Would you date a lonely paraplegic girl?

Would you date a lonely paraplegic girl?

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id date a 9.5/10 one

also what does paralegic mean

Ofc, she was best grill

Yes, if she walks towards me

You better fucking believe I would date one. Where do I get mine?

hypothetically yes in reality im already taken but open to being friends

If they're my type absolutely.

I walked a cute deaf girl home when I was in hs once.
dead from the waist down

Why couldn't she be the other type of paraplegic, with the dead part on top and the sensitive part on the bottom?

Why does she need a wheelchair in the hotsprings?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hajimete no Gal - 07 [720p].mkv_snapshot_07.20_[2017.08.23_17.34.34].png (1280x720, 785K)

depends on how feminine her dick is

Why do you even keep posting?

Fuck yeah, in a heartbeat. Disabled girls are the best.
>tfw learning sign language for shouko

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Go back to /a/ with your shitty fansub elitism. It's just subtitles, retard.

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I didnt ask for these feels
Keep them away

Maybe if they were the love of my life or something but otherwise I can't say that I would.

Yes ofcourse im chad and i even would.

Can she wipe her own ass?

I hope not.

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cripples always have too soft poopies that smell like cow dung.

Please stop user, Ive already jerked off twice today.

Why is her wheelchair in the hotspring?

so that she can move around

>Would you date a lonely paraplegic girl?
Yea I think so.
It make it easier for me knowing that she Probably is available to meet most of the time, flip side is she probably doesn't work or contribute much in the way of finances or house work.
I think it would be sweet, but in reality she could still be mean or abusive though most people who are at the mercy of others have no choice but to be sweet.

Sure, as long as the legs are the only thing that are crippled.

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I want to worship and serve a cripple girl desu.