You are on Jow Forums, that means something went extremly wrong in your life.
What was it?
You are on Jow Forums, that means something went extremly wrong in your life
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Probably getting mixed messages from my parents for as long as I can remember
>Don't go looking for trouble
>There's never a need for resorting to violence
Started losing hair in middle school, that means the dark truths of decay and subsequent death intruded early in my life. It's over boyo.
I'm not sure. I didn't have a bad childhood. My parents loved me.
My mom overprotected me though. She didn't let me do anything without her being there. So I guess that made me useless? I can't do anything now. I don't even know how to use the public transport.
Could this be the root of all my problems? What do you think, Jow Forums?
I'm actually a former robot who became a normie. I just hang out here because I can relate. I guess that means something went right for me.
>equating being a man with looking for trouble
>not realizing that standing up for yourself and not going straight to violence are totally different things
Born ugly and socially retarded, what else?
>I don't even know how to use the public transport.
>blaming your mom for that
Just learn how. It is literally so easy to learn things for yourself, you have a massive universe of information at your fingertips. There has never been a better time in history to learn. The problem is that you are waiting for your mommy to come spoon feed you every bit of information that you might ever have needed in life and pro tip: no one's parents do that for them. Most things you have to try, fail, and figure out for yourself.
>I'm actually a former robot who became a normie.
How? How much of a robot were you? You had zero friends and didn't leave the house or you just were a socially awkward failed normie like most "robots" here?
This applies to my parents too, and ye, children turn into pussies because of this.
Its a pretty widespread thing in the times we live in, best is just to move the fuck out or stay with them as little as possible if they still treat you like a retard.
Same here buddy, my mom was overbearing and hovered over me as much as she could. It's made me used to micromanaging so i feel like I'm fucking up if no one is checking on me and explaining how to do everything. I know it was out of love but it seriously damaged my confidence.
My birth. origino
There are ugly retards who live happy lives.
Maybe your schoolmates made fun of you because you were stupid?
Maybe your parents didnt want you because you look disguisting.
Ya kno, something must have pushed you to come to this place and whine about being born an ugly retard
I didn't really have a friend until I was 16. I had crippling anxiety and depression (and still do to some extent, but it's more under control). So yeah I guess I fall in between those two extremes?
I was a Home schooled Jehovah's witness that was sheltered from the world. I surfed the internet because it was the only thing they allowed me to do regardless of our religion. I'm a socially retarded NEET
>Just learn how. It is literally so easy to learn things for yourself, you have a massive universe of information at your fingertips.
I know. I guess you're right. But whatever, it was just an example. I don't need to use the public transport because I have nowhere to go.
>The problem is that you are waiting for your mommy to come spoon feed you every bit of information that you might ever have needed in life
She made me like this. She was the one who raised me like that, she was always there for me, never wanted to taught me anything useful. I really want to be independent but I don't know where to start.
No she now wants me to live a normal life but how? She regrets overprotecting me but the damage is done already.
>I know it was out of love but it seriously damaged my confidence.
Yes, same here mate. I guess we need to just figure things out for ourselves now and just move on
Literally no one has ever loved or cared about me in my entire life.
I'm not whining, it was you who asked.
And those ugly people who live "happy" lives have just accepted their place at the bottom of the social hierarchy and are empty inside, oblivious to how they were being mistreated. Unlike them, I actually have some pride, self-worth and hope left so I won't accept it. That would would be the cause of coming here I suppose.
I don't know the causes, best I can do are the symptoms
>no real goals or ambitions (besides being rich and comfortable etc)
>no drive, not motivated by challenges and all that stuff you're supposed to do
you get the idea
You're right something went extremly wrong in my life. It went wrong to the extent, I'm not even able to write about it on an anonymous board.
wow you're right again DAD thanks for making me build character and pull myself up by them bootstraps
but user, being on Jow Forums means that my life is extremely good!
I grew up with no father, sister killed herself when i was 14, it all went downhill from there.
Oh, and my fiancee of 6 years and 2 young kids juste left me for an older and richer guy.
How oId was your sister and how/ why did she do it? Hope you don't mind me asking.
Sorry about what you're going through user.
maybe overbearing parents are the reason for a lot of people on r9k. it's kinda sad to think about. seems like an important lesson in parenting that's going to continue to go unnoticed.
>I really want to be independent but I don't know where to start.
I don't know how you can't know where to start.
Just stop relying on help. Every time you come to a situation, stop yourself and really make a mental note: What can I do here to take charge? How can I exert control and confidence here?
Now, I don't know anything about you personally, but here are some vague, basic bitch examples I can come up with:
>learning to cook
>having your GED/high school diploma
>learning to write a resume and doing it
>sending out job apps, AND following through with callbacks (totally useless to send out apps and not follow through)
>saving money so you can separate yourself from your parents
The sooner you get away from them and stop relying on them, the sooner you can start making some real changes. Imagine a man that you think is very successful and desirable, and think about his qualities: not his face, but what he does during the day and what he has made for himself. Those should be your aspirations.
I really understand your situation because I was raised in a very sheltered household where I wasn't even allowed to use curse words, watch scary or "ungodly" movies, not allowed to go to friends' houses or parties, not even allowed to have a job. I moved away from my parents and was homeless off and on for years, struggled with drugs and alcohol, had a ton of mental illness problems but now I have a job, apt, go to the gym 3x/week, own a car that is paid off, and have control of my life. I made a lot of mistakes getting here but that's how you learn. You can't be afraid to just jump out there.
If its illegal i understand, but if its some embarassing shit than remember most people here speak openly about the most degenerate shit known to mankind.
Take advantage of the annonimity while you still have it
Late high school through college was liberating but pretty rough and stessful. I pretty much had to destroy what I thought was reality and rebuild my own. I'm still working on it but I think it's getting better (I'm 23 now). Moving out really helped, I realized if I shut out the outside world I can focus on myself to work things out.
She was 26, she took care of me when I was young because my mother worked a lot. She used a tube coming from the exhaust of her car to the interior of it. She was also drunk. My mom looked for her everywhere for 1 month before her car was found in a forest.
I can't over my fiancee with this other guy, after 6 fucking years, she gave herseIf to him like he was a God she wanted to please. I'm gonna kill myself too
>My mom overprotected me
I'm so close to my mum and I love her to absolute death but that's a blessing and a curse
Tendies and homosexual pornography is perhaps the good life for some people.
I find it hard to believe it thou
My parents were in their late 30s when I was born. Apparently that makes it more likely for the baby to ugly or a sperg. They're also very reserved, taught me to be quiet and stay away from the loud troublemakers. I guess this made me boring and unremarkable all around. There some other shitty traits about me, I'm very lazy and don't know how to say no when it comes to favours and work.
no form of affection for 25 years straight
Parents divorced before I was even able to create memories, mom and I lived with my grandparents for 16 years, my grandparents fought and screamed constantly, grandfather had anger problems, had to go see my dad every weekend and he lives am hour away so I couldnt go to social events like birthdays, dad let his new wife try to boss me around, never spent time with me, my mother was insanely overcontrolling, I could probably keep going but I'll stop.
Nothing really went wrong in my life, I don't know why but I just want to die
I don't want you to die, user.
>Literally no one has ever loved or cared about me in my entire life
do you want me to?
post dickchord UwU
You don't know why? really. eww, just reflect and realize what's making you feel dread, weirdo. also, could just be depression and you can live easily if you just wait out a cure. suicide is like, effort, and why even care? (enough to go through with it.)
>former robot
>becomes normie
you were never one of us user...
You gotta do a murder suicide for revenge user
only way to go in that situation desu
Over protective yet absent mother
Father in the military so he was gone a lot even by military standards
Move constantly so I never built strong bonds
Terrible friends who would treat me like shit
Numerous food intolerances that my parents never cared about
Mom forcing me to take several Jew pills
Terrible lacking diet so I was grossly underweight
They never got my hair cut or took me to the dentist I was mistaken for a girl a lot around 10
Couldnt relate to peers in the high school I ended up at
Never go to school
Feel incredibly anxious constantly
Dropout as soon as I can
Get into drug circles thinking Im being cool
Start smoking constantly
Start abusing pills
Mix a bunch of shit with dxm cause I was going insane
Psychic breakdown
Permanent brain damage
Phobia of going insane
Think Im dissociating all the time
Suddenly intolerances get worse
Cant smoke anymore or eat anything
Lose all stoner friends
Hide away from nearly everybody because people freak me out
Years of neetdom
It can only get better right?
>Was born an incest baby
>Mother felt I was a mistake, mostly had me because abortion is a bitch
>Grew up under father paying everything.
>Mother and father argue, she sleeps with new guy every night
>Goes out on dates, leaves me to fend for self with condiments
>mfw I was homeschooled and this was my teacher
>Didn't learn shit from mother
>Eventually kicked out of house because mother otherwise would call the cops on me "beating her"
>Live in grandparent's house
>Lose basic human rights, live in a room
>Get lonely as father sleeps with girlfriend
>Try to get friends
>Abrasive autistic personality, nobody likes me
>Seem as possibly one of the most evil people out there
>I just wanted friends
technology will be able to cure you being a retard; just be patient.
why is he gay for rejecting the roastie that dumped him for a guy that bullied him?
Just depression from hard work turning into dust and repeated rejection from women I put my heart and soul into working towards
Lot of overprotective mom and absent father ITT, I can relate. There seem to be a lot of different factors that can lead someone here. You don't need all of the ingredients to make a Robot Soup, but here are some of the possible ingredients:
>abusive parents
>divorced parents
>deadbeat dad
>helicopter mom
>only child
>religious nut parents
>poor family
>mental illness
>physically weak
>too much vidya
I stop by here occasionally because I still have the sad, faint glimmer of hope that when I click on Jow Forums, it'll be the 2008 Jow Forums that I remember fondly. Every time I check, I end up disappointed. Maybe on some level, I actually enjoy the disappointment, and that's why I keep coming here.
So much of my life revolves around trying to heal my wounds
I exercise frequently
Eat as well as possible
Read everyday
No drugs ever
No alcohol, caffeine or soda
Study for ged
It is much better than it used to be but I still have silly amounts of anxiety, terrible memory issues, and I feel not all here. Its really subtle but its like Im a thing in my head controlling my body. I dont feel connected to my self or the outside world. Things are also really lifeless. Music used to give me so many emotions ,but not anymore. I cant cry for more than half a second if Im lucky. I want to cry so badly.
I work hard so that one day I might feel again. I have to believe that day will come.
>I was too sheltered as a kid and as I went through high school, I suddenly had no restrictions and became an introverted recluse by my own choices
>such intense restrictions as a child developed into intense paranoia whenever I do something vaguely out of line
>my friends are fucking dumbasses and we all held each other back from being decent people since age 5
>the entire friend group parted ways junior year and I never recovered, I just orbited around whoever I could find that would accept me
>absolutely zero self confidence until I forced myself to change sophomore year and I still don't have it mastered
>I never found any value in the things people around me got into, facebook, snapchat, school dances, barely started getting into football junior year
>grew up in buttfuck, nowhere, went to a school with 300 total students and never had opportunities to make friends or meet girls outside of that 300 until I went to college last year
>I have no idea what to do in crowded environments full of strangers
>I have no problems talking to girls but only one has ever shown any interest in me and I feel more lonely than ever now that I lost her
I can never be satisfied with what I have done. If I set a goal for myself, then arduously achieve that goal, I will not be happy at the end. There will be something wrong, some flaw or imperfection in what I have done, or else I will come to think it was all a waste. Then I will set another goal and lose years of sleep, only to be disillusioned by that thing after I have it. It is the same with people. I am excited by the thought of meeting new people, but I come to resent them after a short while. I convince myself that they are all actually sneering at me behind my back, and I come to hate them. They say one thing that irritates me and I then grow to hate that person. Even petty things. I someone were to sneeze on me or do something mildly gross in my presence I will come to hate that person. I will hate them for it into perpetuity. I want female attention but I have hygeine issues and do not leave my dorm much so I do not get any such attention. I do not think I have hugged or made physical contact with another, excluding rare handshakes, for who knows how long. I do not think any of this can be good for me. I think I am spiteful, and cannot be helped.
My parents failed me. During high school most other kids had part-time jobs, licenses, extracurricular activities, sports, friends, relationships, etc. Even when I complained about being so far behind my parents refused to see a problem. Now I'm an adult and have no foundations for self-esteem. I'm a useless manchild with no skills or experience with anything. I've realised that I can't trust my parents to help me anymore (because they can't) but I'm too anxious and unconfident to do anything by myself.
Fuckit, at the very least it will be amusing.
Sovietkitty #7708
Maybe it's autism. I have no social life whatsoever and no desire to get one. Whenever I do happen to see old friends they generally tell me
>user you'll find happiness and a girlfriend one day
But I just tell them that it's pointless and I'm fine the way I am now
Attending occupy Wall Street lead me down a path that meant throwing away a career, a good gf, and my masculinity
I'm half recovered but once you step down into the radical left shithole you are setting yourself back years. I'll be lucky if I get to have kids at this point
fbi destroyed my shit for sending nudes and i rebelled and posted my nudes here
it wasnt a great idea
that and my parents were overprotective cunts
I've made it from weaponised 'tism all the way up to Brad.
Only to crash deep into the despair of robotry, even worse than before.
It's hard wired. You can work out and get GF, but you don't know how to deal with her. Relationships turn into spergouts and spaghetti. Work turns to mumbling, spaghetti ending up outcast in collective, that no one talks to and ultimately being fired.
Takes a few bad situations and years of work vanish.
I hate this fucking curse.
You will fuck up sooner or later.
trying my hardest but people being better than me crushed me and just left me the way i am now
liberalism at its finest
The real question is what didn't go wrong
instead of playing on the console like a normie when I was a kid, I decided to go onto the computer.
On top of that, over protective parents, and hardly ever allowed to go out
Not knowing how to use public transport is common. It's full of people from the ghetto, inefficient, and dangerous.
Yoinked out of private school where smart kids actually had a challenge and thrown into public school where everything was too easy which made me a lazy fuck
>didn't have a bad childhood.
>My mom overprotected me though. I can't do anything now. I don't even know how to use the public transport.
You're the one whining though. Why are you so butthurt about losers having a place to whine in anyways? Is it not enough that they're excluded from everything and made to live miserable lives which frequently drive them to suicide? You just have take away that last crumb that they're holding on to as well, right?
Same here only my parents couldn't afford snowflake school. I knew basic math, basic anatomy, reading, writing before starting the school. Didn't learn anything new for 4 years so I was bored and often sperged out like randomly walking across the room during the class or throwing the chairs. Also became lazy burnt out kid. Fuck this. Life could've been different.
>restrict your kid from simple and harmless pleasures
>but give them free unrestricted access to the biggest and most harmful cesspool they can get their hands on, the internet
Nothing went wrong, i just at some point realized everything meant nothing and from that moment i just stopped caring or trying, i just gave up in general for no real reason other than being sure what i stated early was/is true.
this is a complete lie and you know it
>I can never be satisfied with what I have done. If I set a goal for myself, then arduously achieve that goal, I will not be happy at the end. There will be something wrong, some flaw or imperfection in what I have done, or else I will come to think it was all a waste.
The brightness looks like darkness;
advancing feels like retreating;
the plain way seems hard going.
The height of power seems a valley;
the amplest power seems not enough;
the firmest power seems feeble.
Perfect whiteness looks dirty.
The pure and simple looks chaotic.
Being born incomplete
Nothing, I'm a normie that's bored.
Single mother son, Aspie, bad with math, lack of social skills, third world citizen, lost virginity with 26 yo but still beta and insecure as fuck.
Bullied during all school days.
Also, no job, no friends, no gf and suicidal.
Yes I know that feel. My parents were in their 40s when they had me, I sure know that feel as well as being raised poorly for social interaction so now I don't how to.
yes this too, especially the paranoia and no self-confidence part, I went to an even smaller school of around 150 kids so I never knew how to make new friends either, also everyone knew I was a sperg so they just avoided me most of the time which also fucked me up going into college and not knowing how to behave amongst new people.
I started browsing Jow Forums and a pack of niggers recommended browsing Jow Forums
my mother
I hope she dies. if she doesn't die by accident or natural causes soon, i'll probably kill her myself.
Overprotective mother.
Really cringy teenage years with the typical precocious autistic behavior.
Was bullied by women when early in my school life since I was a bit ugly. They were mean to me, I became mean to people around me. Did not form any new meaningful connections, remained friends with my "old friend" from like fifth grade all the way up until now.
Basically, I can't form any new connections to people. I have had the same friends for 15 years. They've all formed new circles, and very few in those circles can stand me. So, even if those friendships are becoming more adult and surface level.
By now I am 27. I've missed out on to much. The train left the station, I wasn't on it. Human relationships are like jobs or saving. You need to accumulate it, but I didn't for some of those reasons. Now I am on my road to complete isolation
Also, I never learnt how to put in effort into things. I had a really easy time in school up until uni, I've always been able to find at least some form of employment. It is like I've lived my whole life on the path of least resistance, which is probably why I can't begin to tackle the challenge of creating a new social life. I just don't know where to begin, and even if i did, I wouldn't, because it would be to much effort.
*world-wide-web e-hug*
My friend introduced me to /b/ 14 years ago. That's what happened.
>When you're sitting on the john and the toilet paper's gone
>use your hand
>verbally, physically, and emotionally abused by father
>raped by first step father
>step sisters used to bully me everyday
>second step father was manipulative and isolated me from my entire family
>mother is extremely neglectful and a pathological liar
Yeah so I was never setup to amount to anything other than a waste of a life. Oh and also-
>became tranny
So yeah I was born for Jow Forums
>18 years old
>November 28, 2009
>smoked a joint on my own, suddenly felt as if my soul was lifting
>thought I was going to die
>full blown panic attack
>felt weird for 2 weeks
>suddenly realize something at the core of my conciousness had been permanently altered
>super intense 24/7 derealization
>felt as if I was dead on the inside
>2012 starts getting a bit better
>now manageable but sometimes gets bad
Strangely, the times I've felt the most alive was when I had a crush on a girl. You know, that rush/euphoria you get when a girl you like accepts going with you on a date?
Happened twice during 2013. The bad part is that they both got flakey after a couple of dates. The good part is that the 'aliveness' (despite the heartbreak) lingered for a long time. I guess there are some chemicals released when you are in love that reverted my mental state. Too bad its been five years, and the effects are long gone now.
My ex "almost gf" (it would be lame to say she was an actual gf to me) went through all that excepting she isn't a tranny. She left me because she said I had too many problems. God I miss her
>The real question is what didn't go wrong
This in a very original way
Currently unemployed and looking for employment.
>You are on Jow Forums, that means something went extremly wrong in your life.
I wouldn't say that too much, OP. There are a suprisingly high amount of 18-20 kids fresh out of, or still in, high school that browse this place because of school shootings and reddit. If you say that you being here is a sign your life is garbage, you'll be giving these kids a reason to stay, a reason for their problems instead of a symptom. Basically, statements like that, while seemingly harmless, cause newfags to stick around so I encourage you to not use it as much. Thanks.
lmao so goddamn originally
I found 4chins
I had moved
very devastating
user don't off yourself, the best revenge is always living a meaningful life- it'll take some time for you to recover from this but that's ok. Really hone in on something and master it, take up woodworking or something. The answer to human suffering is always to live a meaningful life.
I was molested extensively as a child and have a fetish for being degraded as a woman that's why I come here.
>My mom overprotected me though. She didn't let me do anything without her being there. So I guess that made me useless? I can't do anything now. I don't even know how to use the public transport.
Yea I really do think that's the problem. Terrible parenting. Over protective helicopter mom turns people into manchildren.
You smoked a joint and it ruined your life? No offense but... you are mentally weak as FUCK. You need to smoke more. I'm serious. Keep smoking till you don't get those side effects. Rofl. Loser.
You have to be nice to people to maintain friends.
For those of you who've been molested/raped.
That shit is fucked up.
I hope you feel better and have a wonderful life and heal.
Social anxiety
I'm a failed robot. I've since gotten past the something that went wrong that made me turn to robothood, but I still enjoy sharing feels and posting in the /uni/ threads.
>inb4 b-b-b-b-but y-y-you were never R-REALLYYYY one of us
Thanks, I'm doing ok considering I think. Iirc it was Camus who said
>Normies don't realise how much energy it takes some faggots just to appear normal
I may be paraphrasing here. It is shocking how I can consider a day to be enormously stressful and busy at work, and everyone else consider it a chill, relaxing one.