Just a reminder that women care about your personality and confidence not your looks.
*snickers* I hope he bought it guys.
Just a reminder that women care about your personality and confidence not your looks.
*snickers* I hope he bought it guys.
They care about all 3 retard. The good thing is though that you can max out in 2 eras and lack in one and do fine. Ask fat ugly funny guys how much pussy they get. Most ugly funny guys will tell you that they had to develop their sense of humor and girls started to like them. You adapt.
I know a lot of insecure men who get women all the time. Insecurity never kept anybody single. l
Real talk: Women care about looks, personality, confidence, dominance, strength, social status, intelligence, wit, work ethic and monetary value. To say that they don't care about any number of these is a lie. It's why feminism is cancer. Chad tends to win in a patriarchy, yes, but ONLY Chad wins in a matriarchy.
>i don't possess any of these 3 traits
Bro, the guy on the left could totally get pussy for his looks if that angle weren't so bad and he got better looking glasses or contacts.
Personality and confidence don't count for shit if they don't find you attractive enough to continue to interact with, unless you are visibly wealthy of course
If the guy on the left had the body fat percentage of the guy on the right, he would be very close to his sexual market value. throw in a neck tattoo and some little cross under one of his eyes, and he is literally chad
The guy on the left had more pussy than Statham. He is a Ukrainian superhero.
It goes:
Face > Height > personality > wealth/resources
THIS IS IT. Understand it.
I think the wealth beats out personality most of the time
Not really. Wealth will only make them stay around you and give you a half hearted fuck, but they'll still be hanging Chads on the side. Women say they're turned on by money but they're really not.
depends on the age of the woman
Hey. Bro. I know it seems like the decks are constantly stacked against you, but, just keep on keepin' on, bro. K?
You'll get there.
Hahah sshh! Shut up, Stacy, I'm trying not to laugh, either..
An ugly guy with a ripped body is still better thsn an ugly guy that is morbiddly obese.
Those two guys are about as equally ugly desu
lyl rtard
Chad doesn't do that, not a real chad. A real chad tells stacy to stop fucking lying and gives it to you straight.
>"Welcome to Rosenberg & Statham: Where we kick taxes asses."
>muh chad species list
>y-you clearly encountered a brad, chad is fren
Yes, Chad is not beholden to roastie shittests and games. You're thinking of normalfaggot men in general the vast majority of whom are not chad.