>- Vote Dem at greater rates than Jews or Hispanics do I don't vote and if I voted, it would be Republican.
>- Most hyper-sensitive ethnic group in America, get mad about being asked where they're from by old whites We're not niggers. You sound like a nigger.
I've never heard any asian woman utter the word "blonde bitch." What state, economic level are you getting this from?
Aiden Hall
I can direct you to the twitter account of an IRL friend who used the term a couple of months ago, and who constantly rants about "white bitches". She's Korean. Asian women are vengeful, petty and hateful - and unlike white women, too smart to be ruled over by soft empathy. The "green tea bitch" stereotype the Chinese have didn't come from nowhere.
Benjamin Collins
Point I'm trying to make with my post is that its a general woman thing to violently go after women who are better than they are. Shit my mom is Japanese and she went after her black coworker since she got more attention at work than my mom did. It a woman thing.
Kayden Evans
Show me the twitter, sure.
Camden Peterson
>ive never praised asians look around at all the stupid shit about based asians and based sikhs or whatever. Then they just turn around and get mad when asians don't conform to their biases.
Brandon Sanders
>one person on Twitter >apparently represents an entire race of millions and millions of people
What a fucking brainlet
Gavin Peterson
>my culture is not your goddamn first name "JEREMY"
Jacob Gomez
this dude again. he doesnt own any culture dont listen to him. i give everyone my permission to wear w/e they can afford to.
Julian Cook
and always quick with the racial slurs too. based asian....FUCKING GOOK.
Sorry Todd.
Jace Cook
I'm not one of those people. Although I do prefer people from the Indian subcontinent to East Asians. They're more relatable given that they're Indo-European who belong to the Caucasian race.
He represents a good chunk of contemporary second and third generation Asian Americans, let's not belabor the point. He wouldn't have garnered a hundred thousand likes so quickly otherwise.
I don't know enough about Japanese society to comment with any erudition user. Japanese people seem more comfortable with themselves and less racially insecure than mainland Asians in my experience though. Both at home and overseas.
Andrew Peterson
I've seen the exact opposite scenario though. A friend of mine had a chinese gf, his mother acted very passive aggressive towards her and made her feel unwelcome. In another case, a few friends of mine, one was black, when they tell a woman of their own race they prefer asian girls it's usually met with backlash. I would say the best thing to do is not even tell people if you do have a preference, but if you think it's an exclusively asian thing and white woman don't do the same, you're incredibly deluded. I know that asian women must mate guard too, personally I live in a place where most people date in their own race so they don't care.
Brody Reed
Show the twitter account, though I honestly expect more than one anecdote for such a retard level generalization.
Lincoln Fisher
Oh yeah, black women are intensely hostile to outgroup women. But let's be honest here, it's because their options for interracial dating are just so limited. They only have their own men. Doesn't change the fact it's a toxic feedback loop where they isolate themselves and make themselves even more unlikable and undateable, but that's the reality right now.
Zachary Adams
>more relatable given that they're indo-european see, this is why even though you twist and dodge, you're an example of the kind of thing that asians mistrust in white people. You tried hard to say you're not one of this or that but at the end of the day its all about some weird racial classification thing.
Camden Lee
I'm not talking about black women, you just ignored the rest of the post? Why? It was just a side note.
Well, you replied to a post meant for one person specifically. It had nothing to do with op's post from what I'm seeing.
Also, whoever said they'd show a twitter post, we're waiting on you.
Brayden Taylor
Did you not see the hundreds of thousands of backlash he received from several other Asians, you petty race baiter? Also, I wasnt talking about that dude, I was most specifically responding to the part where you made an inane generalization on Asian women being petty and vengeful towards white women because you saw one twitter user ranting about white bitches
Jason White
It's not "weird racial classification". Northern Indians are simply more similar to Europeans racially and culturally than both groups are to East Asians.
Dylan Cook
>a person's Twitter is a source for a whole race. Well /cgl/ is my source that all women are sour about any woman better than them and race isn't the sole factor.
Nolan Powell
>see the hundreds of thousands of backlash he received from several other Asians
He didn't, I've been through a couple of the larger threads. E.g. H3h3's one, and the number of Asian Americans opposing her choice greatly outnumbered the number supporting her.
The caveat here is that mainland Chinese people overwhelmingly supported her and told those bananas to go shove it. But then Asian Americans did their usual mental gymnastics about muh lived experience and how what Chinese people think of Chinese culture doesn't matter.
When I think about it, it really is a sort of outbreak of mass narcissism.
Robert Martinez
Trannies, regardless of race, always have the most extremist views on everything. Want me to link you some crazy tweets by white trannies?
Kevin Jones
/cgl/ are nowhere near the average woman user. Cosplayers in general always had a bad reputation. But at least in the past it was more "weird nerdy girls". Whereas nowadays it's "weird slutty nerdy girls with daddy issues who do porn on the side".
I unironically blame weeb shit for making a lot of young, nerdy white girls crazy tbqh. Or at least amplifying the crazy. The ones who are exclusively into tabletop gaming are never this batshit.
Elijah Thompson
this is the guy yall are making such a fuss over.
i mean look at him. he has no claim on his "culture".
But yet some random person solely responsible for the opinion of a entire race. Do you see what I'm getting at here.
Samuel Scott
Notice how it's always the ugliest Asian men who feel this aggrieved. They're like incels, but instead of blaming "Chad", they blame whites collectively. Newflash bozo, you'd be considered an ugly fuck back in China too.
Jason Ward
ya. but ur just as butthurt as jeremy lam
Henry Gonzalez
>tfw white >tfw unironically feel real sympathy for these men when they post their pictures on asianmasc and other such forums
>be asian >laugh at these dudes like the cold reptillian i truly am
Nathan Rodriguez
>named time >she/her pronouns Didn't even fucking read it. So you're using a mentally unwell person and claiming it represents all asian women? What a fucking moron. Do you shit yourself?
Colton Gray
>im asian and vote rep
Connor Rogers
>hyper sensitive This is true, but at least they aren't niggers. Nigs are hypersensitive AND violent. Hence the use of the term "N-word". It's ridiculous.
Alexander Cruz
asian americans fucking make fools out of themselves, as a full asian who works in the US for salary that i one day will be spending back in asianland, they do not represent most of us, we dont give a shit about whatever sensitivities asian americans hae, were racist to the max ourselves anyway and we like it that way. i just hope these racetraitors stop embarassing themselves and by extenion pure chinks like me. also deadpool takes a bullet for the kid while wearing anti-mutant collar, then baddy time warps to save renolds. >american movie, release in asia first
Aaron Thomas
I've never understood the butthurt some Asian guys have for white men dating Asian women. They can have them, and I don't mean that with any bitterness. Chinese women are soulless monsters from the pits of hell who exist to extract money from you and spend it on frivolous shit.
t. Actual chink born in china.
Asher Howard
Because more than 99% of you ugly microdick betas couldn't get any woman so you get mad as fuck and spawn dozens of subreddits to whine on
Noah Roberts
im not gonna sit here and defend asians either, i just cant. ive already dropped my .02$.
>Had Chinese girlfriend in university >She was in accounting, I was in engineering >2 years of "I love you user" and "I want to be with you forever" >Graduate, she has an entry level job lined up, I don't have anything but search hard >Her demeanor changes quickly, makes comments like "how can we afford a house" and "what are we supposed to do, eat air?" >4 months into unemployment and it's now "user I don't think I can see a future for us together" >Completely devastated, but I'm a fool and want her back, redouble search efforts >Within 3 months have a job lined up, which is actually better than hers, pays $20k more per year >Go to win her back >Another dude has already taken my place as her bf
I was so fucking furious at the time, but now I am actually quite glad. God help me if I had actually married her and then lost my job or something. At least I didn't lose money, a house, etc. But I did lose 2 years of my life to someone who saw me as nothing more than someone to buy her shit.
Michael Cooper
ABCs aren't even real Asians.
Brayden Anderson
all women get resentful over a man being unemployed. that job sounds nice. now go find a nice gf
Luke Diaz
sounds like the typical chinese girl, vietnamese are even worse
Cooper Barnes
I feel you bro. My parents wanted tried to set me up with some Chinese girls. First question is always salary. I don't even care that they want someone who isn't a deadbeat, what gets me is that even though they couch it like "I need to support our future children", it's ultimately about her being able to afford luxury goods. Like an user said above, it's about status for a lot of Asians. The girls want money for status.
Kevin Sanchez
every college in america is full of asians
Lincoln Hernandez
Disagree. Know too many chad bro types that live off peoples couches or still live at home, unemployed or work bum type jobs and are plowing pussy. Only average to ugly men need to bring a high salary to the table to get pussy.
Ethan Watson
even chads get hate from their gfs for being a bum mooch.
Luis Gomez
Have you tried Jow Forums? A lot of girls here are good in bed and DTF.
Joseph Evans
This so fucking much, go to any prestigious university, the gigagooks have no trouble penetrate females in every color of the racial rainbow. Kpop and Kdrama changed the game, it's not only /cgl/ mentally ill land whales that are into asian guys now.
Kevin Long
>Jow Forums complains about identity politics >identifies as white anglos >places their existence into their belief they're white
You exaggerate. Outside of Asia Korean stuff isn't very popular. And even in Asia it hit its high point a few years ago.
Asher Perry
It doesn't matter. As long as you're attractive and can fuck, you can literally live off women. Especially today since they're so into their careers.
Benjamin Baker
Like that mug shot model guy who married a billionaire's daughter? sure kiddo
Grayson Bell
they can be a bum mooch for a while but only for so long
shes different, most women arent billionaires daughters.
Michael Powell
>>Jow Forums complains about identity politics thats r/the_donald
Parker Russell
>be white >sister marries a Chinese dude >she's a Stacey, so she never got on board with SJW stuff to compensate >generally pretty Jow Forumstier at times >when she got engaged she texted me "ching chong" several times >wearing a traditional Chinese outfit for one part of her wedding >one of her fat friends from high school said it was culturally appropriative >sister slapped her She might be /polsstacey/.
Anyway, the model minority myth was pretty useful in bitching at other minorities. I do take issue with the anti-white thing, since most seem to like white people a lot. They're anti-everyone else.
What I find hilarious is when Asians - particularly Asian girls - try so hard to fucking edgy because they don't want to be seen as small or cute or submissive. I think everyone know that one semi-attractive Filipino or whatever chick in high school that all the nerdy white boys obsessed over who constantly acted like a cartoon character's goth sidekick love interest to prove a point.
Anyway OP, I've had a mixed bag with Asians. My Asian roommates were fucking cunts, but then some of my Asian classmates were great pals and saved my ass a few times.
Jaxson Hill
So it's a tranny or "nonbinary" freak? How the fuck does this prove asian women are jealous of white women? I scrolled down through the may posts, and every instance of bashing on whites aren't specifically targeting the woman, just whites in general. Are you stupid?
Jaxon Sanchez
That's a situation that has zero to do with race. That exact situation happrns all the time to people who supposedly choose life partners in university. I hope you didn't fall for the dumb "muh asian loyalty" meme user.